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At 9 o’clock in the morning, all the vulnerabilities found were fixed.

Programmers of the Hurricane team, tired like a dog, lie in front of the computer.

Tweet chat has been upgraded to version 5.5, which fully fixes all problems. Please install and use it with confidence.

The original hurricane users are afraid to install it now, how do you know if there is any problem?

However, there are still a large number of hardcore fans of the hurricane. They once again believed in the hurricane and Li Ruifeng and installed the latest version of the hurricane.

However, these die-hard fans are all killed!

After only 8 hours, the virus changed again, and the vulnerability of the hurricane software was still used to continue to spread …

SoftCloud forum.

The landlord turned the windmill: “I am a big fan of the hurricane, but now I tell everyone that I uninstalled its software! I was hurt again and again, and I was completely disappointed with this company’s products. Why do I keep sticking with the hurricane, More is still a habit. In fact, from the experience, I am using it now. SoftCloud YY is really much better than a hurricane! “

Pursuit of perfection on the second floor: “I should have used SoftCloud YY for a long time, and I haven’t seen where this hurricane is comparable to y chat. I used it before because I built a social circle on it, and I couldn’t do without it. But yy launched Farmville In the future, I have migrated my social circle to SoftCloud. Hurricane tweeted, and I can kick it all. “

Small White on the third floor: “I don’t know anything else, I only know that using SoftCloud YY is safe and will not be poisoned, which is enough.”

The “The Terminator” virus has caused the users of Hurricane Chat to be lost crazily. It can be described by blood spray!

On the contrary, the number of SoftCloud YY users has skyrocketed and can be described as a blowout!

What makes people funny is that a Small White user called Hurricane customer service and asked how to register a chat account?

Hurricane Technology’s customer service guides him for a long time, but he still has not registered.

Finally, I learned that the Small White users want to register is YY Chat.

The hurricane customer service is almost mad, and fainted on the desk!

As long as one person is infected with the virus, everyone in the friends list will be infected. These infected friends will infect his family and friends. The virus will spread automatically without operation!

In a short period of time, 10000000 million netizens were infected. Those who used Hurricane Instant Messenger were not spared!

What followed was a wave of hurricane software uninstalls across the country …

“Rice buckets are a bunch of rice buckets, waste!”

In the president’s office, Li Ruifeng was furious, his eyes protruded, and he looked at the gang of so-called software engineers in anger.

Bridge engineers repeatedly fail, and bridge engineers cannot escape responsibility, as do software.

The secretary carried the coffee and walked to Li Ruifeng, said with a slight smile: “Boss, drink a cup of coffee, calm down.”


Li Ruifeng slapped in the face of the female secretary.

“Calm and calm, how do you make me calm, the company is most urgent, do you know?” Li Ruifeng moved towards the secretary scolded.

The secretary covered her face and was so wronged that the tears kept flowing down and dripping into the coffee!

The result of the user’s plunge is that all flows to SoftCloud, not only the domestic first position is not guaranteed, the company is very likely to fall into the abyss!

Zhang Yongchao looked at Li Ruifeng, trembling with fear and said: “Young Master Li, me, I think the virus incident is not that simple.”

“Do you think?”

“The poisoned person seems to know very well about our software, otherwise, we are likely to be discovered by him repeatedly.”

After hearing the words of Zhang Yongchao, Li Ruifeng raised his eyesbrow and said, “What do you mean?”

“The company has inner ghosts!”

Li Ruifeng bit his lower lip and thought about it, it was very possible.

Li Ruifeng hurriedly said: “Go and investigate now!”

“Okay.” Zhang Yongchao nodded and turned away.

“and also.”

Li Ruifeng said: “No matter who releases the virus, we have to blame it on SoftCloud technology. You send a notice and say that the ‘The Terminator’ virus was created by them, the purpose is to defame us. “

“Understood.” Zhang Yongchao immediately went out.


The SoftCloud team is relatively easy. After all, the solution to the problem is no longer SoftCloud.

In order to prevent the virus from spreading further, as the number one antivirus manufacturer in China, it is necessary to do something to intercept hurricane software.

There are three main steps here.

First, use Angel Cloud Browser to prevent downloading Hurricane Instant Messenger.

Second, even if the installation package is downloaded from other channels, Angel Anti Virus will automatically intercept it, and the user will not be able to install it, and will automatically delete the installation package.

Third, Angel Anti Virus has listed Hurricane Chat as “software with great security risks.” For users who have installed Angel Anti Virus, Angel Anti Virus will add Hurricane Instant Messenger to the quarantine zone, making its software inoperable.

This is a war without smoke, but the casualties are very serious!

It is the hurricane that continues to retreat, and the Triumphant progress all the way is SoftCloud!

Subsequently, Zhang Yongchao, product manager of Hurricane Technology, issued an announcement.

Zhang Yongchao: “The Terminator virus is a big conspiracy of the SoftCloud team! According to our investigation, the virus was released by them. In order to become the Instant Messenger boss, by fair means or foul, mean shameless! At the expense of the interests of 10000000 users, Reached their goal. Obviously Hurricane Chat has been intercepted by them. I appeal to all users to resist and uninstall all their apps! “

These words can feel full of anger, and a trace of despair, very indignant!

However, these words did not get the sympathy of the netizens at all, and the verbal abuse!

It can be seen that users have been completely disappointed by the hurricane!

On the contrary, overwhelming majority of netizens choose to trust SoftCloud and give the SoftCloud team a thumbs up!

If it is changed to normal, such interception as Angel Anti Virus is definitely super hooliganism, but now everyone knows that the virus is transmitted by hurricanes, it is a good thing to isolate it!

In the powerhouse forum, celebrities in the IT industry also came out to speak.

Landlord Siberian Tiger: “I don’t know how you see the announcement from the hurricane. Anyway, I laughed. Everyone knows that SoftCloud YY is in a period of rapid rise, and there is no need to use these tactics to attack opponents. The virus’s harm is so terrifying, so blatantly doing bad things against opponents. Once it is found, there is only one result-the company goes bankrupt! The SoftCloud team will be so stupid? Same group. It ’s ridiculous! “

The conscience of the 2nd floor industry: “I used to work as a programmer in Hurricane Technology for a while. To be honest, Li Ruifeng’s concept of making products and his character are not good. It is inevitable to do this today!”

3 Lou Xiaoao Huaxia: “The upstairs said that the hurricane is about to end, I don’t think so.”

The war between Hurricane and SoftCloud is called by countless netizens on the Internet-Fengyun War!

The turbulent battle will determine the future pattern of the Internet world!

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