Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 545: wedding eve

In the 780th year of the mainland calendar, August 30th.

Watching her friend leave in the car, Princess Feisna frowned slightly.

"It's just a wedding. Is it necessary to come to me specially and ask me to greet the city defense, the imperial guards, and all the heads of defense?" She said to herself with some doubts, "What exactly are Jenny and Prett going to do? How do you do it? Do you still plan to use the king's wedding as a reference to get a caravan of more than ten miles long, an honor guard of tens of thousands of people, and a large number of magicians to cast spells to create colorful lights... That's too outrageous!"

Pratt and his friends had both skill and money, she knew that. For example, the night before yesterday, his friends ate 10,000 gold coins at a high-end restaurant in Wangdu from evening to night.

Ten thousand gold coins is actually not a lot. After all, this is a large-scale banquet. There are more than 160 people attending the banquet, and many of them are big-bellied men-according to the restaurant waiter, the most edible It was a small and cute looking black-haired girl who ate an estimated 12,300 jins of things.

Of course, Feisna did not believe this statement. How can there be such a little girl in the world who can eat! One thousand two thousand three hundred catties—even if it’s all meat, it’s several times bigger than a person when piled up. How can she eat it? It must be the guy who lost his head and counted the food eaten by several similar-looking people on one person.

But the total amount of ingredients consumed is clear. Meat, poultry and eggs, aquatic products, vegetables... These are actually small heads. The real big head is the spices. The spices eaten in this big meal are enough to make many quite Aristocratic families with status have tightened their belts for a year or even several years to live.

To be able to spend such a large sum of money for a meal, and to eat so much, is amazing enough from the point of view of financial strength and force, and Feisna has to take a high look at Prett's friends. .

Ordinary people may only see how rich this group of people is, but what she sees is the freedom and uninhibitedness of this group of people.

There are rich people everywhere, and it is not uncommon for those who can spend such a huge sum of money, but such people will definitely choose some more private places to eat and drink unnoticed. For example, the great nobles of the capital will gather on the lake near the capital around the New Year, and connect dozens of boats into a temporary floating platform, where they can enjoy a luxurious life. In just a few days, there may be tens of thousands of gold coins spent.

This is the normal way of enjoying the rich and powerful people.

But Pratt's friends are different. They have money and skills, but they choose to be like ordinary adventurers, and they can just find a high-end restaurant and eat. What does this mean? It shows that they don't care about identity or face at all.

People with such a mentality are the most free. For a strong man, if he cannot be restrained even by the issue of face, then he is almost unrestrained - no one will be nervous to restrain the strong man with interests, those who do so are already dead, and most of them died miserably .

To restrain the strong, the best means is affection, and family ties are the most suitable. Take Terrera himself as an example. The withdrawn ancestor was definitely a cold-blooded and ruthless person. Even if tens of thousands of people died in front of him, he would not blink any more. But even he paid considerable attention to the continuation of his family bloodline.

On the Thrace side, known as the strongest Frost Sword Saint in the world, he was moved by the friendship of the early Thracian king who sacrificed his life in order to save him. Guard of King Reis.

However, it is difficult to bind people with emotions. It takes a long time to prepare and luck. These friends of Pratt came suddenly, and it is estimated that they will leave as quietly as they came after the wedding. Just a few days is not enough to create the emotional bond that can bind them.

So in general, rulers like Feisna choose to use face and other means to constrain them - as long as they care about their status and face, they will be more or less restricted. This is the most common way to prevent the powerful from shaking their domination.

But in the face of a group of strong people who don't care about face, things are not easy to handle...

Fisna thought for a long time, finally sighed deeply, left her palace, and went to various defense official residences in the city.

Whether it was because of her friendship with Jenny or the necessity of making friends with Pratt, she should have done it well.

Even if she really doesn't think about it, just from a safety point of view, she has to make this trip - if those people toss too much tomorrow, they will have a conflict with the city defense army or the janissary guard, or they will have to go to the city. People from all walks of life are on the right side, and the happy event will turn into a bad one!

Although Pratt's group of friends were all unknown, she dared not look down on them because of this.

The famous dragon slayer Panda was responsible for paying for the astonishingly large dinner party. According to the restaurant owner and waiter, Panda did not feel like a leader among those people. In general, they seem to be relatively equal, and there is no obvious identity level.

If you can't see the level of identity, it may mean that the strength is similar. In other words, among the more than 160 people, there must be a lot of strengths similar to Panda, and it is even possible that most of them have reached or at least approached Panda's strength.

Thinking that more than 160 "Dragon Slayers" would gather tomorrow, Feisna couldn't help but worry.

With such a group of people gathered, if they conflict with others, I am afraid that even the legendary powerhouse will have to temporarily avoid the edge...

So this afternoon, she worked tirelessly to go to all the departments and organizations that have security tasks in the city of Terrera, or care about security issues, one by one, telling them not to make a fuss tomorrow, no matter what you see, don't be surprised, let alone touch it. The bad luck of someone else's wedding.

Of course you can't say that, but that's what it means. She also repeatedly emphasized to several arrogant thorns that Xiaozhi should be moved by reason and emotion, so that these people will not cause trouble tomorrow.

For their own sake, they must not make trouble!

If there is trouble, they will face a group of lawless people who have even killed the Prime Minister of Thrace and dared to assassinate even a dignified king.

At that time, it will be cut in two, and people will go away. Who can do anything?

This afternoon, she spent a lot of spit and energy, and when she was done in the evening, she felt that she was going to get tired and lay down.

Looking at the setting sun in the evening, the eldest princess of Thrace let out a long breath and smiled.

"Jenny, everything I can help you has already helped. Whether your wedding goes well or not depends on fate!"

What she didn't know was that in another palace in the palace, someone was already arranging to disrupt the wedding at this moment.

"Take this opportunity to test the bottom of Pratt's group!" Prince Zion said to his staff, "Send the dead man to do it, and he will die on the spot, don't leave any clues."

"As ordered!"

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