Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1687: : In the calculation

A top tent was lit by Dong Wu’s soldiers. The lit tent could arouse fear in the hearts of the enemy soldiers. However, to Dong Wu’s astonishment, there were so many tents lit, but he did not hear the expected tragedy. Scream.

"No." Dong Wu's eyes tightened. At this time, the entire camp seemed too quiet, and it gave people the feeling of death. This is not the breath that a camp should have. When facing a surprise attack, even the elite soldiers will be There was a panic.

Just as Dong Wu wanted to give an order to retreat, eight hundred cavalry appeared on the left. Against the backdrop of the fire, these white horses appeared majestic and majestic.

When seeing these cavalrymen, Dong Wu heaved a sigh of relief. The reason why he chose to raid the enemy’s camp was because he made the decision after carefully observing these cavalrymen in the city in the daytime. Judging from these cavalrymen , It is clear that they have not gone through too many wars, and the white horse under them feels shocking.

"Don't panic, the combat effectiveness of these cavalry is not strong, as long as you resist." Dong Wu shouted.

After receiving the order, the lieutenant led five hundred cavalry to kill the white horses. Their purpose was to hold the white horses. In Dong Wu’s view, five hundred were enough to deal with these cavalry. This time Even if Dong Wu's surprise attack failed, he did not worry about the path of retreat in the slightest.

Thousands of pawns suddenly appeared on the right side of the army. These pawns kept their pace while they were marching. The sound of their footsteps gathered together, which made people feel extremely shocked and attracted the attention of many soldiers.

Dong Wu's expression was a bit solemn. It was obvious that the enemy had already made arrangements before, otherwise, how could he respond in advance.

Regardless of whether the enemy is elite or not, this sudden change from the attacking side to the one being attacked will eventually make many soldiers a little panicked.

This situation would be difficult to deal with even if it is placed on elite personnel. The Dunhuang army is still somewhat capable, dealing with the Qiang people all the year round, making them much better than the average army in the face of war.

However, what they faced this time was a surprise attack by Baima Yicong. Baima Yicong had already proved their strength on the battlefield. Even the elite Qiang team suffered a lot from their hands. On the frontal battlefield, let alone the enemy troops panicked by the surprise attack.

The five hundred cavalry responsible for blocking the tragedy of Bai Ma Yicong, although it was at night, through the shadowy fire, Bai Ma Yicong still released a rain of arrows, which is what Bai Ma Yicong is best at.

The darkness makes the arrow's quasi-head very far from that of the day. However, the night also gave Baima Yi never a small cover. The Dunhuang cavalry couldn't catch these arrows at all, so they could only twist their bodies on the horses in an attempt. Avoid the arrow rain.

A round of arrows rain caused the Dunhuang cavalry to pay the price of more than 30 men, and then these cavalry will face a crazy attack by Bai Ma Yicong.

A scimitar appeared in the hands of Baima Yicong, and now the scimitar has become a characteristic of the cavalry under the Jin King’s tent, such as the strong sun archer, flying horse, wolf horse and now the white horse Yicong, they charge on the battlefield. At the time, they used scimitars. In the use of scimitars, these cavalry have rich experience. These experiences have allowed them to transform into murderous demons on the battlefield.

The biggest advantage of the scimitar is that the speed of swinging is faster than that of ordinary swords. In addition, the weight of the scimitar is lighter. When charging, it will not consume too much power of the cavalry. With these advantages, the Cavalry of Dunhuang will face You can imagine what the situation is.

The cavalry who followed Dong Wu’s raid continued to fall. Before they died, some of the cavalry were full of disbelief, because the blades in their hands broke after they fought against each other. This situation caused many cavalry to panic. , They never thought that they would encounter such terrible cavalry on the battlefield.

The attack of Baima Yicong did not stop because of the fear and panic of these cavalrymen. Their most important task was to harvest the lives of these cavalrymen.

In the camp of the vanguard army, the shouting and killing shook the sky, and even the defenders on the Dunhuang city five miles away cast expectant glances. This is a war concerning the destiny of Dunhuang.

Today’s army is in charge of Dong Wu. Although some generals in the army are dissatisfied with Dong Wu’s seizure of power, Dong Wu represents the power of Dunhuang. Once he has embarked on the road of opposing the Jin king, it is difficult to turn back. At this point, the generals still have a clear understanding. If they win, the crisis in Dunhuang will be greatly eased. If this war fails, they will become prisoners.

Dong Wu's mood was also very solemn, especially when facing Baima Yicong, a thousand cavalry had been completely dispatched to the battlefield.

In fact, after Dong Wu discovered that he had entered the siege, if he led the soldiers without hesitation to there might be more soldiers who could escape from the camp. However, Dong Wu was a conceited person, even if he was caught by Zhao Yun. After his strategy, he still wanted to win the war. This time the Dunhuang army was an absolute elite, with a thousand cavalry and two thousand foot soldiers, but Zhao Yun’s vanguard army only had three thousand men. .

After the actual fight, Dong Wu felt the horror of these soldiers, especially when facing the White Horse Yicong, the cavalry in the army suffered extremely severe damage, and these infantry performed extremely crazy.

The enemy’s soldiers appeared on the left and right sides of the army, making the army a little flustered. After gradually stabilizing the formation, Dong Wu lost his initial fighting spirit. It was his greatest support. If these cavalry were damaged on the battlefield, they would be at a greater disadvantage in the face of King Jin's army in the future.

Holding a bright silver gun, Zhao Yun, who was shining the night jade lion under him, appeared in the team of Bai Ma Yicong, which greatly boosted the morale of Bai Ma Yicong. Zhao Yun is the leader of Baima Yicong and is invincible in their hearts. exist.

Zhao Yunma quickly came to the place of confrontation on the battlefield. Every time the bright silver spear in his hand was swung, it would take away the lives of the enemy cavalry.

The white robe was stained with blood, the horses neighed, and under the fire, Zhao Yun's figure was infinitely magnified in the hearts of the Dunhuang cavalry, so that when facing Zhao Yun, many cavalry were a little panicked. Escape from the side. When a military commander's bravery reaches a certain level, he can still affect the changes on the battlefield. Zhao Yun is using his powerful martial arts to influence the direction of the battlefield.

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