Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1377: , Vlad's last kiss

PS: Come, come, and finally, let’s talk about this chapter and make some complaints, yesyes!

Flanking from all sides and blossoming in the center, this is Lane's original battle plan. In addition to relying on the power of the various incarnations, the most important premise is that Middenheim can last long enough, only Middenheim is like a Only when the nails are firmly fixed in place and contain most of the main forces of the Chaos Army, the order army on the periphery has the possibility of success.

And this premise is now shattered, and all the incarnations of order outside the city, including Grand Marshal Ryan, are all startled in a cold sweat.

Middenheim has fallen?

right? Didn't Middenheim claim that Uric's fire was immortal and that White Wolf City would never fall?

Are you reliable, Uric?

The knights of Brittany cursed the defenders of Middenheim for failing to complete their mission. At this time, even Morgianna and Francois, who were the main generals, panicked. The old man couldn't help it. He asked Ryan, "Your Majesty, are there any reinforcements?"

"It is impossible to count on other reinforcements now. All the fighting forces in the world are already here." Ryan's face was as black as ink, and the primarch couldn't help clenching the hilt of Nemesis. His eyes were fixed on Middenheim, watching the thick smoke billowing from the city gate. What can be confirmed at present is that Middenheim's defenders have not collapsed and are still resisting, but without the protection of the city gate. , How long can Middenheim's defenders last?

"Father, don't you collectively teleport?" Devonhill asked suddenly, "Why don't you collectively teleport to Middenheim City?"

The others were okay. Leman Russ, who was on standby, couldn't help but glance at Devonhill. The old wolf reluctantly stretched out his hand and messed up Devonhill's hair.

"Good question." Ryan laughed at his son's words, and he grinned: "German, you must have read all the books in the "HH (Horus Rebellion series, right?"

"Yes, father." Devonhill nodded.

"Then I can ask you, why didn't your grandfather bring a group of forbidden troops with you during the battle of Terra, your Uncle Dorn, Uncle Khan, and Uncle Sanguinius directly teleported to Horus from the very beginning. In front of you?" Ryan said casually, "But wait until Horus chooses to lower his ship?"

"Uh..." Devonhill was a little stunned.

"Under the vigilance of the other party, it is extremely dangerous to engage in such long-distance and large-scale teleportation." Ryan said coldly: "In most cases, this move may not only be interrupted by the other party, causing a huge amount of damage to oneself. Backlash, it is even very likely that he will be directly blocked from entering the mortal world, trapped in the warp or exiled to the end of the universe. Archaen is an eternal **** who has the blessings of the four chaos gods. He is not only a warrior, He is also a very powerful mage, do you play mass teleportation in front of him?"

It's not impossible for Ryan to teleport in large groups now, but it's too dangerous, and his wife is dangerous. The collective teleportation of the army level is not a "squeak" from here to there, but requires a casting process and casting time. Not only will it consume a huge amount of Ryan's psionic energy, but it is also more likely to be interrupted and devastated in the process of teleportation.

"My dear, what should I do now?" Veronica supported the injured Suria, and the Sanctuary Witch's face was full of anxiety.

"There is no way!" Ryan gritted his teeth, and he raised the spear of my Lord here: "Old Guards, follow me, dispatch!"

"The Angronde clan, for Granny and Grimnir, for the Eight Peaks Mountain!" Bellegar responded indignantly.

The unique sound of horns spread throughout the battlefield, and the elite infantry regiments headed by the Brittany Old Guard, the Red Dragon Guard, the Unicorn Guard, and the Holy Grail Knights headed by the Brotherhood of the Red Dragon Knights were dispatched.

The mountains of Brittany moved.

The old guard's slogan reverberated through the mountains and seas, and under the power of Ryan, a rainbow bridge condensed into a solid body from the land to the Middenheim Mountains!

The Old Guards, Holy Grail Knights, Angronde swore to protect themselves, and a small number of elite knights and infantry followed Ryan to set foot on the Rainbow Bridge.

The final journey begins.

"Gelt!!!" In the imperial army formation, Emperor Karl Franz's roar also sounded: "Middenheim fell!"

"I know." Galt couldn't help his panic and anxiety. The great alchemist waved the Staff of Volan, and a large group of golden retrievers appeared around to tear the Chaos Warriors into pieces, and in the distance there was another At least a hundred Chaos Chapters came to support, while the number of the Imperial Army was decreasing every second.

"We have to hurry up, otherwise we will not be able to see the dawn of tomorrow!" Ascended Karl waved Gael-Maraz Originium to headshot the two Tzeentchi warriors, he could only use the most sincere way Begged Geert: "Find a way to send us to Middenheim, this is the only hope!"

The face behind Geert's metal mask is tangled, and he wants to send everyone in in one breath? Is this easier said than done? Did our emperor think we could do it again because we won the Stormgate surprise attack?

"Gelt!!!" Upgraded Karl shouted: "Answer me!!!"

"My magic can't bring everyone!" The great alchemist was silent for a while, and then said: "At most a small part."

"That's a small part!" the emperor shouted: "Quick!!!"

Geert finally nodded, and the great alchemist tried his best to mobilize his power. A clearly visible golden light appeared on the entire battlefield. The air was full of flowing gold, and the molten metal rushed into the sky and was caught in one fell swoop. Reinforced, a golden bridge appeared in front of everyone, and with the shouts of the emperor, the Half-Griffin Knights, the Rick Guards, the Sun Knights, the Great Swords of Kronborg, the Black Rock Guards, the Nuer Armored Army, and the Emperor The private army of the Griffin Greatsword Regiment set foot on the final battlefield, leaving most of the Imperial Army to delay the remaining enemy.

Similarly, the elf empire army, who saw the problem, immediately launched the era oak root teleportation under the operation of Ela Ruili, and the trees that rose from the ground opened a path for the army of life.

Malekith chose the most dangerous decision. He launched his own shadow wind power, wrapped a part of the elf army under his command, and directly turned into a filthy undercurrent and rushed to Middenheim. This move is very dangerous. But the Eternal King has no other choice.

Most of the elf imperial army left, and the pale queen Olika, the **** king of the elf underground **** system, was left behind. Olika was so angry that her face turned blue, she had to take over the command and be responsible for delaying the remaining main force of the Chaos Army, as the master They create opportunities.

Vlad also noticed the fall of Middenheim. To be fair, the Death Lord was very reluctant to approach Middenheim, where the holy fire would cause great damage to Vlad, but the current situation was already like this. Even if Vlad was reluctant, he could only turn himself into a bat and fly directly to Middenheim.

Perhaps only the incarnation of the wind of death does not need to consider the issue of the army. Vlad knows that as long as he reaches the interior of Middenheim, then he has countless corpse pits to call the undead army to fight, and he left Luther Harken , Arkhan and others, just ordered the Horror Beast to bring Gul and head towards the mountain.

Only halfway through the flight, a beautiful figure stopped in front of Vlad, and she let out a silver bell-like laughter mixed with demonic whispers and extreme resentment: "Where are you going? Darling, here I am. Well, husband, the world is about to be destroyed, before that, aren't you going to give your wife one last hug?"

"..." Vlad fixed his eyes on Isabella, his wife, he knew that Isabella had been occupied by a certain Nurgle at this time, but this person was his wife, Isabella was still as beautiful as they had been when they got married hundreds of years ago, and Vlad knew he would never give up on Isabella, never.

"Very well, before the world is destroyed, let's hug one last time." Vlad gave up his plan to enter the city quickly, he reappeared, and the Death Lord raised the blood-drinking sword: "Come on."

In history, the husband and wife have once again started a duel. Isabella and Vlad, who were controlled by the demon, actually fought a draw. Vlad was forced to use all his sword skills and combined all his fighting experience. Being able to suppress his wife, he noticed the poison on Isabella's sword, which was a gift from Nurgle. Vlad couldn't let himself be touched by this poison, otherwise, even if he didn't die, his strength would be greatly damaged.

When the whole city of Middenheim was in flames, the couple had a gorgeous duel on the city wall. Every second, the Death Lord was pouring the wind of death into Isabella's body, which made the sojourn. The Nurgle in Isabella's body was very painful, and Isabella's counterattack came very quickly. Vlad's body was cut into thousands of pieces in the blink of an eye, but the Death Lord was resurrected immediately. .

In the second life, Vlad rushed forward, dodging all the attacks along the way, and allowed Isabella's long sword to pierce his heart tendon. Bella's hands were clipped behind her back, and the Elector's wife gasped in pain. After all, her strength was not as strong as Vlad, let alone the Death Lord who merged with the wind of death.

In the third life, Vlad, who was resurrected again, squeezed his wife's chin hard. The eyes of the death prince were full of affection. He looked at Isabella's perfect face. Every time, Isabella's beauty As intoxicated as they were when they were newly married, Vlad sighed, "Accept my love, Isa, my wife."

All Isabella's words were blocked in his mouth, Vlad bit his wife's lips violently, the fangs of the two sides collided, the mouth was full of blood, and the strong and pure wind of death came from Vlad. After pouring it into Isabella's body, the Nurgle Demon who controlled the Elector's wife screamed in desperation until Isabella's whole body turned into a withered and stiff amethyst.

Resisting the excruciating pain, Vlad pulled the Von Carstein ring from his finger before his wife died completely and put it on Isabella's hand. The amethyst in the shape of his wife shoved violently, causing the amethyst to fall to the Middenheim Mountain. He knelt on one knee on the city wall and smiled.

Nurgle, who lives in Isabella, will die, and his wife, Isabella, will be reborn.

But at this time Vlad was very weak, very, he was vomiting blood and gasping for breath, he felt someone approaching quickly behind him, and he was directly suppressed and stood up before he had time to react.

Nippon's famous sword, Chikuzen's little Karasuma Onikiri pressed on Vlad's shoulder and stretched out slowly, rubbing sparks on Vlad's armor, the Death Lord shook his body, and his tone was a little stiff: "You coming?"

"Why can't I come?" Aibo Wallace, the ancestor of the blood dragon, appeared behind Vlad.

"Of course you can come, so, are you here to kill me?" Vlad can move, but it's not necessary. He knows very well that the blood dragon ancestor Aibo Wallace only needs a flick of his wrist in this case. You can kill him: "Then the wind of death is yours."

"I'm not interested in the wind of death." Abbot Wallace whispered: "We agreed before that I owe you one, right?"


"Now, I'll give it back to you." Chikuzen's little Karasuma Onikiri pulled back, and the ancestor of the blood dragon looked into Middenheim City: "I'm here this time to fulfill my promise with my old friend."

"Then, I wish you a good day." Vlad immediately turned into a bat and left, not daring to stay for another second.

…………I am the dividing line for fulfilling the agreement…………

The city of Middenheim fell so quickly that the army of order outside the city was forced to break into pieces. When they led their elites to try to break into the city of Middenheim to prevent Archaen from marching towards Fort Urick, the duel in the city also took place. The end is near.

Charlemagne's God-chosen Champion Volten, and Eternal God's Chosen Archain are in an unprecedented championship matchup.

The Hammer of Gael-Maraz's Light collided with the demon's fury, and the flames radiating from the full-body plate armor of the golden Griffin master-level rune on Volten's body and the Chaos Mark on Moka's armor complemented each other.

The attacks on both sides were a tyrannical and domineering war dance that could not be looked at directly. Volteng made a savage move, and Gael Maraz smashed all defenses.

Archaon was flawless, the Kingslayer kept spewing sparks, and the Eye of Sherron on his forehead kept seeing Volten's attacks, blocking every inevitable swing of Gail-Maraz.

The two sides seem to be evenly matched, but Voten is only a pure warrior and not a mage after all. Archaon constantly summons demonic flames, and the mark of chaos on his forehead shoots lasers. When Voten tried to dodge, he had to pay some The price - Archain was struck twice in the thigh and Archain was struck in the shoulder.

Charlemagne's chosen champion was injured. Volten endured the pain and continued to fight vigorously. Under his call, the morale of the Middenheim defenders was also high. More importantly, the fire of Uric was always burning. The flames of the White Wolf God strengthened the strength of every Midden-led defender, and suppressed the power of Chaos. The Chaos Warriors who rushed into the city were obviously wilted, and the Chaos Runes on their bodies were no longer so bright.

Finally, Voten seized an opportunity. He forcibly resisted the demon flame released by Archain, and used Gal-Maraz to hit the upper end of Archain's shield. Cracked, Archain stumbled, taking a step back reluctantly.

This small victory gave Wo Teng hope, but it also opened the door for him. The dimensional stone blade pierced his chest from behind.

Watten staggered forward a few steps, Charlemagne's chosen champion fell to the ground unwillingly, and slowly closed his eyes.

Charlemagne's chosen champion, the religious leader of the empire, the lord of Middenheim, the hero of ten thousand people, Watten, fell at the gate of Middenheim.

"No!!!" Archaon's angry roar came faster than the death master Snitch's celebration sound. The eternal gods were in a hurry. He looked at the dead Voten and moved towards the corpse of the champion of Charlemagne's choice. Snitch shouted, "He's mine! Mine!!!"

Snitch suddenly felt that something was wrong. The death master was directly lifted by Archain like a chicken. It quickly took out a smoke bomb and wanted to use ninjutsu to escape: "Hide!"

It was too late, Archer's Eye of Sherron had already penetrated Snitch's trick, and the Kingslayer sent it out and pierced Snitch's body, and the eternal gods were very angry: "Dare to disturb my duel? Death? stop!!!"

The right claw of the Eshin clan and the acting suzerain, the master of death, Snitch, who made hundreds of perfect assassinations all over the world, fell at the gate of Middenheim and died at the hands of Echan, the eternal god.

The death of two legends in a row caused chaos at the gate of Middenheim. The defenders of Middenheim saw Watten being killed with their own eyes, and their morale almost collapsed. The fearful people fled, and only a few warriors were still fighting desperately.

The Skaven and most of the Chaos Army can't be controlled by this scene. Isn't the mouse a friendly army?

At this point, a warrior saved everything.

A sanctuary mercenary from the southern kingdom, the bounty hunter Brenner stood up and saw that he threw a flash bomb in the chaotic army, and then took out six consecutive rounds of revolver from his waist. The firm will aimed at the eternal divine choice in rage, and the endless divine might that was enough to frighten people at a glance, resolutely pulled the trigger.

"It's noon!"

Six shots rang out, and six bullets flew towards the gap in Archaon's Dominion Crown with incomparable accuracy.

"Tricks of the eagle!" Archaen easily blocked the six bullets, and the eternal gods sneered, watching the mortals overestimate their abilities.

"Blessed shooting!" Who knew it wasn't over yet, Brenner immediately took out a double-shot long-barreled rune handgun from his arms, and fired a double-shot salvo towards Archaen, carrying two dimensional stone bullets. The force like an explosion hit Archain's helmet directly!

"Hmm!" Archaon was staggered by this blow. Eternal God's Choice really didn't understand the power of dimensional stone bullets, so he took a step back.

"Quick!" The two white wolf monks seized this opportunity and quickly grabbed the divine hammer Gael Maraz from the corpse of Watten!

Seeing that his goal was Brenner nodded, and the bounty hunter took out his sword, intending to buy time for the White Wolf monks and white wolf knights to retreat, he resolutely moved forward, A challenge to the eternal divine election.

Just two minutes later, Brenner's broken body fell on the streets of Middenheim, blood-stained on the flagstones.

With all his myths and life as a mercenary legend, the veteran Sanctuary powerhouse of the Southern Kingdom, one of the most famous mercenaries in the Old World, Angron's close comrade, and the bounty hunter Brenner fell in Midden Heim city gate.

Archain disdainfully stepped on Brenner's head under the iron boots, and the head exploded with a little force. Eternal God's Choice was about to move on, and a flash of white light forced him back.

Incarnate of the Wind of Light, the descendant of Elario, Tyrion appeared in the radiant light.

"Are you here to die one by one?" Archaon sneered, "That's really good."

Tyrion ignored Archaon's declaration, and the wind of light incarnated to Boris behind him and instructed: "Quick, you go to rebuild Middenheim's defense, I will hold the eternal God's choice!"

Boris, Elector of the White Wolf, was gasping for breath, guilt still haunting him.

Old man, it's all your fault!

But at least before you die, you must at least do something for the city, for the empire!

"Okay, it's over to you! You bereaved dog!" Boris patted Tyrion hard. Nearby, the Middenheim defenders were cheering for the return of the elector: "Don't die!"

"You too, the lost lone wolf," Tyrion smiled, and the Yang Yanjian pointed at Archaen: "Come on, Eternal God's Choice."

"The descendant of Ben Ellario, the guardian of Ulthuan, the great lord of war, and the Grand Master Regent Tyrion, come to be your opponent!"

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