Rebirth in 1998 is also a kind of life

Chapter 425 Resource Allocation

One day later, on the weekend, Yang Zhu came back.

Although this guy still looks as cynical as ever on the surface, but as the people next to him, the little girl and Wan Qingyi can easily spot the gloomy look between his brows.

"Yang Zhu, what's the matter? Regarding the land transfer, the communication with the imperial capital is not smooth?" The little girl who was rolling out the dough looked at her man with some concern.

Due to the involvement of multiple sub-categories, the "special supply bases for agricultural products" in Zhutou's business future planning are not only scattered in more than ten provinces, but the total area is not a small number. In order to ensure some key characteristic products ( Such as the source control of some landmark products), the land management rights of many bases need to be changed under the company's name;

Therefore, the difficulty for Yang Zhu to obtain the support from above is really not small - besides, it is related to the land, this matter cannot be decided by a single promotion department, and several departments at the level of big bosses need to be involved in the process. Not to mention the degree,

"Yes, yes, anyway, this matter will not be so urgent for a while, and it will be fine after a year or two. Now the domestic rural land transfer policy has been gradually liberalized. Wait a year or two. Even if we apply for more land projects, maybe the higher-ups will agree to it—besides, if it’s really not possible, we can slow down and come to each sub-category!” Wan Wan, who went to his man’s house as a guest Qing Yi comforted the dumplings while sealing the edges.

Yang Zhu grimaced and bounced the meat filling leaked out of the cracked dumpling skin back into the basin, racking his brains to reshape the dumpling, and rolled his eyes at the school girl.

Thank you for thinking of it, but also a sub-category and a sub-category?

Not to mention that this refueling tactic will increase the capital cost, time cost and labor cost exponentially, considering the sunk cost of opportunity and the risk of competitive substitution, it is absolutely impossible to do this-you know, As an industry benchmark, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at Zhutou Trading, with so many potential "followers" and "imitators", slowing down is tantamount to asking for trouble for yourself.

But it wasn't this that bothered him.


"Although the Department of Promotion did not give a final answer, they expressed their willingness to vigorously promote these projects. Since Cheng Yonggang dared to say this, it at least shows that the certainty of this matter is at least 7%!" Yang Zhu sighed softly , and then, under Lu Feifei's disgusted eyes, put the dumpling dressed in beggar's clothes in the dustpan.

Lu Feifei picked out the beggar's dumpling from the dustpan in a fair manner, then tore it open regardless of Yang Zhu's consideration, and drove the meat back into the basin, but threw the dumpling skin directly into the trash can: "Brother, since The Department of Promotion is willing to promote this matter, so why are you sighing!?"

Seeing the dumplings he worked so hard to make were cut into pieces by five horses, Yang Zhu said he was very hurt, and then sighed leisurely: "It's not this that bothers me, in fact, even if the matter of changing the land management right is closed , I also have a way to save the country with curves - I sigh because of other things."

Hearing that Yang Zhu's sigh was because of "something else", Wan Qingyi was a little frightened... Be good and drop the cage, isn't my lover going to confess the relationship between the two to Sister Qingcuo right now?

Have you misunderstood, I came here today to grab a meal, I really didn't want to urge anything, I just wanted to meet my man!

Thinking of this, Wan Qingyi, who wanted to cry without tears, gave Yang Zhu a wink, and then asked, "No, something else? What else?"

Hearing the undetectable tremor in Wan Qingyi's voice, Yang Zhu looked at this coward with some disdain, and then sighed: "Our country has carried out the [Pairup Assistance] policy for five years, you should all you know?"


The so-called "pair assistance" is an important poverty alleviation and development policy of the country.

In October 1996, the central government convened a working conference on poverty alleviation and development. In the "Decision on Solving the Food and Clothing Problems of the Rural Poor Population as Soon as Possible", the paired assistance policy was determined, requiring nine eastern coastal provinces including Shanghai, Shanghai, Guangdong and Shencheng The city and 10 cities under separate state planning will help 9 impoverished provinces and autonomous regions in the west, including nmg, southern Yunnan, Guangxi and Guizhou. , economic and technological cooperation and talent exchange, and carry out multi-level and all-round cooperation.

As one of the coastal provinces, Qilu's gdp has been at the forefront of the country in recent years, and it even reached the top the year before last. Naturally, it is also one of the nine selected provinces and cities.

It's just that Qilu's support is very interesting. Others support province-to-province, city-to-city, and Qilu is the only province that supports city-to-city. The object of help is... Shuangqing!

Uh... This matter sounds ridiculous to the ears of later generations. A municipality with a famous future, gdp ranked 16th, and economic activity is sprinting forward 3 times. , "Twilight" famous northern provinces counterpart assistance?

Unfortunately, just like many people in southern Yunnan who don't know that their least favorite people from Modu have helped them for more than ten years... It is indeed a fact that Qilu helped Shuangqing!


Hearing that Yang Zhu suddenly mentioned counterpart assistance, the three women were at a loss.

In fact, since 2000, Zhutou Trading Co., Ltd., which has become famous, has been participating in the counterpart assistance project for Shuangqing under the leadership of the province.

However, counterpart assistance is not a disaster relief donation, but to achieve an optimized balance of resources, help the other party revitalize the economic vitality, and help the other party's advantageous industries and potential industries. Cooperation, sales and procurement-based commercial activities;

Therefore, although Zhutou Trading has selected many Shuangqing agricultural products and local specialty brands to enter its own o2o platform, due to various considerations... especially logistics considerations, it has not carried out in-depth cooperation like it did with Liao Province. .

"Could it be that the Promotion Department wants our company to cooperate with Shuangqing as a condition, so that they agreed to help us promote the special supply base project for agricultural products?" The little girl frowned.


As the proprietress of the company and the director of the Supervision Department, this kind of "task nature" business is naturally the focus of their Supervision Department's supervision, otherwise, if something goes wrong, the impact will be extremely bad.

Because of this, she naturally knows that although Shuangqing is only a city in name, as the largest municipality directly under the Central Government in China, its actual area is as high as 8.2 square kilometers, which is 2.39 times the total area of ​​the three cities of Imperial Capital, Tianjin, and Magic Capital. ; It can be regarded as a province - after all, the area of ​​Qiong Province is only 3.4 square kilometers.

However, whether the area is large or not is not the main reason for the little girl's frown - what she really frowns is the unique economic structure of Shuangqing's side.

Perhaps it is a common problem in the southwestern region, especially in the Bayu area. Due to traffic problems, the economy of any city here is prone to serious siphon effects, and as the economy of Shuangqing City begins to develop rapidly, this siphon effect It's getting worse—a municipality of 8.2 square kilometers, and the core economic zone of Liangjiang (the ninth district of the main city and the surrounding 80-kilometer circle) account for 70% of the entire Shuangqing's GDP!

You know, the main urban area of ​​Shuangqing is only 847.6 square kilometers in total, while the relatively economically developed counties and districts in the 80-kilometer circle around it only have an area of ​​5024 square kilometers, and the sum of the two is only 5871 square kilometers.

In other words, it occupies 93% of Shuangqing's area (7.6 kilometers), and the population occupies 2/3 of Shuangqing's population (the total population of Shuangqing in 2001 was 2840 million, the population of the main urban area was about 900 million, and the rest of the county was nearly 2000 million). districts, together only contributed 30% of gdp! ?

Although the little girl didn't ask people to collect more detailed information because the focus of her work was not in this area, she clearly remembered that Wuxi County, which was located in the northeast of Shuangqing and ranked at the bottom, had a GDP that was only a fraction of that of the top Wanzhou District That's all - although the actual area of ​​the former is larger than that of the latter.

And only from the comparison of these several sets of preliminary data, we can see how difficult it will be and how high the cost will be if Zhutou Trading wants to "intensively support" Shuangqing. , is far more than just money.

However, the Department of Promotion actually bypassed the province and talked with Yang Zhu about the counterpart assistance in Shuangqing City alone. It is obvious that the intensity of the higher-ups wanting to cast investment and trade is by no means the same as in the past, and it is difficult not to let Xiao The girl thinks of some not-so-great things—even though Zhutou Trading is already a national large-scale enterprise in terms of the company's size, business nature and influence, there is no such thing as the Department of Promotion's direct contact with Zhutou Trading. What's wrong.


Seeing the worried expression between the eyebrows of his own woman, Yang Zhu laughed: "Although what Lao Cheng meant is true, I don't have any complaints about this matter alone!"

This is the truth. If you change to another province or region, if you want Yang Zhu to engage in this kind of in-depth assistance project with large investment, slow return or even no return, even if he turns his face on the spot, he will never agree—what a joke He, Mr. Yang, is not a madam with a smart brain, and wants him to be this fat pig, there is no way!


But this is a double celebration in the Bayu area!

As a Chinese, even if he is a reborn person, facing this piece of hot land that once walked out of millions of Sichuan troops and supported the last backbone of China; He really doesn't have the face to refuse the millions of heroic souls on the earth.

What's more, this matter may not be completely lost, and it will not be good... Isn't it because Zhutou Private Equity has already started to collect money in the beautiful country, and the big deal is to make money abroad and spend it domestically!

Hearing what Yang Zhu said, the little girl was a little confused: "If that's the case, then why are you sighing?"

Yang Zhu smiled with some mixed feelings: "The reason why I sighed was because... maybe I was too [knowledgeable] in too many things before, which caused Lao Cheng to be a little too ignorant of me, as if subconsciously Treat us like a state-owned enterprise, or even a central enterprise;”

"This... is very bad!"

Hearing this, Lu Feifei looked at her god-brother incomprehensibly: "Brother, did you make a mistake!? How many people want this kind of treatment but can't ask for it, and you sigh over it?"

As he said that, he pointed Yang Zhu with his fingers full of ashes and said, "Central enterprises eh~! The country's own son eh~!"

Yang Zhu rolled his eyes, and looked at her with a rotten wood that cannot be sculpted: "You know a lot! We are a private company now, so don't use those state-owned company thinking to measure things!"

After finishing speaking, he scratched his head in distress, and explained to the little girl who was also confused: "Although for the future casting investment business, the recognition and closeness shown by the above are precious treasures that are priceless, but... If this attitude will affect the strategic allocation of resources of Zhutou Trading, then it is hard to say whether it is a blessing or a curse!"

As soon as this remark came out, the three women were shocked at first, and then became thoughtful.

Although "whatever you give, you will be rewarded" is more like a chicken soup, but "whatever you get, you will pay" is an eternal truth.

Of course, the above-mentioned friendly attitude towards casting and investment business will bring many benefits, such as many green lights in the business process, the priority of major projects, the auction of industrial land used for storage, and the connection of resources between local institutions will become more convenient; Even the relatively sensitive large-scale land transfer is not unimaginable for Zhutou Trading;

But, in the same way, if the above regards Zhutou Trading as a state-owned enterprise, or even a central enterprise...

Then as a response, in some matters, Zhutou Trading needs to pay much more than ordinary private enterprises-you must know that state-owned enterprises and central enterprises have to undertake a lot of social responsibilities, and the direct payment The huge cost and hidden cost are hard for outsiders to imagine.

Obviously, the promotion department's invitation this time is more like an interview - if you agree, and go all out to do it, then congratulations, Zhutou Trading will probably appear in the red book; if you don't agree , or in vain to deal with, then the above will not say anything, but there may be some subtle changes in the attitude in the future.

As for why you look at Zhutou Trading differently?

That’s another question, except that Zhutou International Trade has played an obvious role in mobilizing regional economic vitality, and the values ​​that have been expressed all along are also in line with the appetite of the above; it is nothing more than the overseas actions of Zhutou International Trade in the past two years , Let Yang Zhu be recognized by the leaders as a "red businessman" - the three women who already know what Zhutou International Trade has done overseas think so.


They probably understand that this attitude will affect the strategic allocation of resources of Zhutou Trading, but what kind of saying is this "it's hard to say it's a blessing or a curse"! ?

Hearing Lu Feifei bluntly uttered her doubts, Yang Zhu looked at the little girl and Wan Qingyi who were also full of curiosity, and scratched his head involuntarily: "Well... I have to follow my Let’s talk about the job of the boss.”

Maybe it was because he remembered the tragic experience of being a cow and a horse in the past two years, or maybe he was extremely upset that his lover could steal and play tricks on weekdays, Wan Qingyi looked at him with contempt: "Boss's job? You Yang Da Isn't the job of the boss just to try to squeeze the employees?... Especially those of us acquaintances, it's so ruthless to kill them!"

As soon as this remark came out, the little girl and Lu Feifei immediately responded, and Lu Feifei even began to criticize Yang Zhu—since they joined Zhutou Trading, their life was even worse than that of social animals, and they were exhausted. Not to mention half-dead, but there was a senior official Yang who seemed to be doing nothing next to him. Under such a strong contrast, they naturally felt dissatisfied for a long time.

After being attacked by three women with guns and sticks for a long time, and even a little bit of martial arts, the embarrassed Mr. Yang begged for mercy in every possible way, and signed many unequal treaties before returning to the topic come up.

After coughing, Yang Zhu glared at Wan Qingyi, who was provoking trouble, and then continued: "As a boss, no matter what the so-called strategy, core business formulation, or even the establishment of the enterprise management system and resources The direction of integration, in the final analysis, is nothing more than four words - resource allocation!"

"It is precisely because of this, due to the basic quality of the boss of Zhutou Trading, that I have to consider whether to deliberately control the relationship distance with the above in the days to come!"

resource allocation?

The three women who have been sitting in their respective seats for a long time naturally know the principle of simplicity, and their understanding of these four words is definitely not as superficial as ordinary people imagine.


With China's entry into the wto, the domestic economy is rapidly changing from a stock market to an incremental market;

In this environment, government relations, especially high-level relations, are definitely one of the scarce resources that companies, even most state-owned enterprises, most want to obtain;

If converted according to GM's "goodwill", allocating [-] shares of other resources in exchange for a share of high-level resources will definitely be a huge profit for Zhutou Trading;

It is impossible for Yang Zhu not to know such a simple truth,

Then why did he hesitate, even obviously a little unhappy?

The three women looked at Mr. Yang who sneaked out a cigarette and lit it. For a while, they deliberately ignored the "smoking control order" on this guy, and began to think...

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