Zhou Xiru just smiled like that, I really don't know what to say about him.

Think about it, his adoptive father and biological mother are very rich, but he should have been educated by ordinary people and grew up until he was in college. Therefore, even if he has a lot of money and a distinguished status, he doesn't know much about it... …

He even wanted to learn from the domineering president and sent her 9999 roses bought online, which is super down-to-earth.

Zhou Xiru looked at Yang Heyu and motioned for him to say.

Yang Heyu had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Mr. Xu, all the bosses are now preparing to collect materials. With such a little jadeite from your cleavage, you can produce two glass-filled green bracelets, and put them on the market. , it’s only worth 200 million euros, and the uncle is willing to pay 300 million, so he’s ready to take a gamble!”

"I bought it for 450 million euros, cut it, and I also cut it green. I lost 150 million euros. How do I live these days?" Xu Zhixuan shook his head, expressing that he is not a prodigal son.

"If my family gets together to have a meal at the end of the year, and everyone brags about each other, if I lose 150 billion euros, I still have the right to speak, at least the loss is thorough enough."

"With a loss of 150 million euros, I can't even brag!"

"Ah Ru, I'm going to make another cut, how should I cut it?" Xu Zhilian asked directly.

What kind of materials are you selling? Anyway, I have already lost money, and this is the only time I have lost my mind.

Although Zhou Xiru didn't want to pay attention to him, but in order to go back to the hotel to sleep earlier, she sighed: "You should ask Brother Yang, I don't know much about Jieshi."

"Big material, if you are going to untie it all, just cut it from the middle!"

Xu Zhige looked at Yang Heyu.

"Cut it in the middle!" Yang Heyu said with a smile, "This is the safest way to dissect the stone, but it is only limited to aniseed materials."

Hearing this, Xu Zhijie immediately, with the help of Si Nan, fixed the piece of material on the stone breaker again, and cut it down the middle.

To everyone's surprise, the green of this material was eaten, but inside was not a large piece of green, but a green belt two fingers wide.

Seeing the result of this stone solution, Xu Zhiju looked at Zhou Xiru eagerly.

"What do you see me doing?" Zhou Xiru asked.

"Am I losing money, or have I gained?" Xu Zhijie asked.

"If you want to sell it now, I guess someone will ask for 400 million euros." Zhou Xiru said.

As she spoke, she couldn't help but look at Yang Heyu.

Yang Heyu smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, we can take it back and make it into jewelry and sell it slowly. The profit will still be considerable."

This green is a typical Zhengyang green, whether it is the color or the water species, the green part is very pure, and the other parts are moist white. This kind of bracelet is very popular in the market, and it can be regarded as the current Internet celebrity. payment.

The price is also determined by the amount of green. Bracelets full of green in Zhengyang are generally unaffordable. However, bracelets of this color are different. Hundreds of thousands to several million can be made, and different rings can also be made. Yang Heyu did some calculations and realized that such a fine jadeite should be sold slowly in a jewelry store. Anyway, Xu Zhiyu is not short of such a few dollars.

"That is to say, it has increased?" Xu Zhili asked excitedly.

Yang Heyu nodded, this piece of material is only a half-gamble, not as risky as a full-gamble, and it's normal for a bet to go up.

"Let's go, Ah Ru, treat me to supper!" Xu Zhijie said cheerfully.

How do you listen to this sentence, why are you so awkward?

Zhou Xiru filtered his words in his mind, and then asked: "Why did I treat you to supper? Your bet has gone up, shouldn't you treat me to supper?"

"I spent 450 million euros today and just bought a big jadeite. I can make a little money, but the money... I haven't seen it yet." Xu Zhipeng counted with his fingers.

"What about you, how much did you earn today?" Xu Zhixuan asked, "Your cost for that piece of material just now is negligible. You earned 3000 million euros, and you still say I'll deduct it?"

In such a comparison, Xu Zhili was a little injured.

Girls come to Jieyang like picking up money, what can he do?

"Go back to the hotel and sleep!" Zhou Xiru told Yang Heyu to go through the formalities quickly and transport Xu Zhili's material back. As for the white sand skin material she bought, she was going to take it back to the hotel. It's not big anyway, only 21 kilograms.

After Yang Heyu thought about it, he realized that that piece of rock was suitable for participating in the Sixth Class Crazy Stone.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Zhou Xiru knocked on Xu Zhilian's door.

Since you came to Jieyang with her, don't try to be lazy, go to see the stone with her.

Of course, the scale of Jieyang’s jadeite auction is not as large as that of Myanmar, and the jadeite wool is naturally not as much as that of Myanmar. It lasts for three days, the last day is a hidden bid, and the first two days are open bids.

It took Zhou Xiru a day to read and stroke all the Mingbiao, and she found that she was sad.

Mingbiao does not mean that there is no good jadeite wool, but the best piece of material is a piece of black tungsten sand, the material of the old Pagan.

System identification, Laokeng glass species, Zhengyang green!

If this was the past, Zhou Xiru would naturally be overjoyed, but she doesn't think that if she goes to participate in the Crazy Stone, she can win with this material.

What Zhou Xiru couldn't understand the most was that the public auction of Jieyang jadeite was not like an auction where pieces of jadeite were auctioned. Instead, it was announced on the big screen that some numbered jadeites would be auctioned today, and some would be auctioned tomorrow. .Of course, every piece of jadeite wool has a reserve price, which is clearly written on the side of the wool, and can be recorded when looking at the goods.

The time is one hour, and all buyers can bid on the public screen. Which piece of jadeite wool do you buy, enter the number and price.

Finally, according to the computer statistics, the one with the highest price wins.

In other words, you bid, but someone else bids higher than you, and you want to bid again. If the time is up, you can’t bid anymore—the emerald wool is someone else’s.

This is not only useful for throwing money, but also evaluates the pros and cons of each piece of jadeite wool, and then evaluates the market price to give the most reasonable price.

This is psychological warfare.

Moreover, an hour is a bit long.

"Brother Yang, is this the same way to play secret bids?" Zhou Xiru asked.

Yang Heyu nodded and said, "The same is true for hidden bids, but the hidden bids will not be displayed on the public screen, and no one will know what everyone bids. This is also to protect personal privacy, and it is also effective in preventing follow-up buying."

"Sounds reasonable!" Zhou Xiru smiled wryly.

The system said that winning the bidder of the Jieyang Jadeite public offering is a bonus question.

At the beginning, Zhou Xiru also thought that this was a bonus question—probably because the third-level task was too difficult, the system realized it and gave her a bonus question.

She has already inquired today that the king of the bid is in the hidden bid, and it is a piece of jadeite wool, big material!

It is said that the color is very good, how good it is, she doesn't know, and she has never seen it, and the hidden label area will not be opened until the last day.

According to the auction of the hidden bid, it is not easy for her to win the bid king.

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