Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 145: , the army of knights gathers

"The marriage contract was rejected by my father, and my elder brother is also opposed to this 'door' marriage. . . ." Su Liya's tone was not 'wave', and she even wanted to laugh: "I don't know the reason for my father's rejection, but my elder brother thinks that The Marquis of Enchye is not a man who can bring me happiness, but covets the riches of Winford and my dowry."

"Moreover, I also think that I will not marry a knight whose strength is not enough for me." The 'female' knight shook his head: "Being a knight, I think the Marquis of Anchy is more suitable to be a poet or a court minister."

"He's not as strong as you?" Ryan smiled, and he also saw Olivier yelling and knocking Chretien off his horse, winning the duel.

"I'm not saying that his current strength is not as good as mine, what I mean is that I am eighteen years old this year, and my strength is of the 'Elite' elite level. He is twenty-seven years old this year, and his strength is also of the 'Elite' elite level, you understand What do I mean? Lord Ryan?" Surya didn't know why, and explained a few more words: "And he is like the young ranger knights now, he always hopes to get a 'girl' through a beautiful war. He is more concerned about what clothes to wear to attend the banquet at night.”

Ryan understands that with François and Julius, an excellent father and an excellent elder brother, Zhu 'Jade', the 'female' knight will definitely not see this Marquis of Anchy, then the Great Guild of Winford Rejection is also very normal, the 'daughter' can't see it, can he as a father see it?

"I also think that if you want to become the husband of a young lady, you must at least be a powerful knight who has passed the rank. It is best to have passed the Holy Grail test and have been recognized by the 'lady'..." Another 'female' knight Syl Via interfaced, but only half of the words were spoken. Sylvia felt that her hand was pinched by the lady, so she closed her mouth and stopped talking.

"Okay, I offended, I'm sorry." Ryan felt a little relieved after knowing that Su Liya did not have a marriage contract. After all, men have this common problem, that is after seeing that beautiful 'girls' belong to will feel regretful.

The next few days were spent on the march. The army of the Duchy of Winford bypassed the Chalon Forest, passed the Duchy of 'Po'dero, and then headed northeast, and finally arrived at the Knights Road War in ten days of August. The meeting point at Varemi's Camp in Arden Forest.

When he came to Varemi's camp, what caught Ryan's eyes was a large camp consisting of countless tents and wooden walls, sentry towers, and stables.

White, yellow, and gray tents are scattered in the valleys, row upon row, and a lot of flags are fluttering in the wind. Lane saw the red and blue " Leaping up the lion "Connet family coat of arms, saw the "red" fire dragon" Bastogne family coat of arms, saw the "white" castle's "Montfort family coat of arms", and " The family coat of arms of the blue 'color' sea monster" Le-Angoulan, the family coat of arms of "Poseidon's Trident" and the 'Bo' Dero family', etc...

Except for the Duke of Berleone who is "at war" with Estalia, all the dukes have sent their own troops.

And a few kilometers away from the camp, the lush forest that can't be seen until the end of the line of sight is the Yadeng Forest.

The Arden Forest, the largest forest in Brittany, occupies almost half of the northern half of Brittany, covering tens of thousands of square kilometers and spanning the territory of five dukes.

In the depths of the forest, there are the most terrifying tribes of beastmen, they will appear every 'spring' day and loot the surrounding villages and towns, forming a huge 'tide' of beasts in summer, and then close to the winter. Only then will they go back to the winter with their loot.

For hundreds of years, the kingdom of knights has launched countless wars to exterminate these beastmen. There are victories and defeats, and the offensive of the beastmen is generally contained in the Varemi-Yursen line. This year, King Richard launched a new war. The war of knighthood, that is to enter the depths of the Arden Forest and completely destroy the sacred totem and 'spirit' pillar of the beastmen in the depths of the Arden Forest - Wan Magic Rock.

Lines of patrolling soldiers were constantly walking around the camp. When they saw the arrival of a new army, they were soon greeted by a clerk dressed as an aristocrat: "Is it the army from Winford?"


"Then please come with me." The secretary took Winford's army to a camp in the valley.

Groups of knights and infantry are constantly patrolling and 'drilling' in the huge camp. The various family crests of the 'Hua' Ba'men' are dizzying. The newly arrived Ryan can't recognize many family crests. He can only identify which principality they belong to based on the flags of the various duchies.

The appearance of the Wingford Public Army attracted many knights to watch. Their camp was arranged in the valley against a hillside. Hundreds of tents had been set up, with a wall made of wooden piles and a high wooden tower. The sentry was standing guard, and upon seeing the arrival of the army, a soldier immediately walked in to report.

Several knights and about a hundred infantrymen arrived at the Varemi camp first. The infantrymen quickly opened the big 'door', and Julius Aintree led several knights out to greet him: "Su Li Ya? Your Excellency Connery? Ryan! Are you here too?"

"How can I be one less thing about fighting? I'm the "lady's" champion!" Ryan laughed.

"Hahaha~" The knights and nobles burst into laughter, yes, there is no war? What kind of knight?

The group walked towards the interior of the camp. The soldiers were arranged in ordinary tents, and the sturdy warhorses lived in the stables. As for the knights, Julius had built many spacious and comfortable large halls inside the camp. A tent for the knights to live in.

The knights all went to arrange accommodation and distribute various rations for the soldiers. The only remaining knights were Lane, Surya, Connery, and Julius, and their entourages were walking towards the big tent, with half-haired hair. The White Marquis Connery asked first: "How is the situation, Julius?"

"It's not very good. In the past two months, we have repelled three 'waves' of Beastmen's offensive." Julius was unarmored, and he motioned for a few people to change into light clothes before saying, "I'll stay where I am. It has been arranged, and we will meet at the big tent later."

It's really not appropriate to sit down and discuss things when you're fully armed.

As a Knight of the Holy Grail, Ryan was given a separate tent, which was also shaded and not easily exposed to the sun.

Thirty minutes later, the people who had changed into light clothes sat in the tent again.

Julius and Marquis Connery sat on one side of the wooden table, and Ryan and Suria sat on the other side of the wooden table. There was a huge map on the wooden table, which carefully marked the entire Arden Forest. Terrain and surrounding towns and camps.

"Since June of this year, the signs of Beastmen's activities have become more frequent. Since I arrived here, the Varemi camp has faced three Beastmen's beast 'tide', but they were all repelled by the knights." Yuri Uth pointed to the edge of the map.

Where his fingers were located was Camp Varemi.

"So how did our Marquis of Glasgow plan to fight this war?" asked Marquis Connery. The Marquis is not very good at war, and he prefers to listen to other people's ideas.

"The Marquis himself arrived at the Varemi camp in early August, and led his knights to wait for the assembly of the Knights Road army." Julius said in a deep voice: "The Marquis plans to enter the forest after all the troops have assembled. , arrive at Yulsen Castle, and then directly attack Wan Magic Rock in the depths of the forest."

"Yulsen Castle? Who is stationed inside now?" Ryan saw that Ulsen Castle was located in the interior of the Arden Forest, about 70 kilometers away from the Varemi camp.

"Yursen Castle is now guarded by a hundred knights and more than 2,000 infantry from the Principality of Leonasay. The person in charge is the Earl of Adelaide, a subordinate of the Duke of Leonexay. There was information a few days ago. Yule Forest Castle has been attacked several times by the Beastmen, but the defenders have persevered stubbornly."

Yulsen Castle is well-defended, with a large number of defense equipment, plus sufficient defenders, it is not surprising to be able to defend, several people nodded.

"After the scouts and rangers scout at all costs, we have determined that the Wan Magic Rock is located in the depths of the Arden Forest, which is about 200 kilometers away from Yulsen Castle." Julius stretched out his finger in the Arden Forest. The depth is heavy: "This is the goal of our war, to destroy Wan Magic Rock and the nearby Beastmen camp!"

"When do we start marching?" Lane asked, suddenly realizing a problem.

All the troops who came to serve brought food for forty days, but some of the duke's army arrived first, and some of the duke's army arrived later. The time is now in the tenth month of August, which means that the first army has consumed ten days. food for about a day.

"Except for the Duke of Berleone who is 'at war' with the Estalia army, he will not send troops, and the army of the Knights Road is still waiting for the army of the Duke of Carcassonne in the south and the army of the Duke of Palaon." Julius continued. Said: "Maybe... a few more days."

"Then there's not much time left for the army to march." Ryan's face was a little gloomy. If there were still a few more days, it meant that he would consume a few more days of food, so there was really not enough time.

"By the way, brother, Lord Connery, Lord Ryan." The 'female' knight said hesitantly, "Father said... The army of Winford may not be reused in this war, I hope everyone is careful."

"In short, after the long journey, everyone should take a break and wait for the announcement of Marquis Anghi's march!"


At the same time, the main camp of the Knights Road army.

A handsome young nobleman is enjoying his lunch, the table is full of various fruits and white bread and 'meat' food, and many condiments.

This nobleman has dazzling blond hair, slender phoenix eyes, blue 'color' eyes, and a fair face, but the current face is a little impatient and 'hairy'. After pestering the king for a long time, he finally became a The commander-in-chief of this chivalry war, but when he led his army to the camp with great interest, he found that most of the army had not yet arrived.

This poured cold water on the young marquis, and he had to wait patiently for the other public squads to arrive.

Taking a gulp of a glass of red wine, he shouted outside: "Come on!"

"My marquis?" A ranger knight came in from outside.

"How many people are here today?"

"About two thousand are here today! My marquis," answered the knight. "Wynford's army is here too."

"Winford? Well, then the remaining troops of Palaon and Carcassonne have not arrived. What are they doing? I don't know if this is the most important war in recent years! We are going to hit Wan Magic Rock. !" said the Marquis of Anchy impatiently.

It's no wonder that the Marquis is impatient. He arrived here in early August. He wanted to have a chance to fight and win the attention of the 'lady', but he was **** because of some late troops and waited in vain. ten days.

"Our messenger has contacted Carcassonne's army, and they should be able to arrive in a few days. As for the army of the Duke of Palaon, we have not yet received any news." The knight continued.

"Then let's wait for Carcassonne's army to arrive and prepare to set off. Palaon's will not wait for them." The Marquis immediately made a decision: "Wait any longer, and the food will run out."


The Marquis of Anxi suddenly remembered that he forgot to ask Marquis Surya if he was here. Thinking of the beautiful figure of the 'female' knight, he felt a little regretful. After the failure of the marriage contract, Yu Qingyu couldn't harass him any more. .

It doesn't matter, as long as you fight well in this battle of chivalry, you will have more opportunities in the future. If Suria can't do it, you will have more choices.

The Marquis began to stand on the map and observe the map. After more than a month of thinking, he had formulated an effective strategic plan with his courtiers, a strategic plan that he thought was perfect.


Five days later, as the army of the Duchy of Carcassonne arrived at the Varemi the Knights Road army officially announced the completion of the assembly.

The army consisted of three hundred kingdom knights, more than 1,800 ranger knights, more than 3,000 rangers, sergeants, and more than 16,000 infantrymen.

With the addition of logistical personnel and various family members, the number of this Knight Road army has reached more than 40,000 people.

Brittany claims to have assembled 100,000 troops.

The camp also began to become crowded, and there was constant friction between the public teams that had a bad relationship with each other. The young knights began to fight all day long. The experienced knights of the kingdom did not stop them, but seemed happy to see this scene.

For the past few days, Ryan has stayed in the camp and lived in a simple language. Most of the time he hid in his tent and read books, while exercising his psionic ability.

After testing his psionic power armor, Ryan discovered a serious problem.

His power armor is specially customized. Compared with ordinary power armor, it is lighter and easier to put on and take off. In terms of appearance, it is not much different from normal knight plate armor.

But as a special psionic powered armor, like the goddess of revenge on his back, Ryan wearing this armor will consume a lot of his physical strength and psionic energy, and if he wears this power armor and uses revenge at the same time' Goddess, is double the consumption.

He couldn't last long in this state.

Ryan knew why. The emperor wanted to exercise his ability to use psionic energy, so he ordered the great sage to not have built-in energy for power armor.

It's just that my son always feels that he has been pitted again.

The baron wanted to try his power armor again, but Sulia pulled up the curtain of the tent: "Lord Ryan?"

"Good morning, Miss Suria?"

"The Marquis of Anxi informed us all to participate in the pre-military meeting, Your Excellency Ryan."

"Okay, I'll come now."

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