Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 544: eat haise

Of course the traversers don't know the undercurrent hidden behind it.

Although they are transmigrators, they are not from the palace fighting department. They are not good at conspiracy and tricks. When a person has the ability to punch to death the guy who wants to trick him, he will naturally be wary of conspiracy. Tricks are not interested.

After all, demand determines the price. Who cares about something that is not in demand?

At present, for the travelers, the most important thing is to prepare for Pratt's wedding.

Seeing that it was only a few days before the wedding, everyone gathered from all directions to the city of Trela. More than three presidents complained in the chat channel more than once, saying that there were fewer people in the castle, and there were only a few. It felt very deserted. .

Panda felt that the way he complained was very much like an empty nester.

He told Wang Tuhao about his idea, and then Wang Tuhao told Semiramis, and Semiramis told Laisha... Soon all the travelers knew about this complaint.

Sanyu naturally knew, so he asked Alice, who was not suitable for going out, to take Hamer and other "employees" to guard the castle, and he came to the city of Terrera aggressively, and rubbed the panda a meal.

How much did you eat at that meal? It may take a long piece of paper to write it all out. If you read it out one by one, you probably need to find a cross talk actor to report the name of the dish. But at least the price is very clear - just a meal, ate tens of thousands of gold coins!

Even in the city of Terrera, where the consumption level is not low, such a meal is amazing - it is like everyone knows that places such as Beishangguang have high consumption levels, but if someone eats a meal in Beishangguang Several hundred million, then everyone will be shocked.

No, it's not enough just to be "shocked", I'm afraid that various departments such as public security, industry and commerce will immediately focus on him, and carefully check whether he has done anything...

Of course, the tens of thousands of gold coins in the Western Continent cannot simply be equivalent to the hundreds of millions in Beishangguang. According to the price of real estate, tens of thousands of gold coins will definitely exceed several hundred million. And if you look at the price of metal products, the tens of thousands of gold coins are actually nothing more than ten or two hundred thousand. The gap in the middle is caused by the difference in productivity and economic structure between the two worlds.

Anyway, there must be something for sure, this meal made Panda and the others completely famous.

Eating tens of thousands of gold coins in one meal may not be considered "unprecedented", but it is definitely "unprecedented"—because on the next morning, scholars of history had already approached the door, asked them about the details, and expressed their desire to Record this event and pass it on to future generations.

"Eating a meal can also be passed down to future generations?!" Panda asked in surprise.

"Tens of thousands of gold coins are eaten in one meal. Of course, this kind of thing should be passed down to future generations." The young scholar said, "Let future generations know that there are such extravagant people in our era."

Panda was silent for a while, wondering whether it was a good thing or a bad thing to be "famous in history".

(Thinking about it, there doesn’t seem to be anything that can’t be seen... It’s not ashamed to spend money on food and drink...)

So he began to introduce it in detail - in fact, the reason why this meal was expensive was mainly because there were too many people eating. At the beginning, it was only him and Sanyu who ate. At that time, Sanyu ordered a table of dishes, but it really didn't cost much. As a result, he said, "I can't finish eating so much, do you want to pack it and take it away?" Sanyu thought about it for a while, and simply asked friends to come and eat together. Then, for some unknown reason, more and more people came, and the news gradually spread that "Panda Hao is going to invite everyone to dinner at the most upscale restaurant in Terrera, hurry up."

When there are more people eating, it is natural to add more tables. Gradually, more and more travelers gather, and finally even Lao Bai and Zi Niang, who were sleeping in the castle, ran over.

So many people, how much can they eat?

Not to mention that there are many big men in this group who only use shape-shifting orbs to cover up their appearance - for example, a black dragon who is still a young dragon according to his age, she wants to let go and eat it, a meal can eat a cow!

And she probably wanted to vent her dissatisfaction that she had not been able to join in the fun during this time, so she really let it go.

But she's actually not the most edible among transmigrators...

Except for some unfortunate time-traversing into elemental or necromantic characters, the time-travelers who have lost their ability to eat, and a few busy people who are so busy that they can't get out, nearly 200 time-travelers came to 1,670 people. They occupied two whole floors of the upscale restaurant, eating and drinking, singing and dancing.

For a meal, I started eating at about five or six o'clock in the afternoon when the sky was still bright, and I ate it until late at night. That restaurant had bought ingredients several times, and had hired several batches of chefs and waiters from other restaurants to help, so that it could be considered to be able to cope with this horrendous meal.

As for what was eaten... More than ten cows were eaten, more than thirty sheep were eaten, and eight pigs were eaten—not counting the roast suckling pig. As for chickens, ducks and fish, there are so many that pandas are too lazy to remember.

It was only about an hour after the meal was eaten, and the owner of the restaurant approached the panda with trepidation, saying that the restaurant's liquidity was probably not enough to buy raw materials. Panda was dumbfounded and gave him three thousand gold coins.

Then after about another hour, the boss came to him again with a bitter face, saying that the three thousand gold coins had been eaten, and he had to give him more money.

After a while, the boss came to him with a more bitter face, saying that it was no longer a matter of money, the spices used for seasoning were used up, and even the stocks of several well-connected restaurants had been loaned out.

"Can't I go to the store to buy it?" Panda asked in surprise.

"We usually buy wholesale from commercial firms. Buying retail in stores will be very expensive..."

Panda gave another sum of money, saying that if it is expensive, it will be more expensive. Go and buy it first!

To be honest, he was already worried at the time—the spices in the Western Continent are very rare. If the stores in Trella City are wiped out and they are not enough, what should I do?

Do you want to invite everyone to eat boiled white meat?

Especially, this is used for ancient sacrifices...

Fortunately, this most worrying situation did not happen. The owner of the restaurant is also a person with experience in the rivers and lakes. Later, the dishes mainly used those types with higher output, lower prices, and most importantly, more inventory.

If the food is served according to the original style, I am afraid that it will wipe out the shops in the entire city of Trela, and it may not be possible to collect so many high-end spices.

And in terms of price... If you really want to eat like that, 10,000 gold coins for pandas are definitely not enough.

In any case, everyone was very happy to eat, and even the panda who paid was in a good mood.

Money isn't just for spending! As long as everyone is happy, money is not a problem!

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