Lu Feifei scratched her hair in distress: "I feel that there are indeed many similarities, such as paying great attention to goodwill; for example, paying great attention to customer experience; for example, paying great attention to grassroots employees..."

"However, there are many differences; the business model, management method, incentive model, supply chain management, etc. are not on the same line at all; why do you say that we are imitating Fat Donglai?"

Yang Zhu curled his lips: "Our Workers' Home is a platform, while Fat Donglai is currently only a traditional channel. In addition, the strength, employee size and core departments of the two companies are different, and some external performances are naturally different."

"And have you forgotten a sentence, the so-called [He who learns from me will live, and those who resemble me will die]; don't be blinded by the outer skin, and talk after you understand the essence of things!"

Seeing Lu Feifei's pensive look, Yang Zhu, who was eager to take a bath, stood up: "If you don't understand, go back to the room and think about it, I'm going to take a bath!"

Lu Feifei quickly pulled him back: "Hey, don't worry, brother, I haven't expressed my biggest doubt yet!"

Yang Zhu, who was dragged back, knocked on the coffee table angrily: "What's the problem?"

Lu Feifei snatched the remaining 13 cigarettes in his hand with a look of disgust, threw them into the ashtray and extinguished them: "Brother, I don't understand this cooperation with Fat Donglai at all, can you tell me no?" ?”

Yang Zhu looked at the small half of the red panda in the ashtray with some pain. This is an out-of-print cigarette in later generations, this prodigal girl!

Precautionally, he quietly stuffed the remaining half pack of red pandas in his pocket under the coffee table, and coughed: "Is there anything you don't understand?"

Lu Feifei raised her chin: "Brother, although Fat Donglai did a good job, is it really worth 400 billion?"

Yang Zhu shrugged: "It depends on how you look at it. If you only look at the fixed assets, it is not even worth 4 million now; if you count the current brand premium, it is estimated to be 10 billion at worst."

Lu Feifei looked surprised: "Then you spent 80 billion to buy 20% of their shares!?"

Yang Zhu smiled: "The most difficult thing in the world is the process from 0 to 1... If you regard Fat Donglai as a kindling seed, then his current value will never be less than 100 billion; In terms of macro value, 400 billion is an underestimation!"

"Unfortunately, this kindling is very important to our casting investment business, so the 80 billion flowers are very worthwhile!"

Lu Feifei was at a loss: "Brother, haven't we demonstrated many times internally that the future retail industry will be dominated by e-commerce? Even if Pangdonglai's service quality is very good, it is a traditional channel after all."

" you really think these 80 billion flowers are worth?"

In fact, what she originally wanted to ask was "Are you sure you didn't find this investment project on purpose to cheat Uncle Yan and your own mother?"

However, when he thought that out of the 80 billion investment, nearly 76 billion was allocated by Yang Zhu who did not know where, so he wisely did not say it - no one in this world would be so stupid as to cheat other people's 4 million. , but caught up with his own 76 billion.

Yang Zhu was silent for a while, and then said: "The future retail industry must be e-commerce, and this sentence is correct."

"However, have you ever thought about a question, if according to the current domestic business atmosphere and the urgency of merchants, what will it look like once entering the era of e-commerce?"

This proposition is a bit big, and Lu Feifei couldn't react at once. After thinking for a while, she came up with her own inference: "Brother, you said that with the continuous upgrading of Internet technology and the popularization of private computers; The fast pace will inevitably give birth to the lazy economy, which is the basis of the general environment for entering the national e-commerce."

"After entering the era of e-commerce, because the Internet has broken down information barriers and geographical restrictions, it is inevitable that all merchants will gather on the same network platform to compete at the same latitude;"

"At this time, it is bound to be extremely prone to the [full track Red Sea] situation. If the interference of external factors is excluded, there is a high probability that there will be four kinds of differentiation in the core competition means of these businesses;"

"First, continuously upgrade and iterate, enhance product value by upgrading packaging, shaping concepts or improving quality, and continue to subdivide usage scenarios to anchor segmented markets;"

"Second, continuously optimize the supply chain, reduce product costs on the basis of meeting the basic functions, and obtain a large number of orders through cost-effective or simple price wars;"

"Third, start to focus on marketing and light on products; sell those low-cost, low-quality, and even fake and inferior products to consumers at attractive prices through conceptual packaging, and change the concept after harvesting a wave of IQ tax Products, continue to cut leeks."

"Fourth... Directly touch the natural traffic of the popular track of porcelain, and sell low-quality products or even fake and inferior products at extremely low prices. Anyway, Chinese people like to take advantage of it. As long as the price can cover the product cost, they will definitely be able to harvest a wave of leeks. "

Yang Zhu nodded. Although what Lu Feifei said was not comprehensive, she roughly described the situation of later generations.

Unable to bear the craving for cigarettes, Yang Zhu quietly took out a cigarette and lit it: "Given the current business environment and the nature of businesses, which one do you think will prevail among the four methods of competition?"

Lu Feifei's face was a bit ugly: "Naturally, it is the fourth and third types. After all, the business atmosphere in our country is too impetuous, and everyone wants to make a lot of money; those who can achieve the second means of competition are considered Conscientious enterprise, let alone the first type?"

Yang Zhu smiled: "Countless historical experience tells us that when the living space is restricted, it is very easy for bad money to drive out good money, and it is also very easy for competition factors to become low-latitude and industry oligarchs... In the end, return to Die or become a pool of stagnant water."

"What do you think, given the size of our country's business, once that happens, what will happen?"

Lu Feifei, who is very touched by the Matthew Effect, thinks of the tens of millions of companies in thousands of product tracks in China, and finally watched thousands of leading companies take more than 80% of the market share, while she sold them in a month. The sight of a few products coming out made one feel terrified.

Yang Zhu looked at Lu Feifei, whose face was turning pale, and continued to ask: "You also know that the behavior of our country's enterprises is to follow the crowd; once we find that the e-commerce platform can effectively reduce our rent costs, labor costs and operating costs, It is bound to go all the way to the e-commerce field;”

"It's okay when the e-commerce model still has the bonus period of the times. Once the e-commerce bonus period has passed, the traffic and market share of the e-commerce platform are monopolized by a few leading guess most of the companies will eventually What happens next?"

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