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She has been holding a lot of money and slamming her, and she has circled her waist.

If this is normal, the money is estimated to be able to steal music for a long time. However, at this time, she couldn't take care of her. She was squatting and she took out the hidden shovel at the fastest speed, beware of the two small groups of cannibal squid around her. And she did not dare to delay for a moment, with her desperately going upstream!

To deal with these two small groups of cannibal squid, the amount of money is still quite certain, but she is not sure whether there will be eater squid sneak attacking them from the foot, not to be sure of the black waters under the feet, how many more The cannibal squid group is swimming towards them! Without the protection of the monks, they have limited time for the breath, and they simply cannot make the beast. More than a lot of money, I was glad that I was cautious. I asked Tang Jing for two small otters to facilitate underwater use.

Soon, two groups of cannibals squid came from them on both sides, and the money quickly went out! The arrow of Xiaoshui is limited, and the money is too much to use. Even if the situation is urgent, she is calm. She only plays the closest piranha. On the left side, the front of the cannibal squid is close, she hits the left side, and the right side is in front of the eater, the squid is closer to some, she immediately hits the right. So going back and forth, all the arrows are in the head of the cannibal squid, an arrow burst, death! She is very clear from her childhood, no matter which kind of military is spiritual, not stupid! Once you see that the same kind is killed, you will be afraid. How can you beat the head of the world in this way?

Sure enough, in the case where both small groups of cannibal squid died in half, the remaining piranhas did not dare to attack again, and they were waiting for them.

Even so, she did not stop for a moment, and kept desperately going upstream. More money is also tight, not only to guard against the surrounding, more alert to the feet.

Gradually, more and more sunlight penetrates the sea, and the surrounding area is getting brighter and brighter, and even the sea is gradually warming! This means that they are going to land soon. At this time, the two small groups of cannibals squatting around them are slower and slower, and there are even signs of dispersal. More money is more hilarious, you must know that cannibals squid is used to the deep sea, can not stand too strong sunshine, can not stand too warm water temperature. Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the squid to turn around and go hunting.

The nerves with a lot of money have finally relaxed, and I know that when I relax, she feels that she can't breathe. Just too nervous, she didn't realize that she had been suffocating for a long time. The money was anxious, and looking up at the water, I found that there was still a distance. She quickly patted the hand that was squatting on her waist and motioned him to let go.

She has long known that even if they can escape from the mouth, they may not be able to go ashore. Therefore, he did not dare to slack off for a moment. He let go of the money and the waist, but he managed to hold her hand. He does not want this woman to sink and feed the fish.

In this way, they both hand in hand and go upstream! Swim around, the money gradually stopped, she could not hold it! She knew it, but he did not save her as she did in the ancient tomb of makeup. You know, he can't hold himself anymore, he just tightens her and goes upstream!


In the heart of the past, it is not only giving a lot of money, but also giving it to yourself! He desperately went up and up! The feeling of suffocation is getting heavier and heavier. I only feel that the whole chest is pressed by a big stone, and it is boring to explode. Soon, he couldn't hold it anymore, and he began to exhale slowly, exhaling and rushing up. Finally, he rushed out of the water and brought out a lot of money!

The sun is so good!

She was panting and tired, and she was tired. However, he did not dare to stay for a moment, and quickly picked up the money and went ashore. As soon as he arrived on the shore, he immediately put a lot of money on the ground to rescue. The money ate a lot of water. He cleaned up the water in her nose and mouth and immediately took her for her.

At the beginning, she was still very calm. After all, he knew the whole process of drowning. However, after a few breaths, the money was still not responding, and she began to panic. He can only continue, continue again and again! I don't know how long it took, just when he once again buried his head and covered her lips, the money suddenly coughed up. She suddenly stopped and immediately retired. As soon as he retired, the money coughed louder, and the people gradually woke up, opened the big eyes of the water and looked at the past.

She was very happy, and her mouth gradually smiled. At this time, the sun is just right, but his smile is more clean and warm than the sun, and it is as bright as the original gloomy look. It is like a big brother who is calm and sunny next door. It looks so good. A lot of money just returned from the ghost gate has forgotten all the pain, look crazy! She has seen her smile, but she has never seen him smile so brightly. She whispered unconsciously, "She ran, you laughed so beautiful!"

She has her arms on both sides of her head and keeps her posture. Listening to the money and saying so much, he only slowed down, he immediately smiled and wanted to start. More money, no more than two, hurriedly hugged his neck, not let him up, loudly said: "Hide what to hide? You have not answered my question yet!"

She immediately flies.

More money made him more tight, and said seriously: "Think about what I just asked you? I don't give this lady a comment today, you can't think about it!"

The brow's brow was even tighter. He looked at the money and he was slow.

A lot of money is a bit fierce, just like a prisoner, asking: "You said, do you like me!"

Will she forget this question? His dawn is a bit deeper.

Money is more and more forceful to tighten his neck, glaring at him, waiting! However, this time she did not let her wait too long, his deep vision suddenly moved down, falling on her pale lips, and then his lips were covered again! This time is no longer a ferry, but a kiss! He opened her lips strongly and overbearingly encroached on her beauty.

The money was stunned for a while.

This answer is too embarrassing! Her hands were unconsciously let go. However, as soon as her hand fell, she immediately pulled her back and continued to hold his neck. He suddenly stopped and leaned on her lips, breathing very heavy.

The heartbeat of a lot of money seems to be still, and this moment seems to suddenly recover, and jumps wildly.

Both of them were quiet and the whole world seemed to be silent. It can be so quiet, so much money is scared! And the breath of hers, her own heartbeat makes her afraid! For a time, those things that Ping Su and Tang Jingjie secretly communicated all came to the forefront. She is getting nervous and getting scared.

What do you want to do?

Will she be eaten like this?

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