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The “The Terminator” virus is still spreading wildly, and it is being destroyed in the Internet World, and the loss is very heavy!

It is not the hurricane but the SoftCloud team who is under the greatest pressure now.

SoftCloud forum.

The landlord was mad: “Isn’t Angel Cloud antivirus very difficult to deal with? It is known as the first antivirus software in China, how can it not kill this virus?”

The second floor is very speechless: “This software, which is boasting, is of no use at all.”

Floor 3 is dead: “Is it uninstalled? A soft killer that can’t kill the virus, why do you want to come?”

The crazy seeker on the 4th floor: “I have uninstalled the software and swear I will never use Angel Anti Virus again. If I use it, my thunder will be thundered!”

The forum is very lively, and netizens have vented their angry flame hair on the SoftCloud team.

Subsequently, the SoftCloud team issued an announcement.

Ten o’clock in the morning.

Announcement issued by the first person of SoftCloud Technology.

King: “I have n’t seen you for a long time, did n’t expect to appear at this time, and things are really serious. As everyone knows, the“ The Terminator ”virus has infected more than 2 computers in just 20,000,000 days! History has never been Yes, the SoftCloud team is attacking it with spare no effort. Before the solution comes out, I urgently notify everyone, yes, very urgent, immediately disable Hurricane Tweeting Instant Messenger. The reason why the ‘The Terminator’ virus spreads so fast is that Tweet through the hurricane. “

As soon as the announcement came out, it seemed that the entire Internet World was shaking!

Countless netizens keep posting.

The second-floor panic era: “I rely on, is it really fake? Hurricane Instant Messenger is also installed on my computer.”

Small cat on the third floor: “It must be that I have 3 computers, and 3 computers are installed with Hurricane Chat. These 2 computers are poisoned. And the one I use now is not installed, and there is nothing.”

Polar bear on the 4th floor: “No wonder I reinstalled the system repeatedly, and it was still poisoned. It turned out to be the culprit caused by this broken software. Li Ruifeng, my uncle X!”

World terrifying on the 5th floor: “I’m weird. How can such a problem occur in a company like Hurricane?”

6th Floor understands people: “I think the situation is not simple.”

There was a lot of scolding online, all pointing at the hurricane.

Fans of Li Ruifeng couldn’t sit still and came to post.

The host blew the wind: “After reading so many posts, the people in this forum are a group of silly X! The virus has a hairy relationship with Li Ruifeng. King said this, it is obviously a hurricane to defame. 4 words, shameless!”

Polar Bear on the 2nd floor: “Lou Zhu, do you understand King’s post, and no one said that the virus was released by Li Ruifeng. It was because of his software security problems that it was exploited by people and the virus spread widely.

3rd floor turbulence: “Now chatting with a hurricane, one person is poisoned and the whole family suffers, and all the friends are affected. The spam software is not harmful!”

4th floor, blowing hair, replying to 3rd floor: “Hurricane is the first and best chat application in China. You are garbage, your family is garbage …”

A few 100 words were written at the back, all of which were insulting on the third floor, and there were many posts in the back, all of which were on the third floor.

“Great turmoil” netizens couldn’t sit still and posted a post.

The turbulence on the 100th floor: “2 Gouzi, I knew you. You came here to boasting again, turned over a few 100 pages of posts, and finally found you. The foreman asked me to tell you that I will go to the construction site early tomorrow and move 3 Car Cement 2 Car Bricks, if you ca n’t finish moving, you wo n’t even get the wages of yesterday … “

Everyone looked at the paragraph upstairs, and all smiled!

“Haha, classic!”

The netizen named Blowing Hair was furious and fought with him on the 300th floor!

In fact, he did n’t believe that the hurricane tweeted would infect the virus if he did n’t chat online during the past few days.

Exiting the forum, he opened Hurricane Tweet Instant Messenger.

After playing for a long time, everything is normal.

Just then, a netizen whose nickname was “Fairy Woman” invited to add friends and added a very tempting sentence.

“Handsome, are you lonely? Come in my room to see something good!”

Blowing that excitement, immediately added her as a friend.

As a result, he was infected with the virus, and it was passed on to her by an amorous woman. He also passed the virus to his family. In the end, even his hundreds of friends were finished!

His eyes were black and he fainted!


Although no “healing” method has been found yet, there are already preventive methods.

That is to completely uninstall Hurricane Instant Messenger.

News spread wildly on the Internet World, countless netizens uninstalled Hurricane Instant Messenger, and the number of users of the hurricane software plummeted!

Originally, Li Ruifeng took a China Eastern flight to the United States at 9 o’clock this morning, and the company was about to go on the market to ring the bell.

However, when he received a call from the secretary at the airport, he started and dropped the phone on the ground. Poor Nokia hit the ground and burst …

Immediately, he immediately canceled the trip and hurried back to the company.

Calling senior company and software engineers into the office, Li Ruifeng stood in front of them, his face was very ugly!


He patted heavily on the table and said angrily: “What the hell happened?”

Zhang Yongchao, a product manager at Instant Messenger, said: “The software has been uninstalled and it is out of control.”

“Is the investigation clear? Is the virus really spread through our software?” Li Ruifeng asked quickly.

Zhang Yongchao pushed the glasses, helplessly said: “Yes, reader Fang took advantage of the loophole in our file transfer.”

Seeing Li Ruifeng’s face getting more and more ugly, as if to kill, Zhang Yongchao quickly said: “Young Master Li, you can rest assured that this problem will be fixed soon.”

“Immediately, immediately, the handling is not good, the team is disbanded, get me out!”

Immediately, everyone walked out and Li Ruifeng sat very tired in a chair. I couldn’t figure it out. How could this happen at this time?

It took several hours for the Hurricane team to finally fix the “file transfer” vulnerability.

Hurricane Tweet was updated to version 5.1 and pushed to all netizens to urgently fix the problem.

I thought the matter had been resolved, but at ten o’clock in the evening, a large number of netizens found that installing the latest version of Hurricane Chat would still be poisoned!

The poisoning situation is the same as before, the system crashes, all the files inside are deleted, all personal information is automatically uploaded to the social networking site, and all the photos and passwords of the chat accounts are all exposed.

The users of the hurricane were all angry and criticized, accused and even abused on the forum.

At 1 pm, the Hurricane Forum was forced to close.

“How could this be?” Zhang Yongchao was very puzzled. Was it a virus variant?

Li Ruifeng has already given a death order and can’t get to death.

Programmers of the Hurricane team, don’t think about sleeping tonight, looking for bugs all night long.

Until now, Li Ruifeng did not know who released this “The Terminator” virus?

“If I find the poisoner, I will kill him!” Li Ruifeng hit his computer screen with a fist, and the screen burst immediately.

If the truth is understood, he will definitely be a mouthful of blood!

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