927. Chapter 927 Frontier Air Defense (Part 1)

    Feudal lord castle, First Army camp and Border Town No.3 Almost at the same time received the news – in For several days, Roland added two more short-distance lines, so that the defending army commander and Taqila survivor can contact him for the first time.

    “It’s too fast,” Parsha’s voice had some doubts. “According to previous experience, their second threat should be half a month to a month later, especially in cities like Neverwinter that can’t arrive within a day.”

    “Why?”Roland asked.

    “For the fermentation of public opinion. Waiting for the news to spread, no matter what commitment the feudal lord made, the second attack will further dispel the confidence of the mortal, so waiting during this period is necessary. “Parsha explained, “Devil’s action seems to be too urgent.”

    “So that’s it,” Roland nodded. Indeed, for an ancient city, the five-day news may also be spread between the underground Mouse and several pubs. Those who are busy for a meal only have a level of information that is not imaginable by modern people.

    He now believes a bit about the ancient rumors that Parsha said. After all, the other side’s approach is too human-like. If not someone is pointing behind, how does Devil know about the human world?

    “What are you going to do?”Elicia interjected.

    “What can I do, of course, kill them!”Roland didn’t hesitate. Although this time was quite rushed, the new sight was loaded onto the Mark I Model yesterday. The temporarily selected machine gun team only used a balloon to do a simulated shot, but the witches also came back a lot. With Nightingale, Lightning and Macy, this time is at least not passive.

    He looked to Nightingale and others. “You can do as planned. Remember that the most important is always…”

    the sky. Lightning fully understands! ”The little girl raised her hand.

    “Macy understands too!”

    “Reassured, I will look after these two little guys,” Nightingale smiled.

    “Who is the little guy?”Lightning refused to hold his chin.

    “Of course you are jealous.”


    “I am bigger than you add up! Gu gu ! ”Macy did a gesture of spreading wings.

    “I am not talking about this – ah.”

    When the two did not finish talking, they were hand-picked by Nightingale and took out the meeting room.

    “The defense work on the wall is then handed over to the Sleeping Island witch,” Roland said to Tilly.

    The latter should have come down. “They will do their best.”

    “Very good, I will stay in front of the phone and wait for the good news of everyone,” he said in a word, “Now, act!”

    When the Roland was left alone in the conference hall, Parsha snorted. “Do you really intend to do this?” The large number of witches will make Devil revise the previous judgment – this is not a city ruled by mortals, but a city of witch. By then, their countermeasures will be completely different. “

    “You have already reminded me of this.”Roland light out out a breath. In the previous defense plan, the ancient witch said that if Devil thinks that Neverwinter is a Holy City led by Federation, in the future, regardless of defense or offense will raise a level, that is, to deal with normal opponents. In other words, Devil didn’t put ordinary people at all.

    “I thought……The human kingdom can always avoid this war. “

    “But it will come sooner or later, isn’t it?”He got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the border. “In this case, it is better to fight a prepared war than to prepare.” The First Army was not so strong from the beginning of the formation. At the beginning they were just ordinary hunters, miners and farmers. Now they are faced with very different enemies, and more than one battle experience can be more emboldened, and they will not be in a hurry until the real god comes. The so-called elite warrior is just one or two more people who have experience in life and death. ”

    “I have to say that your determination makes me move,” Elicia swayed the tentacles of the whole body. “With this, you will draw a line with most mortals.”

    “The reason why mortals are called mortals is not because they are incompetent, but because there are too many,” Roland shook his head. “Because of this, their power is easily overlooked. There are records in the dream world, those immortal existences that underestimate this point, whether it is the ancient god or the flame dragon, have been made into history by forty mortals. ”

    “Is there such a legend?”

    “Yes, and as technology advances, only twenty-five people will be will be alright.”He shrugged and turned back to the right color. “In addition, it is misleading to let Devil mistakenly think that Neverwinter City is a Federation city. In this way, they will attribute their strange attacks to the ability of the witch, thus ignoring the most. Important point – Neverwinter City is neither a feudal lord city nor a federation, but an industrial city that combines both.”


    Yuwan’s eyes wide open, staring at the grasslands in the north, for fear of missing the enemy.

    Although he heard Your Majesty mention Devil this enemy a year ago, the encounter five days ago was the first time he actually saw Devil.

    When the other person’s bone spears, such as Hidden Shadow, pierced the chest of his comrades, Yuwan had to admit that he felt the fear of long absence. That is definitely not the action that humans can do, and Evil Beast can’t threaten the wall at this distance. Since joining the army, this is the first enemy to be able to attack the musket at a longer distance. The weapon in his hand, because of the problem of shooting angle, can’t fight back against the enemy. If he stays on the wall, it is tantamount to the live target in the other’s eyes.

    At that moment, Yuwan even wanted to turn and run away.

    But the well-trained body forcibly pulled him, and then there was strong anger and disgust. The anger is the death of the companion, and the one who hates it is himself.

    He used to be a famous coward in the old district of Border Town. He laughed at him wherever he went. He once thought that he was really weak, until the temptation of Van’er and two eggs, joining the militia formed by Your Majesty. Team, everything becomes different. Although the first time I went to the wall against Evil Beast, I was so scared that I could get rid of my pants. After being lifted, no one would sneer at him.

    Now Van’er has become the battalion commander of Artillery Battalion, and he has only transferred from the firearms team to the machine gun group, serving as a group leader. Yuwan didn’t complain or swear at all. Van’er’s ability is much stronger than him. Just saying that he dares to speak in front of Your Majesty will never be comparable to him, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to go any further.

    Since following Your Majesty, what I have seen in the past three years has surpassed the imagination of his first half of life – he has defeated the Kingdom Capital, which has been noble gathered by a stone boat that can sail against the current without sails. Hermes Church also pulled the southern desert land into Greycastle’s territory.

    He has seen so many worlds, why should he be intimidated by Devil?

    “Attention, ten o’clock direction! Suspected target appears! ”The watchman suddenly shouted.

    At the same time, Yuwan also noticed a few black spots on the skyline.

    He pulled down the bolt and raised the muzzle of the Mark I Model.

    Although no one knows, he still regards the timidity five days ago as his shame.

    – And this shame, only the blood of the enemy can be washed!

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