Tibetan Sea Pearl

Chapter 262 Exhale

There must be no good things for the surname Huo to come out.

I don't know who is going to suffer.

Xining Hou Shizi didn't have this leisurely mind. Many things happened in the world every day. The emperor turned a blind eye and let Mr. Huo do whatever he did.

After leaving the tea shop, the two parted ways. Lin Cheng wanted to go back to Lantern Alley, and he couldn't avoid taking this path.

There was a large group of people in front, pointing and talking in low voices.

The vermilion figure on the horse looks like a burning fire in the sun, eye-catching and unbearable to look at.

Mr. Huo had no expression on his face, and raised his hand, "Do it."

Accompanied by his order, the two Jinyi guards stepped forward, pulled out the embroidered spring knives from their skirts, jumped up and took off to the beams of the roof.

With a bang, the plaque on the gate suddenly fell and fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Something happened at the door, it was quite loud, Su Yue was drying the herbs in the backyard, and heard it all.

"Go out and have a look." She ordered Hongjiao.

Bang bang bang bang, I don't know who is smashing the house or tearing it down.This is an old street. The location is good. It is close to the main street and quiet. There are many houses in disrepair on the street.

Hong Jiao hurriedly put down the herbs in her hands, and walked away quickly.

Just as she opened the door, there was a commotion outside the door. She never expected that it was their house that was demolished.

Her first reaction.

"Are you making a mistake?" she yelled.

Got it wrong?

The people around the door froze, Jin Yiwei sometimes made mistakes?Even if you make a mistake, you have to make the fake come true. What's the fuss about it.

But no one dares to say this. Watching the excitement, I am most afraid of getting into trouble, so why not just watch quietly.

"Remove." said the man on horseback.

What he said was to remove the word, but he didn't want to move, so let the people from Jinyiwei move it for you, until you are satisfied with the move.

As soon as he finished speaking, two Jin Yiwei stepped forward.

Hongjiao recognized the clothes, let out an exclamation, and ran back.

"It's not good, it's not good, Jin Yiwei's people are here." She shouted in a panic, pointing outside.

Su Yue hesitated, her hands paused for a moment, and she hung up the medicinal materials to dry under the eaves, "I'll go and see."

She said and walked out.

Before reaching the front yard, someone has already barged in. The people who barged in are all flying fish wearing embroidered spring knives. These people are a pack of vicious dogs, smashing things everywhere, and no grass grows in a mess wherever they go.

Su Yue knew these people, and also recognized the man behind.

Mr. Huo actually came in person.

What can bother him to do it himself.

Su Yue looked at him from a distance, and recalled the complicated eyes of the coachman in her mind, "This house?"

In addition, Mr. Huang asked her to take her around the house, hesitant to speak, as if he had something to hide.

For the past two days, she was wondering if she was making Mr. Huang difficult by living here.

Now that she figured it out, it was really embarrassing for Mr. Huang.

It's not that there is a problem with the house, but who lives next door. Why didn't Mr. Huang say it earlier about such a big matter, Mr. Huang really did something bad with good intentions.

Mr. Huo was riding on the horse, watching her approaching with a gloomy expression.

There are not many people who can look into his eyes, let alone a girl, who seems to have seen this girl somewhere.

This thought flashed through his mind, and he couldn't think of it for a while, and he shook his head mockingly.

It's just that Ye Baihu, who was following behind him, looked astonished and opened his mouth so wide that he could stuff a toad, as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight, obviously remembering something.

From Lingnan to the capital, this girl really lingered, and she also came to the capital.

Su Yue approached step by step. She looked at Mr. Huo and said, "My lord, why is this?"

She asked him why?Few people dare to question him like this.

Mr. Huo looked down at her, "I don't need a reason to do things, and you know it if you think about it."

He said she knew.

Su Yue nodded, "I guessed it."

"My lord doesn't want to be neighbors." Her face returned to its usual temperature.

It is said that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, but Mr. Huo did the opposite. He is really lenient, so why does the person living next door hinder him?Not to mention him, even the royal relatives and a poor neighbor.

Hearing what the girl said, the people around gave the girl a thumbs up in their hearts, and felt wronged for the girl. This is really a person sitting at home, and the disaster comes from the sky, so I think I am unlucky.

The young servant of the Huang family had been guarding nearby. Before the matter was settled, in order to avoid any accidents, Mr. Huang ordered someone to watch over here from Second Miss Su.

Seeing this, the young servant of the Huang family was so frightened that he hurried home to report.

This is the house of the Huang family. These people can do anything. If they are a moment late, the house will be razed to the ground.

"It's such a big deal." Mr. Huang angrily pushed away the beautiful servant girl who was sticking to him and put the snacks into his mouth, and looked at the servant who came to report.

"My lord." The beautiful servant girl came forward with an unwilling voice.


"Young master, eat another piece."

The sound of warblers and swallows are intertwined, and the fragrance is like orchid lingering at the tip of the nose.

As usual, no matter what happened, Mr. Huang would smile and spend a little time with his maidservants. He would always come and eat the snacks in your hands and drink the fine wine in her cup. They are his beautiful maidservants, and he is theirs. Young master, it's just that there are many of them, and he has only one person, some of them are not enough, and they are inseparable, all the beautiful maidservants have to squeeze into his arms.

Today was a bit unusual, Mr. Huang's face was livid, and the beautiful maidservants turned pale in panic and retreated one after another.

"Isn't it less than three days? Why is Ye Baihu so dishonest? He doesn't count what he says." Mr. Huang sat up straight and asked.

The boy wiped the sweat from his face, "Ye Baihu can't talk, Mr. Huo personally brought people here, and the plaque on the gate was smashed."

The house was not sold, and there was still a plaque with the words "Yellow House" hanging high on the door. Second Miss Su was only staying temporarily, and the plaque did not change.

When Mr. Huo came, the situation became serious, Mr. Huang couldn't sit still in the rocking chair.

"Ye Baihu is a villain." He stood up cursing.


Lady Hua's room was full of spring, a girl put freshly picked flowers from the garden in a vase, and servants brought in meals and set them on the table in the bedroom.

Hua Niangzi was ill and stayed in bed for a long time, and ate food in her room.

Hua Niangzi didn't have much appetite, so she picked and picked what she liked, and took two bites.

The message has already been delivered, but why hasn't Mr. Huo come back?The maid raised her eyes and looked outside, with a sad expression on her face.

If Mrs. Huo doesn't come back, how can Mrs. Hua recover from her illness? Mrs. Hua is suffering from a heart disease, and she still needs medicine for her heart disease. The servant woman who is serving beside her is watching, feeling a little anxious and uneasy.

The footsteps outside were trivial, and a girl ran in with a panicked expression.

"Miss Hua, it's not good."

"What's wrong, let's talk about something." The maid taught her with a straight face.

"Something happened outside." The girl thought for a while and said.

The face of the maid in the room changed slightly, and she wanted to teach the girl again to be smarter and speak clearly, but before the servant shouted sharply, the girl went on in a slightly embarrassing and mischievous manner, "Mr. The house next door is demolished."

Mr. Huo is back, thank God.

The servant woman recited the Buddha in her heart and looked at Hua Niangzi happily. Even Hua Niangzi put down her chopsticks and looked over with a little surprise.

Mr. Huo is demolishing the house next door, which sounds like he is venting his anger for her.

There were constant noises outside just now, which sounded scary. Mr. Huo came back when he heard that she was sick, but he didn't go home first, he went to the next door first. In this way, Mr. Huo still has her in his heart, Mrs. Hua A smile returned to his face.

"I'll go out and have a look." She didn't care that she was still sick, and stood up.

"Don't watch this kind of excitement." The servant woman said, "There are too many people outside, and you are sick again. It's not good to be bumped by someone. My lord will be back soon."

The more important thing is that Mr. Huo will be embarrassed. She has no status and has been raised outside these years. She knows that Mr. Huo has no father, no mother, and no brothers and sisters, but he has never brought her back to his family during the New Year. From the perspective of some people, fame is important even if it is not important.

Hua Niangzi looked down at herself. With her identity, it was really not good to go out like this.

But she is still very happy in her heart. Mr. Huo did it for her, for her.

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