He took out the little yellow book, but didn't open it, anyway, he knew what was in it, he just put it on his chest and looked at the top of the book in a daze.

Shen Fu's words in the morning can be said to have clearly confessed his thoughts to himself, and because of this, Zhou Heng felt that his emotional balance was gradually tilting towards him.

Speaking of which, even if he can successfully return to the 21st century in the future, Zhou Heng feels that for him, the biggest possibility for the rest of his life is to find a man with similar conditions to marry.

I didn't think it was a big deal at first, after all, I was working towards this goal before.But now, when Xu Shi and Shen Fu were in a tender relationship, when he thought of spending the rest of his life in the same bed with a man who at most was pleasing to his eyes, he suddenly felt that it was simply unbearable.

These days, as the relationship with Shen Fu continues to deepen, the relationship between the two is becoming more and more intimate. As a girl who has seen the island country pornography, and has been in love twice, what does a man look like when he is in love? Zhou Heng is also very clear.

Just like lying on him last night and taking the initiative to kiss him, Shen Fu's subsequent reaction, I also have a personal feeling.

Although I feel shy, there are also some...happy, after all, it's because I fell in love with myself.

However, although he has rich theoretical knowledge and had some intimate behaviors with the two boys he had dated with, for some reason, even though the man had made further requests at the time, he chose to refuse them at the last moment.

Thinking about it now, it should be because the relationship is not deep enough, and I am still hesitating in my heart.

Zhou Heng thinks that he is not a conservative person. To put it bluntly, he just doesn't like that person enough.

Thinking of this, he turned over and continued to lie on his side, then lifted up the little yellow book and glanced at the so-called title written on it, Zhou Heng let out a foul breath and asked himself:

what about now?Leaving aside the unpredictable factor of running away, if you only talk about Shen Fu, who is now in love with each other, would you be willing to... that with him?

It seems... you can give it a try, right?Zhou Heng covered his blushing face with a book. In fact, he was also somewhat delusional (very) imaginative (strange) about that matter.

Therefore, in essence, she is a girl who is going to be three years old, and now she is lucky enough to meet someone she likes again. Life is short, and there is no need to worry about the red tape in this world. Get married, maybe... I can fulfill Mrs. Zhou's wish?

Those ancient dogmas have no effect on me, at least they are people who have come from the 21st century. Besides, the order of the elders and the marriage given by the queen mother are only a formal wedding, which is not too out of the ordinary. Now the two can be regarded as unmarried couples, right?

On Shen Fu's side, Shen Yi and Uncle He seemed to have accepted themselves. Anyway, the wedding doesn't know the year of the monkey, and the good years cannot be wasted.

Alas, taking off the book on his face and turning over again, Zhou Heng looked at the falling curtain and asked himself:

In fact, after all the reasons, isn't it because you want Shen Fu to know your feelings for him, and to comfort his heart that he intends to wait for you?

Count me as stupid, but this should be the case when you like someone, right?Just thinking about how to make him happy and happy...

I fell asleep unconsciously in such a state of mind, and when I woke up, I touched something in my hand, picked it up and looked at it, and Zhou Heng, who was originally dazed, was so frightened that he hurriedly gave the little yellow book that he had just used as a thinking aid to him. Stuffed it under the pillow, but turned around to look, the curtain between the inside and the outside was still hanging down, and now I was the only one in the inner room.

Even so, after quickly putting the little yellow book back into the jewelry box, Zhou Heng got up and got dressed and went out with a guilty conscience, and asked Chun Yu, who was sitting at the table outside, bowing his head and doing needlework, tentatively:

"I was sleeping in the back room just now, have you been here all this time?"

Knowing that this was indeed the case, Zhou Heng felt relieved, and then his attention was attracted by what Chun Yu was doing:

"Are you making shoes? For your father?"

This was an unintentional remark, but seeing that Chun Yu blushed after hearing this, and didn't answer, she couldn't help but asked again in surprise:

"What's wrong? Isn't that the right question?"

But seeing that Chun Yu was still blushing and bowed his head in silence, the shoe looked quite big, and it should be made for men. After thinking about it, because of his current situation, he quickly understood:

"You...are you making shoes for your fiancé?"

For a while, I couldn't help being a little envious, so I teased:

"It seems that we should marry you off as soon as possible!"

Chun Yu ignored her, it's not like the two of them haven't talked about it before, anyway, it's not up to the two of them to decide, the two adults haven't agreed on the date of marriage, but according to the custom, the girl to be married still has to Do some embroidery work for my future husband-in-law for future needs, and I am not very good at needlework, so I have to start slowly now.

In Zhou Heng's eyes, Chun Yu's appearance as a lady waiting to be married was a little bit of irritation. For this reason, she inevitably found a way to go back to the inner room and sit by the bed alone for a while, not knowing what to do. Why, I suddenly found that I miss Shen Fu very much, I miss him very much, I can't wait to see him right away.

For this reason, he got up again and went outside to ask Chun Yu:

"What time is it now? I don't know if Uncle He is back? Is the prince in the outer courtyard?"

Chun Yu put down what she was doing and thought about it:

"It's almost the end of the hour now. The prince didn't come here just now. If Uncle He comes back, we may not know about it in the inner court, but Shen Shizhong will come here almost as soon as he comes, so we should have dinner here."

Zhou Heng thought about it too, and felt a little bored for a while, so he stood beside Chun Yu and watched her make shoes.

Shen Yi brought Ahua over after taking a nap.

"It's okay, it's okay, you're already up," Shen Yi lifted her foot into the door and saw her, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on her face, pointed to her son running around cheerfully holding a small bow and said:

"This kid, after waking up, has been clamoring to bring his little bow to come to play with you. His nurse and I have tried our best to coax you up to now. Seeing that we can't stop him no matter what, we have no choice but to let him You will suffer another time, and there will be Chunyu, I hope that you two girls who are about to marry will not be frightened by this little trouble, haha!"

The two naturally expressed in a hurry that they would not, Zhou Heng was fine, but Chun Yu blushed again after she finished speaking, Shen Yi glanced at the needlework placed in the basket by her feet, pursed her lips and smiled , looked at the son who was presenting treasures to Zhou Heng at this moment, and said something pointedly:

"Of course, you will know later that the joy of having a baby around your knees is far more than the pain of raising a child. It's worth it!"

These words made Chun Yu blush even more, Zhou Heng felt very touched for some reason, thinking of bathing and putting the little guy in front of him to sleep with Shen Fu last night, and then Shen Fu hugging him and holding his hand in his arms. Seeing shooting stars under the starry sky, alas, in this life, if you can have children with Shen Fu, and then hold the child with him and look up at the shooting stars, then you will really have no regrets in this life!

If this is the case, will grandma, the old man, be relieved by this, and be able to forgive herself for not coming back?

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