The Fusi yamen in Beizhen was deserted as always. Mr. Huo walked out quickly, and the people below flocked to him like a shadow.

A royal guard came in from outside and whispered something in his ear.

"Women are so hypocritical," he said, with a smile on his face.

Just now, his face was porcelain white and his expression was solemn, but now his face is full of smiles and his dimples are deep. When it comes to such beautiful things as women, it always makes people feel happy.

But the woman Mr. Huo talked about, there is no one else except Mrs. Hua, and Mr. Huo only has one woman in his house.

Is there something wrong with Hua Niangzi?

Ye Baihu stroked the short beard on his chin and thought.

"Hasn't the matter been settled yet?" Mr. Huo turned his head and asked before the pawns could guard against it.

This is an endless question, if most people don't know how to answer it.

Ye Baihu pondered for a moment, remembering that Mr. Huang came to him with the deed of the painting scroll. He was also curious about who lived next door, who made Mr. Huang spend such a lot of trouble, the merchants valued profits, and the best house in the whole capital would be given away as soon as they said it. Get out, without blinking.

But it's not a matter of house and money for Mr. Huo to move for this reason.

"People are limited to move out within three days." Ye Baihu replied, "It's not three days yet."

The implication is that it is not easy to do too much under the feet of the sky, and it is easy to arouse public anger and spread to the emperor's ears.

It is reasonable to say so, but when will Jin Yiwei have a good reputation.

Mr. Huo raised his hand after listening, "Go home."

"I want to go home." He looked ahead and repeated.

Mr. Huo wants to go home, of course he will go back to Huo's house. There is a woman raised by him in the golden house, and that is his home.

Mr. Huo got on his horse, and the other guards in Jinyi also got on their horses and followed closely. The horseshoes galloped and walked heavily on the street, causing the ground to shake.


A gust of spring breeze blew by, and a petal fell from the flower tree, and people walking on the street quickened their pace.

This spring flower is also disturbing.

Lin Cheng was wearing a hood, but he didn't reach out to cover it, and Ren Chunhua fell on the brim of his hat.

With his head and face covered, he entered a tea shop. The heavy door panels of the tea shop had been removed, and grass curtains had been replaced on all sides. The tea soup was gurgling on the big pot, making the humble tea shop steaming like a fairyland.

There were not many guests, so the owner of the tea shop came to greet him personally, "Guest officer, how many are there?"

Lin Cheng didn't bother to answer his words, he saw the person sitting in the inner seat at a glance, and walked towards him.

"It turned out to be a friend of Xining Hou Shizi." The boss looked at the man's back.

Warm tea and a basket of snacks were brought over, and the boss backed away.

"I'm used to drinking good tea, try this rough tea for a change." Xining Hou Shizi pushed the tea to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng took off his hat, patted the petals on the brim of the hat, and with a smile on his face, he took a sip from his teacup.

Of course, rough tea is not as good as Longjing and Biluochun teas. It tastes a bit bitter and not so soft. Lin Cheng doesn't have much expression on his face.

"How is it? It's hard." Xining Hou Shizi looked at him.

Lin Cheng shook his head with a smile, "Your Majesty has never had Lingnan herbal tea, so that's what you call suffering."

Xining Hou Shizi put a piece of dim sum into his mouth, and said nothing about tea.

"Are you stupid or not? If you come back like this, you will lose your official position." He changed the subject.

Lin Cheng glanced at him, "I know what you mean. I have entered the palace several times, but the emperor has never seen him. It is not clear that it will not give me a good life."

"You still want to live a good life. It's fine if the emperor doesn't punish you." Xining Hou Shizi laughed, "Your sister and nephew have both received rewards as they wished, and your father has also returned to the northwest. It's the best day, what more do you want?"

"I don't care if I can be reinstated or become an official." Lin Cheng said, "I want to go back to the northwest."

His father once told him that it is impossible for the Lin family to be capable of both literary and military skills. He didn't understand it before, but now he understands that his glory and political achievements are all tied to the Lin family, and all prosperity and loss are all ruined.

No matter how good his official career is, no matter how outstanding his political performance is, it is impossible for the Lin family to produce a elder.

With a distressed face, he picked up the tea soup in front of him and drank it down in one gulp.

"You wished you had thought this way earlier." Xining Hou Shizi frowned and pondered, "You can't go back to the northwest. This is obviously letting the tiger go back to the mountain."

Lin Cheng looked at the empty teacup in front of him and said nothing.

As the son of Lin Zongbing, Lin Cheng is outside. To Lin Zongbing, he is concerned and afraid. Letting the tiger go back to the mountain, Lin Chengbing is even more unscrupulous. The northwest must not become the Lin family. Lin Zongbing guards Yulin and guards the northwest , has a high prestige in the northwest, and the emperor is always afraid of making great achievements.

Although it is said that brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers in battle, it was in troubled times, and there were officials in the court who secretly said that they must not let Lin Cheng go back to the northwest, and some even threatened to imprison Lin Cheng for questioning Big prison.

When Lin Cheng was sent to prison, he was afraid that Zongbing Lin would kill him halfway through his journey.

Lin Cheng knew that although his father treated him coldly, he was safe in the capital because of his father.

Xining Hou Shizi put another piece of dim sum into his mouth and savored it carefully.

"The fields at the foot of Huqiu Mountain, thank you." He said suddenly.

Lin Cheng looked a little surprised. The other party would mention this, and waved his hand, "Mr. Staff did go through a lot of trouble to complete this matter, but it's all in the past, so it's not worth mentioning."

The matter of ten acres of land has never been a big deal, but this matter involves the local aristocratic family in Suzhou, and it has become a bit tricky. The water will leave traces, and you must let others know when you have done something, otherwise it will be in vain. toil.

Xining Hou Shizi nodded when he heard the words, "You can live in the capital with peace of mind, no one dares to do anything to you."

This is to protect him, and it is also to accept his favor. He and Xining Hou Shizi are not very familiar and close people, and the relationship is also very ordinary. He also had selfish intentions when he made friends with others.

From this point of view, Xining Hou Shizi is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and is really worth making friends with.

Lin Cheng was in a daze, "I haven't been in the capital for a long time, and this place has become different from before."

Xining Hou Shizi smiled, "If you come, you will be safe, and I will do my best as a landlord. I will take you for a stroll some other day..."

Before he could finish his words, there was a rush and crazy sound of horseshoes in the street. People who didn't know it thought it was a quick report from the imperial court. Drive straight into the capital.

"Lin Cheng, you don't know, it's not Xinbing who came." He continued, "Look, the surname Huo has come out."

Lin Cheng hurriedly looked over. They didn't sit in a position facing the street, but through the straw curtains blown by the breeze, they could see a group of Jinyi guards passing by the street, surrounded by Mr. Huo, who was particularly conspicuous.

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