Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1378: , hero, cherish! (6,000 words large

At the gate of Middenheim City, Archaon thought he could take down the over-the-top elf in front of him at a very fast speed, and he launched the most ferocious attack from the very beginning.

However, Tyrion stopped all Archaon's attacks one by one. The incarnation of the wind of light, the guardian of Ulthuan, and the martial arts of the high elf war lord became more and more exquisite in a series of ordeals. Tyrion can now feel it. , his martial skills have reached the realm of transformation. As the wind of light incarnates and gradually merges his own power into one, Tyrion has a feeling that he seems to be able to control every detail of his body and feel the radiance of every pore. Expanding and closing, precisely distributing every bit of power to every corner of the body, his body is truly under his control, and this power makes every attack of Archaon easily blocked by Tyrion Next, Archaen looked at Tyrion, and looked at a white light shot from his Yangyan sword. Eternal God's Choice knew that he had met an opponent.

There was no confusion, no hesitation, Archaon immediately raised his sword and fought with Tyrion. At the time of Eternal God's election, at least 300 Chaos Chapters were still lining up to enter Middenheim.

Yang Yanjian and the Kingslayer clashed. The dazzling white light made the surrounding Chaos warriors have to avoid the duel arena between the two. A little rubbing was the end of destruction. Tyrion's pace was like a butterfly flying, and the wind of light incarnates. Come and go, he was so fast that not even Archaon could keep up with Tyrion.

However, after dozens of rounds, Tyrion realized he was losing the duel.

Several times, Tyrion has seized Archaon's invisible and fleeting flaws and gave a resolute counterattack. His sword was burning with flames from the sun, shooting out the white light belonging to the wind of light, but No matter what kind of attack, it can't hurt Archaen in the slightest. The body chosen by Eternal God seems to be a big dye vat. Any magical energy that touches his body will be immediately swallowed and assimilated. As for Tyrion's sword skills, it is indeed universal. Unparalleled, but when Yang Yanjian kept bouncing off Moka's armor, Tyrion's forehead was already frowning, and his inner armor was wet with sweat.

He can't break Archaen's defense, the Eternal God in front of him, his melee ability may not be as good as himself, but his defense is ten million times better than himself!

hateful! If the Sword of Kane was still there...if I could...Echaun's every onslaught of Tyrion was calmly resolved, and every attack of Archaon made Tyrion dangerous, winds of light The avatar couldn't help but miss the power he had when he held the Kane sword. If the Kane sword was still in his hand, Tyrion had the confidence to break Archaon's defense. Compared with the super artifact of Gale Malaz.

For now, I can only delay Archain's footsteps as long as possible!

Thinking of this, Tyrion no longer hesitated, and he once again fought with Archaon in full spirit.

On the other side, the city of Middenheim was in chaos at this time. There were still more than 30,000 defenders in Midenheim. Originally, the morale of these soldiers collapsed because the city gate was broken and both Woten and Axel were killed in battle. , Just when the soldiers were defeated in panic, they were pleasantly surprised to see that the Lord of White Wolf City, the Duke of Middenheim and the Archduke of Midden, Boris Todbringer, is back! Also with the head of the one-eyed Kazzak!

"The sons of Uric! Concentrate on me!" Boris was worthy of being the master of Middenheim for decades. As soon as he shouted in a hoarse voice, the defenders of Middenheim immediately subconsciously focused on Boris, the defense line It has been reorganized, and the banner symbolizing the white wolf **** Uric stands in the street again. Uric has not abandoned Middenheim!

Like an old, tired old wolf, but still capable of fighting, Boris's roar awakened the pride of the Midden leader, and the soldiers returned to their posts one after another to prepare for street battles.

Boris' one-eyed searched back and forth in the white wolf knight's queue, he knew he had done something wrong, he knew he had paid the price for his selfishness and recklessness, and he was willing to take responsibility for it, but before all this, he still had His own mission was to be accomplished, so he and Tyrion entered Middenheim through an unknown secret passage and came back like lightning from the sewers, just to complete the final deployment.

Soon, he found it: "Harland! You stinky boy! Get over here!"

The white wolf knight Harland looked confused. The young white wolf knight with blond hair, blue eyes and snow-white skin was only in his twenties this year, but he had been discussed many times whether he was eligible to enter the inner ring of the Knights. After the assassination, he was naturally selected into the inner ring and became a member of the Teutonic Guard.

"Harland, you bastard, let me ask you, do you like Annie?" Boris pulled Harland over, saliva sprayed on Harland's face.

Harland's face immediately flushed red. The Teutonic guard had a bit of an affair with Boris' daughter. As an elector, Boris actually saw it in his eyes but kept silent. Excellent, he entered the Teutonic Guard before the age of thirty, and Harland has a background. He is a relative of Lane's adoptive father Norman. Norman introduced Harland to Lane before he died. Considering the environment, Ryan did not take Harland away, but the half-blooded elf warhorse and a dwarf rune weapon beside Harland were very telling.

"Do you like Annie in the end!" Boris pinched Harland's neck and roared like a madman: "Is it a man? Are there any eggs? Don't you know how to answer?"

"Like...I like it!" Harland is also a kind guy. He was embarrassed at first, but when Boris was agitated, he suddenly became bloody: "I like her! Your daughter, Annie too!"

"Okay! Very energetic!" Boris punched Harland in the face so fiercely that Harland's nose bleeds: "This is a punishment from a father!"

"Matak!" Without waiting for Harland to respond, Boris continued to roar, and the chief wizard of the imperial royal family, Greg Matak stepped out of the crowd: "I am here, Your Excellency Boris."

"Very good! Very good!" Boris immediately ordered: "Find my daughter, right here, in front of Uric's Castle, I want to watch Harland and Anne get married with my own eyes, Matak you come Marry!"

When the Elector ordered this and was so urgent, the Midden leaders no longer hesitated. They temporarily brought Annie out of Urick Fort, just before the Holy Fire of the White Wolf God, on the battlefield. , A very simple battlefield wedding, which was less than 4 kilometers away from the Chaos Army, was held like this. Harland temporarily tied a bow tie, and Annie only had time to put a white gauze on her head.

Everything happened so miraculously, so suddenly.

"Then, now, I announce that the groom can kiss the bride!" Matak's greasy voice just fell, Harland only had time to kiss Annie's lips lightly, and Boris put the rune fang in the scabbard and put it in the scabbard. into his arms.

"Your Excellency the Elector?" Harland was taken aback.

"The Elector? You still call me the Elector?" Boris finally smiled, and the old guy raised his chin and gestured: "No, now, you are Your Excellency the Elector, Harland, my son-in-law, I am The identity of the elector and the head of the Todbringer family has been announced. From today, you are the elector of the empire, the Duke of Middenheim, and the Grand Duke of Middenland! The new head of the Todblinger family!"

After speaking, Boris drew his steel long sword from Harland's waist, laughed, put on a cloak, and rushed to the daughter Anne's father's cry without looking back. Burning Street.

Well, that's enough, old man, that's enough.

During the run, Boris's face was full of satisfied smiles.

My time has passed, Harland is a good boy and he will be nice to Annie.

This is enough, Boris Todbringer's life, no more regrets!

run ahead!

Facing the Chaos Hell Cannon!

How can Uric's greatness be felt without suffering?

Archaon can't get us on our knees to beg for mercy!

Even if the blood is sprinkled all over the wolf robe~~~

Keep up the good work, Todd Bollinger's pride~

How can you see the shining of White Wolf City if you don't insist on it?

It's better to fight indulgently than to steal your life!

Charlemagne will return like lightning!

With this belief, Boris rushed into the Chaos Army wearing a wolf robe and holding a steel long sword and shield: "Come on! God-killed Yankees, come and taste Yurik's fangs!"

After that day, no one saw Boris Todbringer again.

The remaining Middenheim defenders were united under the command of the two electoral couples, Harland and Anne, and the Chaos Army launched an extremely tragic street battle. The two sides walked along every block, every building Buildings, and even every alley, fought **** battles. Relying on the blessing of Uric's Holy Fire, the Chaos Army was unable to completely control the Midden Sea for a while despite the number and quality of the army being crushed and the city gates being broken. Ah!

The war continues.

…………I am the dividing line of the dream-chasing white wolf heart…………

Outside the city, the army of Nicohala was on the rise. Emperor Setra stood on his chariot of the gods, slaughtering the warriors of Chaos like mowing grass, and looking for a worthy target, an uninvited guest suddenly blocked his progress.

The eldest Lich High Priest, Catp, ran out of the shadows and blocked Settra's way. The great King of Kings of Nicohara was outraged that the exile dared to appear: "Katep, you have the face to come back! I once told you that I was searching to help me regain my body and become a real person. Before the God of Perfection, you must not appear in front of Nicohara and me, or I will kill you, do you remember?"

"Yes, Wei Chen remembers." Catap's voice was very bitter.

"Then, have you found the way?" Settra said coldly, the sword of Petra's blessing from Emperor Nicohara had been placed beside Catap's neck.

"No, but I have important news, please listen carefully to your Majesty." Catap was not frightened, the Lich High Priest seized the opportunity to turn around and immediately told Settra the truth about Middenheim , Chaos Eternal God Chosen Archain is conquering Middenheim, as long as he is allowed to enter Middenheim underground to start the instrument, then the world will be completely destroyed, and everything will be turned into dust, including Setra's hegemony and his rebirth. Dreams of conquering the world and becoming a perfect **** will all be empty talk.

Having said all this, the Tomb Lich High Priest Catap crouched down, waiting for his doomed blow.

He knows who Settra is too well. If Settra wins the battle of Middenheim, or even when the emperor successfully opened the Black Pyramid and obtained some of the power of Nagash, he will come up and send a A bunch of hypocritical flattery, maybe Settra could forgive his sins as soon as he was happy, but what he said now was a cold truth that didn't fit the Emperor's liking, so he had no chance of life.

But he still has to say it, because Catap's loyalty to Settra needs no language description!

After Setra listened to Catp's description, Emperor Nicohara's expression gradually changed from anger to icy cold, and he understood that Catp offered his last loyalty to bringing him the truth, which made the There was a hint of hesitation in Khemrikala, who was decisive in killing.

Before Catp could wait long, Petra's Blessing Blade was still cut off, and the head of the Lich High Priest flew out and rolled a few times on the ground.

Setra is Settra. As a king, he will never regret the words he has said, the oaths he has made, and the decisions he has made. Nothing can compare to the dignity of Emperor Nicohara! Not even Catap's loyalty!

But Setra already knew about Catap's message.

To the unison of the horns, the most famous warriors in the whole of Khemri appeared at the command of the Emperor: the Eagles of Settra.

In the ancient days of the Nikohara Empire, in the glory of the First Dynasty, they went into battle time and time again, marching proudly under those majestic gates.

They always come back victorious. Enemies who see their turquoise shields on the battlefield know that defeat is doomed.

The Sertra Eagles have a hundred legions and ten thousand warriors. Although this is less than one-tenth of the total strength of the Setra infantry, the number alone cannot explain their extraordinary accomplishments. While alive, it was said that the Eagles wielded four weapons against each other. While in undead form, the Warhawks increased this percentage, but the dead no longer boasted of their exploits.

The trumpet of war gradually reached a loud climax as soldiers slashed shields with sharp blades or spears and marched with perfect pace.

Setra, Lord of Khemri, King of Kings, true ruler of earth, sky and four horizons, drove into war, with the crown of Nicohara on his forehead, the sacred blade of Petra In his powerful palm, the fire of war burned in his hollow eye sockets.

"Pass the emperor's order, concentrate your strength, and break through the defense line of the Chaos Army!"

"Eternal God chose Archaen?" The great Emperor Nicohara announced that the entire army would focus on breaking through the main force of the Chaos Army and marching towards Middenheim: "I will let him know that if he does not surrender, he will die!"

"For Setra, for Nicohara!"

The Tomb King abandoned the war outside the city and concentrated all his armies to try to get close to Middenheim, and Settra himself went out to fight.

However, the retreat of the Tomb King had devastating consequences for the Coalition of Order.

The original three-way battle of dwarves VS Skaven VS Tomb King, the delicate balance was broken due to the retreat of the Tomb King, and 10,000 dwarves were forced to face hundreds of thousands of Skaven. .

Obviously, once this balance is broken, the dwarves will not be able to hold on.

The last few Knights of the Eternal Light vanished in the counterattack against the Skaven, engulfed by the Warpstone flames.

The Moor Knights finally succumbed to the Ratling salvo of the Stormrat Troll, after eliminating twenty times their size.

The giant hammer warriors of Haimenguan changed from a legion to a team, and then to the last few brave warriors are still stubbornly resisting on the ground.

The number of Eternal Guards of High King Thorgrim dwindled, until there were fewer than a thousand.

The doomsday anvil of the dwarven runemaster Soric Ironbrow was so hot that it was used to the limit, and once again, the anvil would shatter completely.

There is also the Butcher King Agrim-Iron Fist. He can’t count how many giant beasts of the Mord clan he has hacked to death. The Dago Axe, an artifact battle axe, has a series of holes, and it is cut into volumes. On this day, most of the dwarf butchers sought the most glorious death as they wished.

After finally repelling another attack of the Mord clan, Agrim-Iron Fist threw aside the completely scrapped Dago Axe, picked up a machete from the ground, and about a hundred dwarf butchers guarding Beside their king, besides that, the wood elf hero Alaros, holding a spark spear, panting, helped the butcher king to hold on to one side.

They were surrounded.

"Hey, what a shame. I didn't expect my last battle to be with an elf boy. It's not honorable at all." Agrim Iron Fist looked at the countless Skas surrounding him from all directions. The mouse of the Wen clan, and the right claw of the Mord clan in the distance, Slot-Unclean, and the strongest mutant rat troll under its command, the most successful forbidden biological weapon of the Mord clan-Gurchi, He couldn't help but smile.

Alaros also had a premonition that the final moment was coming. He raised his head indifferently. If he could die here today, it would be such an honor. I would definitely become a legendary epic, and Lilith would definitely remember my sacrifice. So what am I not happy about?

Thinking of this, the wood elf hero simply said: "It's really not good for you to die in a battle with pointed ears."

"Isn't it?" The Butcher King complained, "I've thought about many glorious ways to die, but I didn't expect that there would be pointy ears in the scene. Valaya's beer is really bad."

"So... what if you die with your friends?" Alaros asked softly.

Agrim Iron Fist fell silent, and the butcher king's gaze moved from the army of rat people that continued to surge up to Alaros. After a long time, he spit out a word: "Aye!"

"Listen to me, elf boy, you are different from other pointed ears. Today should not be your death date." The Butcher King seemed to have made up his mind, and he took a step forward: "You retreat, leave it to me and Card. Sons of Lin, you retreat with Thorgreen, and you will be needed in the next battle!"

"Dwarf, you?" Alaros already understood what Agrim wanted to do, and he was about to dissuade him when the Butcher King shook his head sharply: "I have been chasing a glorious death all my life, and now, in such a powerful battlefield, Such a gorgeous stage, such a heroic sacrifice, is my lifelong wish, don't stop me from realizing my ideal, okay?"

Alaros stopped talking, the wood elf hero had tears in his eyes, he showed the highest courtesy to the Butcher King, but he couldn't help but ask, with a cry in his voice: "But... what about the wind of flames? "

"I really like what you said from Esley: Life always finds a way out by itself." Agrim smiled: "The wind of fire is not my thing, never has been."

"Son of Kadrin, raise the axe, let's leave an unforgettable ending for this group of mice!" Under the order of the Butcher King, all the dwarf butchers assembled and launched under the leadership of Agrim. the final charge.

The horn sounded non-stop, Agrim completely liberated the power of the wind of fire, his whole body was gradually enveloped in flames, sweeping all the way, the bodies of the mice melted, and the dwarf butchers were invincible, and they all withered away.

Agrim-Iron Fist's body started to and then the hair and beard, he killed directly in front of Slot-Unholy, the battle axe in his hand pushed Slot-Unholy into his hands The man's arresting rod broke with a single blow. The Butcher King stretched out his hand and grabbed Slot's neck. Agrim, whose whole body was gradually engulfed by flames, whispered, "Endless, power! Fire!"

There was a huge force from the side, and Gurqi charged forward and knocked the Butcher King and Slot away together, and pressed them against the wall of the old military camp.

The Butcher King was expressionless. He stretched out his other hand and continued to liberate the flames in his hand. The knife in his hand slashed, and one of Gurchi's arms was directly cut off, but this man-eating rat troll felt no pain. One of his hands pressed down on Butcher King's body and pressed it against the collapsed wall, making him unable to move.

"So, it's over!" Agrim squeezed Sloter's neck with one hand and grabbed Gulch's arm with the other.

Flame release.

On the battlefield of Middenheim, a 100-meter-high column of fire ignited. The orange-red flames were like a fountain, reaching the clouds. The elites were engulfed in flames.

The King of Karak-Kadrin, the King of Butchers, and the Wind of Fire became Agrim-Iron Fist and fell on the outskirts of Middenheim.

He took away with him the right claw of the Mord clan, the lord Slot the Unclean, the mutant rat troll Gurchi, and all the elites of the Mord clan.

The smoke filled the sky, and the tearful Alaros looked at the soul that was gradually dissipating in the firelight, and said silently, my friend.

The Skaven stagnated, seemingly deterred by this terrifying explosion, and taking advantage of this opportunity, the High King Thorgreen led the remnants of the dwarves to turn and also rushed towards Middenheim.

The war is far from over.

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