Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1686: : Assault

Chapter 1686: Attacking the Camp (Page 1/1)

So Dong Wu found Zhao Lu again. In any case, the Zhao family where Zhao Lu was located was an important family in the city, and Zhao Lu himself was quite strategic. If he had Zhao Lu's help, Dong Wu would have greater confidence.

When I saw Dong Wu again, Zhao Lu was a little surprised. Since Dong Wu took charge of the military power in the city, he has no enthusiasm for other families. This situation is also reasonable. After people's status is improved, they will definitely pay more attention. Prestige.

After the two discussed, Zhao Lu said, "General Dong must be careful."

"Premier Zhao can rest assured that this general will surely be able to win the battle. Even after the defeat of the Han army, our army can go to the Western Regions to seek reinforcements and resist the king's soldiers and horses." Dong Wudao.

Zhao Lu frowned, obviously because he was a little dissatisfied with the countries of the Western Regions. "General Dong, don't seek help from the countries of the Western Regions when necessary. These countries are all ambitious. Once they enter the Yumen Pass, they will think again. Getting them to obey orders is difficult."

Dong Wu nodded and agreed, with some disapproval in his heart. Although Zhao Lu's words were polite, they expressed the same meaning as Chen Ying.

Dong Wu had a lot of dealings with the countries of the Western Regions. In his impression, these people were very good at talking, especially the kings of some countries, who were extremely polite to the people of the Dong family. This situation greatly satisfied Dong Wu. Self-esteem.

After encampment, Zhao Yun led five hundred cavalry soldiers to investigate the situation outside the city. As a pioneer army, he wanted to provide the army with as much information about the enemy as possible. Dunhuang's money situation is unknown. After Dong Wu took control of the city, a huge phenomenon appeared. If the situation of the defenders cannot be transmitted to the army in time, it will be extremely detrimental to future engagements.

The city's defenders gave Zhao Yun a feeling of slack. The arrival of the three thousand troops obviously extinguished the defenders in the city. Perhaps in their opinion, the three thousand enemy troops were nothing more than that. After all, there were 8,000 people in the city.

"The enemy's cavalry is here," a soldier in the city shouted.

The general scolded: "What's the panic, can the enemy's cavalry rush to the top of the city?"

After Dong Wu got the news, he didn't dare to neglect, and even came to the city with Zhao Lu.

Zhao Yun frowned at the thought of the defenders' contempt for his side.

Although Bai Ma Yicong didn't understand why Zhao Yun had such an order, he still carried it out.

The cavalry outside the city looked at it from a distance, and Dong Wu felt a strong visual impact. The horses under Bai Ma Yi Cong were all white, but the clothes on his body were solemn black.

This was the first time Dong Wu came into contact with the soldiers and horses under King Jin's account, and he observed them carefully.

After a long time, Dong Wu showed a satisfied smile and walked down the city. As for fighting the enemy outside the city at this time, it is completely unnecessary in Dong Wu's view. You can let the city go without fighting. The enemy troops outside are even more arrogant.

At this point, Zhao Yun and Dong Wu had the same cognition, and both wanted to make each other's soldiers arrogant.

After night fell, the generals of General Zhao Yun gathered in one place and arranged the camp. There were 8,000 defenders in the city, which was Dong Wu’s greatest confidence. With this opportunity, he believed that Dong Wu did not give up the truth and defeated the vanguard of a large army. , The benefits that can be obtained are too many.

At the second shift, the city gate opened quietly, and a thousand cavalry companies with two thousand foot soldiers slowly walked towards the direction of the enemy's barracks.

Although they acted cautiously, even the horse hooves of the war horse were wrapped in cotton cloth, but there were several eyes staring at these teams in the dark.

In order to show the importance of this battle, Dong Wu personally went into battle, in order to establish his prestige in the army, so that the soldiers in the army could understand that even after Chen Ying died, he could still lead the army in the city to fight against Lu Bu. Victory.

Perhaps in order to show his strength, Dong Wu led the infantry and cavalry together, there are only three thousand people, this is obviously not want to take advantage of Zhao Yun in number.

About to arrive at the camp where Zhao Yun is located, Dong Wu showed disdain. He was a little cautious at first, because he was worried that they would disturb the secret posts outside the camp. Once these secret posts found them, they would bring a lot of trouble and disappoint Dong Wu. What's more, there was no secret whistle outside the camp. This situation made him wonder how Lu Bu had achieved such great achievements in previous wars. Could it be that the princes of the Central Plains were all fools?

After approaching the camp, Dong Wu took a look at the layout of the camp and ordered the soldiers to step forward to clear the obstacles outside the camp.

The soldiers above the camp obviously did not realize that the enemy was approaching, and occasionally burst into laughter.

After Dong Wu learned of this situation, he sneered. As long as he entered the camp, he could defeat Zhao Yun with his own soldiers and horses, so as to have mental arithmetic and unintentional. What about the elite soldiers under Zhao Dunhuang's army is not weak in strength.

The laxity of the soldiers at the top of the camp made Dong Wu's contempt for Zhao Yun more and more intense. At the beginning, Chen Ying died in Dong Wu's hands because he was too confident in his own strength. If Dong Wu could understand the truth, perhaps he would Be more careful, but once a person gains power, he will always be a little airy, and his confidence in himself is unprecedentedly high.

The generals who followed Dong Wu were also excited when they learned about the situation in the enemy's camp. This was a credit to them, and some generals looked at Dong Wu with a hint of admiration.

Dong Wu seized power in the army because he killed Chen Ying, and then designed the generals in the generals to gather in one place. Anyone who obeyed Dong Wu’s orders would be appointed, otherwise he would be imprisoned by Dong Wu. When he got up, although these actions made Dong Wu quickly take charge of the army, the generals in the army still had some doubts about Dong Wu.

Seeing that the time was almost time, Dong Wu waved his spear and thousands of cavalry marched towards the enemy's camp.

Even though the horseshoes were wrapped in cotton cloth, the cavalry's momentum when charging was still great. Several defenders above the camp were panicked, yelled, and sounded the gong in their hands.

Seeing this scene, Dong Wu showed disdain. At this time, even if the enemy in the camp knows of their own raid, what can be done? If you want to integrate a large army, it will take time. It was a long time, and this period of time was long enough for Dong Wu to wreak havoc in the enemy's camp. Besides, it was a surprise attack on his side. In the face of a sudden attack, it is remarkable that ordinary soldiers can have half of their ordinary combat effectiveness.

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