1314 Chapter 1307 Fragments

Chapter 1307 Fragments

Three days later, the letter was smashed several times and finally arrived at the caged mountain command. Headquarters. After being unpacked by Hill Fawkes, it was classified as “most important information” and was handed to Edith in the first place.

After browsing the information, Northern Lands Pearl’s brows are close together.

“How many people are there on Grand Duke Island now?” she asked aloud.

The staff member suddenly looked at each other. The first answer was her Morning Light. “Adult, the First Army currently has more than 300 people on the island, and the engineering team is around 2,500, and almost the same. The number of islanders. If you want to know more specific people, I will adjust the information -“

“No,” Edith interrupted. “Go to Iron Axe and other officers. Come over, our plan must be adjusted immediately! Fast!”

“Adjustment means…”

“Whether it’s a soldier or an engineering team, whether it’s Greycastle, Dawn or Wolf Heart people, have to evacuate Grand Duke Island as soon as possible!” She looked dignified. “There is already a desperate island.”

Everyone suddenly lost, but surprised to surprise, long-term training professionalism They are still allowed to execute the order immediately.

As soon as the dog jumped in the office, Edith landed on a piece of paper in the palm of his hand.

That was sent with the letter.

After counting the numbers, she clenched her fists and sighed.

The First Army’s top officers quickly gathered and took turns watching the information sent from Eternal Winter.

“Vault of Heaven Lord Hykezord…” Brian’s look is no better. “If the content of the letter is correct, this damn ability is too amazing, up to several kilometers, still I can use it many times. I said that in just a few days, the entire Eternal Winter was completely disintegrated, even a city that resisted the end.”

Lightning and Macy met in the Rift Valley. After a high rank Devil, its ability to come and go has been regarded as an object that needs to be focused on. Now I know that the other party is probably the Vault of Heaven Lord mentioned by Ersluk, and this is far from its power. The limit – not just itself, even the troops can be transferred through the door to a large scale, such a powerful ability can be called a strategic level.

The people at the meeting could not help but have a deeper understanding of the word Devil Monarch.

The withdrawal of the Grand Duke Island has become unquestionable.

After all, it is easy to go to the island to go to the island. If the Strait’s natural dangers cannot stop the enemy’s actions, they will become prisoners for imprisonment.

Not only that, they must race against time!

According to the clues provided by the letter to the Adviser Department, Devil is probably already gathering a large number of troops on the front line. This massive offensive is likely to start at any time.

Iron Axe decisively issued an order, “Stop all the construction of Grand Duke Island and immediately transfer the people on the island! Not only the seaboats that are rented, I want to see all that can float on the sea. Everything is involved in this evacuation!”

“Follow the orders,” the audience sighed.

Agatha was worried when the crowd went out. “Why is this powerful Devil not showing up in the second War of Divine Will?”

“I think there are three reasons,” Edith’s voice is still calm. “One is that Hykezord was not promoted to Monarch at the time, nor is it capable today; second, they think that human beings are not worth mentioning, Sky Sea Territory is The weight is the most important; as for the three…” She deliberately paused, “Maybe Devil executives think it is not suitable for fighting humans.”

Iron Axe seems to see her thoughts, “You think Is the third?”

Northern Lands Pearl shrugs, “The first answer, although the theory exists, the essence is to avoid the problem. The second is difficult to stand up – Devil has always been with Sky Sea. Territory fights, but with their emphasis on God Relic, if they can easily defeat the Federation, they will not let go of this relic. In the war that determines the fate of the community, it is absolutely the most stupid way to defeat the enemy, in other words I guess they should have done their best.”

ice witch The original slightly gray eyes finally recovered. “But… then the Federation did not master the method of making the firearms, if the walls were lost If you do, the Federation will probably be defeated faster, and it is not impossible to transfer God Relic.”

“So this is worth pondering.” Edith tapped the table. I didn’t directly answer the other person’s doubts. “I have been very concerned about the description of this information. According to several contacts between the author and the Vault of Heaven Lord, Hykezord not only never used the ability to directly enter the Feudal lord castle, but also I rarely see more nobles at the same time, and the orders are often conveyed by Sigil, just like watching them. This kind of practice is obviously not conducive to it gathering people’s hearts. The content of the letter can also be seen one or two. The problem is that those noble What threat can it pose to it?”

ice witch stunned, “Do you mean…God Punishment Stone?”

“ If you think about it, it is possible.” Northern Lands Pearl nodded. “Since Exceptional can be Ash or Scroll, then Monarch must be Magic Chopper? “

“This…” Agatha also reacted. The biggest difference between high rank Devil and wild demon is the amount of abilities. There is really no evidence that Ascendant will have the power of demon. This also answers all previous questions – the Vault of Heaven Lord didn’t appear on the front of the Fertile Plain, just because it’s not good at the front battlefield!

Whether it’s a Holy City built on the God Stone mine It is still against the Exceptional who wears God Punishment Stone, or the direct attack of Transcendent, which is a great threat to non-Magic Chopper, and the Vault of Heaven Lord’s ability is extremely important, so it is not in the two military arrays. Before the show appeared!

“But it happened in person this time…” Iron Axe snarled.

“Maybe because of some changes, it has no choice. “Edith walked to the window and looked at the north side of the mainland. “For example, the original attacker may be Ersluk or other Monarch, but under the circumstances, Hykezord can only walk from behind the scenes to the stage. If this is the case, it is absolutely fortunate for us – in any case, it is easier to face a Devil Monarch than to face several Monarchs. ”

“How have you thought about dealing with Hykezord?” “

“It’s almost impossible to use for strategic assignments, but it’s not a good choice to attack.” She said slowly. “As long as we don’t lose too much in Grand Duke Island, the outcome is still unknown. So it is imperative to withdraw the people and weapons on the island, especially cannon.” “

Iron Axe released a long breath, “So, this information is really worth a thousand dollars.” I don’t know who the writer and the sender are? If the news is correct, they are also indispensable.

Edith was silent for a long time before handing the crumpled note to Iron Axe.

There are only a few simple words above.

In the letter Before the transfer, it was written by Hill’s men.

“I don’t know his name.”

“When he was discovered, he was frozen and made no different from ice.”

“I found this letter on his chest.”

“Only this thing, still with a trace of warmth.”

(End of this chapter)

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