1313 Chapter 1306 Blood Staining Information

Chapter 1306 Blood Staining Information

Looking through the entire letter, Clever felt a slap in the back. chill.

A Devil Monarch that can open the Gate of Hell and let the troops come and go?

There is no doubt that this is an extremely important intelligence – in fact, he was puzzled by the unscathed fall of Snowfield, but in addition to confirming that Devil was invading the city from the north. A little bit beyond that, the other stories that are heard are simply varied. Apparently, the civilians who came to see Devil have died in the invasion.

Now he is finally confirmed.

But what is even more shocking to him is that this Devil Monarch is familiar with human rules, not only dealing with noble, but also becoming the actual controller of Eternal Winter in a short time. The transfer is basically based on its inspiration. The benefits promised by the other party are also quite generous, and it is by no means what the Greycastle people can give.

In addition, the letter is also very valuable in describing the movements of the people. Although it cannot be equated with Devil’s distribution of power, at least it can be analyzed where they have gone.

To be sure, the person writing this letter is by no means a Mouse or a merchant. From a perspective, this person must be positioned on the top of Eternal Winter.

The content of a whole piece of paper is well-organized and clearly stated. It is neither transcribed nor streamlined. As long as it is delivered in full, it is a key piece of information. In terms of priority, it is undoubtedly The highest one.

The problem is that the team of merchants used to deliver intelligence left Cherying Fort yesterday – in order to be as unobtrusive as possible, Black Money only has one person in the caravan, or the driver’s post. I want to make the team return almost impossible, and wait until the next caravan set off is a week later.

If you add time on the road, the time of delivery will only be longer.

Clever hesitated for a long time, eventually stood up and put all the other papers on the table into the cabinet, leaving the letter alone.

Next is the waterproof sealing wax treatment.

After finishing all this, he blows off the oil lamp, puts the letter paper close to him, returns to the first floor, and gestures to The Silence.

“I have to go out of town myself. If there is an accident here, I will light the fire downstairs.”

Just as Clever turned and prepared to go out, The Silence stretched out He shook his head insignificantly and then pointed to himself.

Let him stay, do the dangerous things for yourself…

Clever chuckles. “Just send a letter, and you can come back in two or three days. You can’t talk, you don’t know where the answer is, you can’t help me.”

There are no such complicated words in the sign language, so he just made a gesture: “This is the command. “

Pulling his hand loosened.

Clever patted the other’s chest and left the room without returning.

Since the owner asked him to assist Greycastle with all his strength, it is the first priority to send this letter as soon as possible. After all, according to the Greycastle people, the intelligence is time-sensitive, and the later the number of messages is delayed, the more many.

For this reason, they have set up emergency contact points in villages that are more than ten miles away from the city, and equipped with incredible animal messengers. I heard that the news can be sent to Dawn in just a few days.

And the village is the goal of his trip.

There is a real risk of leaving the castle, but it is still within the controllable range. In fact, every day people escape the northern region in various ways, even leaving Eternal Winter – the red mist above the head and the bloody Red Moon have no real impact on people’s lives, but Greycastle’s propaganda and Devil’s rumors have gradually fermented. No matter how the feudal lord stops, it can’t completely dispel the fear of this horrible foreigner.

Those fugitives are undoubtedly his best cover.

Clever knows that as long as he acts alone, the possibility of being targeted by the flying devil is not high. As for the guards on the road, it is better to send them. The gold royal is the universal standard in the human world.

The facts are almost the same as he expected.

When the next morning was dawning, Clever passed the snow gate for the southern gate. In order to enjoy the few gold royals in his pocket, the guards did not even alarm other people. The small door on the inside of the wall.

Once you cross the ice, the next road will be unobstructed.

Whenever there is a shadow in the sky, he will quickly get into the snow, the white coat becomes a natural cover color, and those footprints are seen in the sky and the beasts step on it. There is not much difference.

In the afternoon, he was able to faintly see the smoke rising from the village.

Wiper wiped the hoarfrost on his nose, and Clever couldn’t help but speed up.

As with the way in the city, he doesn’t need to dock with the Greycastle, just put the information in the agreed place and leave a secret number.

However, at this moment, there was a hoof of hooves behind him.

Clever couldn’t help but look back. He looked down and felt a little, how can there be a cavalry of Xueyingbao?

Greycastle people pick this village because it is remote, and it is hard to be spotted if they sneak into one or two foreigners. The usual nobles intercepting refugees will choose to be in the neighborhood, no reason to run. This place is right.

The distance between the two is quickly zooming in. Obviously the other party has seen him, and it is unlikely that he wants to hide again.

Clever simply stopped and made a pleasing smile towards the crowd. The other side had a total of two rides. As long as the gold royality was given, it should not be too difficult for him.

The cavalry stopped the horse in front of him and looked at him condescendingly. “Brother, I know that these refundes will pick some remote roads, and we will find one.”

“Ah, luck is good.”

Sure enough… is the patrol team that caught the refugee?

“Big, adults, please let me put a living path!” Clever pretended to be extremely scared, and slammed into the snow, and both hands held the purse to reveal the bold gold royal. “I really don’t want to stay in a place with Devil from hell. They are all monsters that don’t blink! I’m willing to put all my savings, and I beg you to let me go!”

” Oh? You have a lot of savings.” The cavalry leaned over and took the purse, with a smile in his tone.

“Now it’s yours… Yes, yes, I have relatives at Wolf Heart. As long as you don’t take me back, I will definitely look for you to repay you in the future!”

“Get up.”

Clever secretly sighed. Generally speaking, this step is basically a pass. The number of refugees who can lay down the gold royal is absolutely a minority. Even the relatives of neighboring countries will increase their credibility. If there is no benefit to killing, they are not willing to have more trouble. After all, letting one or two refugee have no loss to them, there is no need to end up in the future.

But the other party did not wave him to get out of the way, but picked up his own face, “Look at me.”

I saw a striking piece on his cheek. The scars, like the beasts that have been smashed, the whole ear is missing, and even half of the eyes become deformed and distorted.

And the rolled flesh shows that the wound has just healed soon.

“Adult, you are…”

“I was injured by the firearms of the Greycastle.” The cavalry said slowly. “At the time, everyone thought I was not saved, but I Still alive. Until now, I can still feel the burning pain on my face, it reminds me who caused this -“

In the end, his voice is completely cold. Come down.

Clever raised a strong sense of badness in his heart.

But before he could open the distance, another person who claimed to be a younger brother had raised his hand and pulled the whip on his face.

Just feeling black in front of him, Clever squinted and fell.

“Yes, it’s you! If it weren’t for your damn refuses, why should I go to the Greycastle! What War of Divine Will, what human destiny is, is a shit!” Here, the voice of the other party is close to you. “Reassured, I won’t take you back, and I won’t kill you here. The only thing I want to do is let you taste my pain!”

Then he pulled up the reins and stepped on Clever’s legs.

“kā chā ——”

An indescribable pain suddenly poured into Clever’s brain, and he subconsciously screamed out.

Next is the second leg.

Until the blood in the snow, his legs turned into a tangled mixture of meat, and the chaser stopped the mount.

“Don’t worry, you are not the first one, nor the last one.” Knight sneered in a halo. “Now… you can run away.”

Clever didn’t notice when the two left.

He bit his lip hard, so that the distracted consciousness is barely concentrated.

The lower body has completely lost consciousness, and the snow is taking away the temperature in his body a little.

He touched the clothes on his chest, and the letters were still in their original position—in the eyes of the two, he was afraid that he was no different from the dead.

Unexpectedly, he did not hate the two people in his mind, nor did he have a strong unwillingness. Under the staggering of stinging and cold, thinking is already a very difficult matter, the only thing still The thought of saving is only the intelligence in the arms.

Clever used his last strength to move toward the agreed place.

When he climbed to the top of a hill overlooking the village, the night was shrouded in the ground. The occasional flashing fire in the village seems to be close at hand, as if it is far from the stars.

He did not put the letter in the hiding point because he was the last container of intelligence.

As the darkness is about to absorb everything, Clever’s face is the face of the owner, Barry Lothar.

He closed his eyes and whispered softly.


(End of this chapter)

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