928. Chapter 928 Frontier Air Defense (Middle)

    “The goal is confirmed, the attacker is Devil!”

    “They are coming!”

    “In two directions, Devil appears in the 12 o’clock position!”

    The watchmen of each team took turns to observe the target with the naked eye and telescope, and the alarm sounds one after another. Yuwan kept a close eye on the second group of enemies according to the shooting area.

    At this time, Devil is like a leaf in the wind. Only when flapping its wings can it be determined that it is not an ordinary bird. According to the training process, he starts to adjust the heading indicator on the sight after sinking the target into the shooting circle.

    The new sighting device, which stands on top of the machine gun, looks odd. It has two juxtaposed rings, one of which has a Dread Beast model that can be rotated around. In the other ring, there are several small round holes that are juxtaposed. As long as the model is moved, the hole will also rotate.

    Although Yuwan knows nothing about how the sight works, he knows that this is something that Your Majesty Roland has designed. As long as it is related to Your Majesty, it must be extraordinary. So he spent one night remembering every step required before the shot – and the first step was to position the heading indicator, the Dread Beast model, parallel to the target’s flight direction.

    In this way, the enemy will coincide with the small round holes in the shooting circle.

    Then he swept his eyes and shouted to the teammates on the side, “A quarter!”

    The target and model area ratio is four to one. This password means that Devil has entered the effective range of the Mark I Model.

    Scattered Star Scholar, who assisted in training, repeatedly emphasized that such visual results are not accurate and can only estimate the distance of the enemy. Therefore, in order to allow the bullet to cover the enemy’s forward line, it can be appropriately reported to Dali.

    This reason Yuwan is clear, playing can always hit, but playing late is a pure waste of bullets.

    After completing this step, all he has to do is wait for his teammates to report the results and then pull the trigger.

    It is obvious that this series of actions has passed the counting time. He is like a long process of tempering. The surrounding voices are getting farther and farther away from him. For a moment, he even seems to hear his own rapid heartbeat and breathing. .

    The slightly slippery touch in his hand told him that the timid Yuwan had not left him.

    However, this has strengthened his determination.

    Devil still moved closer to the wall at a fixed speed and slowly lifted the height, as if he wanted to reapply the trick five days ago. The distance between the two is at least eight or nine hundred meters away. The Dread Beast is almost like a thin piece of paper. Even the sharpshooters of the precision shooting group may not be able to hit this group. Enemies in flight.

    But they are different.

    Scholar said that many people have not understood a lot of principles, but Yuwan remembers very clearly.

    “If the enemy is approaching the distance of the spear, you can shoot directly at the other side, but before that, you are not slamming the enemy, but laying enough bullets on the route of the other party, and then waiting for them to hit themselves. Go up.”

    “Use the fifth hole!”At this time, there was a shout from the same group of teammates behind him.

    Yuwan takes a deep breath, lifts the muzzle, “embeds” the wild demon he is aiming into the round hole 5, and then pulls the trigger with maximum force.

    The muzzle suddenly spewed a raging flame.

    The harsh gunshots caused the time to flow again and again, almost at the same time, several other teams also fired together, and the entire wall was boiling.

    I have to say that this is a strange feeling.

    Mark I Model’s muzzle is not aimed at Devil, but is aimed at a clearly blank area. No one knows if he can hit the target. The only thing that all machine gunners can do is hold a 忐忑And expect, hold the trigger and pour out the bullets in the bullet box.

    Fortunately, this period of time is not too long.

    After almost a break, the Devil group at 12 o’clock suddenly burst into a striking “red flower”!

    As the safflower blooms, there are half pieces of wings and splashes.

    Dread Beast, which was hit by the bullet, tumbling violently, as if it had changed from a thin piece of paper to a wrinkled rag, until then, Yuwan could roughly see each other’s appearance. From the scattered objects, he did not find the trace of the wild demon, apparently the first enemy to be shot down was just a transporter carrying a bunch of red mist tanks.

    Then there were two Dread Beasts that deviated from the route, falling like stones on the ground. From the outside, the light couldn’t tell if they were emergency or hard to hit, but they didn’t even get into the grass. Fly again.

    Seeing this scene, the inspiring soldiers broke out with loud cheers.

    “One more! Dude, doing beautiful! ”

    “High shot group, look at yours!”

    “Add another effort, kill the group of miscellaneous!”

    “Long live your Your Majesty!”

    Devil seems to be aware of the bad things. The neat and orderly lineups are scattered, but they have no intention of retreating, but they are accelerating to the wall!

    Three QuartersYuwan clutched the gun and kept adjusting the direction of the shot. “No…Four quarters! ”

    Being as big as the model means that the enemy also has the power to fight back.

    “Free to fire!”The watchman shouted, “Everyone, free to fire!”

    The comrades armed with revolving rifle also joined the shooting ranks.

    The gunshots in the wall suddenly rang, and the twelve Dread Beasts had been shot down by a third. However, after the enemy made a clear evasive response, the hit rate began to drop dramatically. Just then, Yuwan found a Dread Beast slipping out of an arc and swooping straight from him into the sky—in the scream of a freak monster, he faintly saw the wild demon on his back had lifted up. The bone spear, its spear seems to be facing himself.

    The cold chill came up from the soles of his feet, fearing that his both hands couldn’t help but tremble.

    Devil’s figure has become bigger than the model. He doesn’t need to estimate the distance. For the Mark I Model, this range is almost equivalent to a straight line. He just raises his muzzle and can aim at each other to make it a horse. .

    But the same, the bone spear will penetrate his body mercilessly.

    Run away, or die.

    The familiar feeling is like a shadow, as if the coward Yuwan has caught his both hands.

    “Aaah Aaah ah ——————!”The next moment, Yuwan let go of his voice and shouted. “You go away, I am not —-!”

    At the same time, the barrel spurted the death fireworks against Devil.

    The smashing bullets rushed to Devil, tearing its muscles, smashing its bones, and finally rolling through it…The huge impact caused the enemy’s body to expand inexplicably, and the flying pellets smashed its organs.

    At the moment of being hit, wild demon also threw the bone spear in his hand.

    Yuwan had already predicted his end in the moment he held the trigger.

    But he did not release his fingers, even if the fear made him shake like a sieve, he never took the step!



    A nearly transparent barrier suddenly unfolded in front of Yuwan, blocking the Hidden Shadow-like bone spear from being three feet away – the spear hitting it and shattering, and the barrier just flashed and remained intact.

    At this time, Yuwan slammed back, not knowing when, a short short-haired witch stood by the wall and blocked the attack with incredible ability.

    “What are you talking about Ah?
She took a deep breath and slowly recovered the both hands. Then she smiled sideways. “Of course you are not.” ”

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