Ranguang Treasure Mirror

Chapter 320 Your stone, you decide

Zhou Xiru once again had the urge to beat him up.

However, after the price reached 450 million euros, no one bid again.

Xu Zhige got the piece as he wished.

"Give me the money, and I'll settle it later." Zhou Xiru didn't forget that last time this guy helped her sell a bronze mirror with sea animal and grape patterns from the Tang Dynasty, he took the money and didn't give it to her.

If she doesn't ask him for money now, he will definitely renege on it later.

Not only does he not look like a domineering president, he also doesn't have the style of a dandy who spends a lot of money like a young man from a wealthy family.

It's no wonder that when he was in school, he confessed his love to You Jinnian, but You Jinnian rejected him.

People like this are really inferior to nouveau riche.

Xu Zhijie took out his phone and opened a certain bank's app. Thinking about it, he felt a little heartbroken. If there is no jade, he can only throw it to Zhao Hui.

"Ah Ru, do you want to give me money?" Xu Zhixuan asked in a low voice, "Can you wait for me to cut the price and sell it before giving me money?"

"Ask them, can you wait for you to cut the price and sell it before you pay?" Zhou Xiru's voice was a little loud, so many people couldn't help but look towards them.

Xu Zhijie looked at him with piercing eyes, as if he still wanted to hit him, so he hurriedly said, "Ah Ru, I'll call my dad!"

Think about it, Xu Mi once told him that if you lack money, you can find him, and don't make jokes outside.

"Give me the money now!" Zhou Xiru pressed his hand and said, "Hurry up, I don't want your old man's money, speed."

"All right!"

With a look of grievance on Xu Zhixuan's face, he transferred 450 million euros to Zhou Xiru.

Yang Heyu got up to settle the settlement, and Zhou Xiru was only responsible for the payment.

Waiting to push out the two pieces of jade wool, Yang Heyu asked in a low voice: "Miss Aru, do you want to untie the stone?"

"Bring back my emerald wool, Mr. Xu wants to dissect the stone. He wants to cut and taste it slowly. Zhu Bajie eats ginseng fruit like this." Zhou Xiru said, and deliberately clicked his tongue twice.

Xu Zhijie didn't care, and said with a smile: "Ah Ru, if I have ginseng fruit, I will give you one. I'm not Zhu Bajie, I don't eat alone."

Yang Heyu was busy preparing the stone-breaking machine, and soon, the jadeite wool that Xu Zhilian spent 450 million euros on was fixed on the stone-breaking machine.

Xu Zhijie was flustered and nervous again.

Touching some hearts that were beating too fast, he was going to borrow another quick-acting Baoxin pill to eat and then relieve the stone, so he looked around in the crowd, but he didn't find the kind uncle just now.

"Xu Zhige, what are you looking at?" Zhou Xiru asked in surprise.

"I... Ah Ru, I need to take another quick-acting Baoxin Pill. Is there a pharmacy near here?" Xu Zhijie turned on his phone and navigated to nearby pharmacies while talking.

"It's just one stone, and you don't have geriatric diseases. Don't babble, hurry up." Zhou Xiru sighed. Tomorrow's jadeite fair starts at nine o'clock in the morning, and now it's almost four o'clock in the morning. What is he going to do?

Hurry up and get rid of the stone, she is going back to the hotel for a while.

Xu Zhijie was helpless, scratched his head, and asked, "How to solve it?"

No one wanted to bully him, Zhou Xiru looked up at the sky, and Sinan was going to pretend not to know him.

"Ah Ru, how do you untangle the stone?" Xu Zhixuan asked again.

"Your stone, you decide!" Zhou Xiru said directly.

"Oh?" With a frustrated look on his face, Xu Zhijie grabbed Si Nan and called out in a low voice, "Brother Si Nan..."

Si Nan didn't want to pay attention to him either.

"Brother Sinan, teach me!" Xu Zhixuan grabbed his arm and shouted.

Si Nan was about to speak, but when he looked up, he saw Zhou Xiru glaring at him. He hurriedly covered his mouth, then, he grabbed his cute son-in-law and whispered, "You should find your sister."

Xu Zhijie walked up to Zhou Xiru, stretched out his hand, tugged at her sleeve, and called pitifully, "Sister!"

"According to the original incision, move in two centimeters and make a cut." Zhou Xiru said directly.

Xu Zhijie cheered, and immediately asked Si Nan to help him adjust the stone breaker. He reached out and pressed on the handle of the stone breaker, and pressed down slowly.

Zhou Xiru was a little strange, and asked: "Xu Zhiyu, when you buy antiques, you spend a lot of money, have you ever been so picky?"

Although she knows that Xu Zhijie is usually very fastidious, but she really doesn't know that he can buy jadeite wool to this level, and she can guarantee that if she doesn't ask him for money in advance, then, as long as he loses his bet today Yes, he absolutely refuses to pay.

"I've never gambled before!" Xu Zhijun said honestly, "I went to an ordinary university to study medicine from the beginning."

"Later, my father didn't know what medicine he took wrongly, and insisted on transferring me to an international noble school. I really couldn't accept it." Xu Zhige sighed.

"I'm from Huaxia. I went to school, so I naturally have my own social circle. They asked me to play mahjong!"

"I thought it was just for fun, not for money. In the end, they played so hard that I was scared and ran away."

Of course, because of this reason, he became a joke in the Huaxia circle of the aristocratic school.

While speaking, the grinding wheel stopped turning, Xu Zhijie let go of his hand, looked at Sinan and said, "Brother Sinan, please help me to see, I need to be quiet... I really don't have the mental quality to gamble."

Yang Heyu was a little curious, and asked, "Mr. Xu, I have heard about the school you mentioned. I heard that all of them are students from the top aristocratic families. Some royal families even send their princes and princesses to study there?"

"Yeah!" Xu Zhixuan nodded. This is not a rare thing. Apart from the top aristocratic families, royal families, etc., there are also some deep-rooted gangsters, international arms dealers, etc., who will secretly hide their children in such a place. place.

The school environment was very chaotic, and he couldn't get used to it in the first six months.

"My lord, my lord, there is green!" Si Nan shouted loudly, "Come and see!"

Xu Zhijie was overjoyed when he heard this, hurriedly walked over, touched the sliced ​​noodles with his hands, sure enough, after eating the green, the inside was still shiny and green, very nice.

Yang Heyu got some water, washed it for a while, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, congratulations."

"What should we do next?" Xu Zhili asked.

Yang Heyu couldn't help looking at Zhou Xiru, and Xu Zhixuan also looked at her eagerly.

Zhou Xiru thought for a while and said, "Xu Zhipeng, now you have two choices. First, cut it down the middle."

"What about the second?" Xu Zhijie asked.

"Sell it!" Zhou Xiru laughed.

There were many jewelers wandering around, the reason why no one asked Xu Zhiyu to make a bid was because the price of this piece of jadeite wool was too expensive, and the current cut out did not mean that it was a piece of jadeite that was full of green and not worthy of gambling. sex.

Therefore, everyone is in a wait-and-see state.

"How much can I sell?" Xu Zhiyou asked with a frown.

"300 million euros, I'll take it!" A person next to him said loudly.

Xu Zhijie was a little confused. This piece of wool was worth 450 million euros. He cut it and it turned out green. Why did they only offer 300 million euros?

"Ah Ru, is this uncle bullying me?" Xu Zhixuan asked Zhou Xiru in a low voice while tugging at Zhou Xiru.

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