Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 144: , the Winford Fugitives

In August, at the height of summer, the scorching summer wind swept through the fields, and also tormented the troops advancing in the fields. ,.

The soldiers soon sweated on their clothes, and the armor of the knights and their squires became so hot that the army had to stop and rest at each advance.

Ryan also stopped. He has psionic body protection and doesn't feel the heat.

Looking up at the scorching sun hanging in the sky, the ranger knight Olivier reached out and wiped a sweat: "My baron, is it too hot?"

"Aren't you used to fighting in this kind of weather? Olivier?" Ryan reached out and said that he didn't need the knights to help him. The baron always walked with his horse. He wore dozens of pounds of psychic power armor in the wilderness. It was just a stroll in the courtyard. In contrast, Hux and Olivier were much more troublesome. They needed the help of knight squires no matter whether they were riding or dismounting, and it took a lot of effort to wear the armor with the help of squires.

"It's okay. As a knight, we have to overcome all kinds of weather. This little thing can't trouble me." The young knight with a beard and firm eyes smiled optimistically: "What's so difficult about this."

Olivier is optimistic and positive by nature, and he has an impetus to not admit defeat. Ryan likes this young man very much, so he patted the Ranger Knight on the shoulder: "Come on, I look forward to your performance!"

"Of course, my baron." Olivier took out the water bag and drank it in a big gulp. There was a river nearby, so the soldiers didn't have to worry about the water.

The soldiers also stopped to rest, and they went to the nearby river to fetch water. The scene looked a bit 'chaotic', but Hux immediately ordered them to fetch water in batches and arranged for people to stand guard.

The quality of the recruits is not high, but they are not as bad as many veterans. Especially, as the Holy Grail Knight, Ryan stood in front of the crowd, and the morale of the recruits was very good.

In other words, the existence of a Holy Grail Knight can greatly improve the morale of the serfs and enhance their combat effectiveness.

Lane's army is resting, the road in the distance is full of smoke and dust, and a large number of troops are coming from a distance.

Among the flags raised high, a pure white 'color' Pegasus is spreading its wings and 'wanting' to fly.

It was Duke Winford's army that had arrived.

The Marquis of Connery-Ascot, riding a pure-blooded 'elf' steed, in full plate armour, a handsome kite helmet, and a rein in his hand, rides with him, the Duke of Winford's heir.' Female 'Suria-Kumani-Antri, this valiant 'female' knight also wears a set of enchanted 'refined' silver-colored' plate armor, the armor has many beautiful 'flower' patterns, Both ornamental 'sex' and practical 'sex'.

Behind them were dozens of knights, then hundreds of knight retinues, sergeants and rangers, and finally a black mass of infantry.

The Duke of Winford sent nearly 2,000 troops this time.

"Good afternoon, Lord Ascot, Miss Suria." Ryan stood in front of his horse and greeted the two of them.

"Good afternoon! Your Excellency Ryan." The 'female' knight saw Ryan's appearance and the family crest of the Holy Grail of his book, her eyes lit up, she waved at Ryan, and Marquis Connery also 'touched' his goatee : "Lord Ryan, it's really early."

"Of course it has to come earlier, it's not good to keep everyone who agreed to wait for a long time." Ryan said sincerely.

So the two armies joined together and went to Camp Varemi.

The Varemi camp is hundreds of kilometers away from where everyone started. Everyone will bypass the Chalon Forest, take the northern part of the 'Bo'dero Principality, and then arrive at the Varemi camp in the north of the Bastogne Principality. The camp is located on the edge of the Arden Forest and is the last line of defense against the Beastmen's war.

The Knights Road army will gather here, and then go to the castle of Jursen located inside the Arden Forest, which is Brittany's first line of defense in the Arden Forest and the largest stronghold in the forest.

Surya took out a coat of arms from her body, which was the proof given to him by Archduke Winford, who would lead the army to the Varemi camp.

Most of Winford's knights knew Ryan, and they gave Ryan a warm welcome. Many of them also followed Ryan to exterminate the bandits, which made Ryan take over the command without 'spending' too much effort, and the entire army was re-established. Assemble the army, and then drive along the road to Camp Varemi, a process that takes roughly six or seven days.

That night, they camped in a village in the Principality of Po'dello.

After dinner, the temperature outside gradually dropped. Britannia is located in the part of the old world. The climate is comfortable and pleasant. Even in the hottest summer, the temperature will only be high during the day, and it will be cooler at night.

After dinner, Ryan and his two knights were walking in the wild.

Normally, the wild is a dangerous place, but for Ryan, the wild is a place to take a walk.


"My baron?"

"You have also seen Winford's army, what do you think?" Ryan looked at the dimming sky and asked Hux, who was skilled in training.

"They are well-trained and have a fierce style. I can see the burning fighting spirit in their eyes, which is rarely seen in infantry." Hux followed behind Lane, holding the long sword around his waist. Shen Sheng said.

"Is it because of the appearance of the Baron?" Olivier followed Ryan on the other side: "The appearance of the Holy Grail Knight always cheers the soldiers up."

"Perhaps, but it should be more than that." Hux retorted, the Ranger knight wearing a black 'color' cross helmet, chain mail and 'breast', shaking his head: "The appearance of Your Excellency the Baron is indeed true. It will cheer up the infantry, but the infantry won't be so fierce... Have you heard of the Wynford Fugitives?"

"The Winford Fugitives?" Olivier was introduced by Schultz, the Archduke of Marienburg. He didn't understand this very well: "Hey~ It's really interesting. The word fugitive is actually used as the name of the infantry regiment."

"The Winford Outlaws have a great reputation in the South of the country, and that's a story." Lane finally spoke, telling a story from the past.

More than ten years ago, the necromancer Heinrich Kemmer and the Grand Duke of Winford had an epic duel. In this tragic war, Francois successfully reversed the number of unfavorable Declining, relying on the knight's fast maneuvering detours and group charges to defeat the undead army and drive them out of the Kingdom of Brittany.

However, something unsightly happened on the battlefield. Some knights fled in fear of the onslaught of the undead on the battlefield, causing a front line to collapse and a large number of infantry to be defeated, which almost caused the defeat of the war.

The serfs collapsed and fled. Many serfs wanted to flee back to their homes, but they were afraid of the Duke's ruling. In the end, most of the serfs decided to go to the Duke's castle and pray for the Duke's mercy.

Their luck was good, Francois decided to forgive the sins of these serfs leniently, and he personally gave the infantry the name "Fugitives", representing the shame of their escape, and then let them continue to serve.

It is for this reason that in order to repay the Duke's forgiveness, these infantrymen fought very hard, and they were not afraid of death, and they became a very fierce force.

This time, probably to protect the safety of his 'daughter', Duke Winford actually sent this unit.

"Fighting with them should help us train our troops." Hector nodded, his face still dry and expressionless, the knight's body was bearing a lot.

"It's like this, our soldiers lack training." Ryan and the two knights walked together for a while. The sky was getting dark, and there were some monsters in the field. Some water ghosts climbed out of the river, but they saw A Holy Grail Knight was wandering and hurried back into the water.

These monsters and humans have to bully the soft and fear the hard.

"By the way, Hux, you turned out to be a knight of the Duchy of Le-Angouran. You must know the Marquis of Ancy better, right?" Ryan asked Hux again.

"Of course I know." Hux nodded, breathing the fresh air of the night, and said to Ryan and others: "Marquis of Oncy is a relative of the current Knight King Richard, and is twenty-seven years old this year. Specifically, The grand-nephew, it is also said that the Marquis of Anchy is the son of the 'daughter' son of His Majesty Richard's brother, and with his support, the Marquis of Anchy won the title of a marquis."

"Marquis, what is Your Majesty's title of Marquis?" Lane asked.

"The Marquis of Glasgow, the new marquis title created by His Majesty the King for his great-nephew, is ironic that this Marquis has only twenty knights and three hundred soldiers to defend his domain, and he never stays in Glasgow Castle, on the contrary, stayed in Curona all day, enjoying a good life." Hux continued: "The Marquis of Onchy has also participated in many chivalry wars, but as the commander, he directly commanded so many armies. It's the first time."

A relative of the king, young and never ruled the realm himself? Ryan frowned, and he went on to ask, "Is there any other news about the Marquis?"

"There are sources that the marquis is pretentious, he sees himself as a very good general and commander, rather than charging as a knight on the battlefield, and there is also information that he did show 'color' in the tactical games of the Curona Knights Academy ." Hux continued: "Marquis of Anshey likes to participate in various banquets the most, in addition, it is said that the Marquis of Anshey has always been a loyal suitor of the Marquis of Surya, but it is said that he pursues many at the same time. 'female' 'sex'."

"Is there a result after this?" Ryan thought to himself. This is interesting.

"I'm not too sure about this, maybe you should ask Your Excellency Marquis Surya." Hux raised his head.

Under the dim sky, two "female" knights were walking in the field surrounded by many knights.

In addition to the 'female' Marquis Surya who has a 'fine' face and a tall figure, another heroic 'female' knight is standing beside the 'female' marquis. She has beautiful purple 'colored' pupils, He was also wearing a full set of knight armor. He was a little shorter than Suria, his blond hair was **** high, pinned behind his head, and a long sword hung from his waist.

Ryan recognized her. Her name was Sylvia. She was Surya's personal 'servant' and 'daughter'. She came from a family of knights and was also an excellent 'female' knight. There were many young knights who pursued her, but this The 'female' knight made up his mind to 'serve' the 'female' marquis of Surya for a lifetime.

The two "female" knights became a beautiful landscape in the wilderness at night.

The ranger knights were eager to talk to her, and the Marquis 'female' responded one by one, but she didn't seem to be very interested. The ranger knights' old-fashioned way of talking to her and all kinds of rhetoric bored her. She had heard enough. Those overly arrogant knight stories.

"It's such a coincidence that Her Excellency the Marquis of Surya also came out for a walk?" Olivier laughed: "My baron, you see, the walk of Her Excellency the Marquis of the 'Female' triggered a 'wave' of walking frenzy among the knights. Everyone wants to be a guardian of the 'flower' messenger."

"However, if I become the focus again in the past, all the ranger knights will want to duel with me." Ryan rolled his eyes, and he hurriedly wanted to turn around and leave.

It was too late, and a young ranger knight stopped in front of Ryan: "Holy Grail Knight Ryan Macado, I, Chretien of Winford! I challenge you!"

"I don't have time now..." Ryan said impatiently.

"No! Your Excellency Ryan, you have time! You have time for a walk but no time to accept my challenge? I think I am qualified for the challenge!" The Ranger Knight thought to himself that he had found such a good opportunity, how could he miss?

It's not ashamed to lose, but it's normal to beat Lord Ryan, he is the champion of 'women'.

And...what if they were evenly matched or won?

"Olivier." Ryan asked his ranger knight Olivier lightly: "Fight my knight first, and then I will consider whether to accept your challenge."

"Hmph~ Your name is Chretien? Let me be your opponent!" Olivier blocked Ryan and said towards Chretien.

"Okay... okay." This is not what the young ranger knights But there are rules in this respect for knightly virtues, and knights under the lord's command can accept challenges in place of their own rank for honor.

So in the crowd of people, a duel began. The two of them rode their horses, raised their wooden lances, and started a duel. This kind of lance shattered, and it was a special weapon for duels between knights.

The summer night began to get lively, and the knights and serfs joined the crowd watching.

Ryan also just wanted to see how good his knights were in actual combat. The Holy Grail Knight stood there, holding his chest with both hands, without saying a word. In the dark night and the torches, his blue eyes stared at the knights. The two people who were fighting on horses were thinking about a lot of things.

There was a fragrant wind around him. It was a fresh jasmine 'flower' fragrance. When he smelled this fragrance, Ryan knew who was coming: "Miss Sulia?"

"Lord Ryan, good night." The 'female' knight walked to his side, Ye Feng, she smiled at him.

"Good evening, Miss Surya, Miss Sylvia." Ryan nodded, he shrugged: "Too many people challenge me, I decided to let Olivier accept the challenge on my behalf."

"I have witnessed the strength of Lord Ryan with my own eyes. There is really no need to waste time on this kind of thing. They are just staring at your glory and reputation." Suria smiled softly: "Everyone wants to be a woman. 'Championship of the Warriors."

Ryan thought to himself that the Duke's 'daughter' was really clear about this kind of thing.

By the way, just when there was a chance, Ryan asked directly: "I heard that Marquis Anhi, the general of the Knights' War this time, once pursued Miss Surya?"

"Your Excellency Ryan even knows about this kind of thing?" The 'female' knight was a little surprised, but she quickly calmed down and nodded slowly: "Yes, the Marquis of Anchy not only pursued me ardently, but also proposed an engagement to my father. request."

"What's the result?"

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