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Chapter 897 has an accident

The black sergeant suddenly screamed, and she and the money and more money immediately looked back! Just at the moment they turned back, the black sergeant was bitten by several squid squid!

Everyone was shocked. I didn't expect the piranhas that appeared in groups to have these individual actors.

She immediately took the initiative and led the black sergeant: "Kill them, fast!"

The cannibal squid group can't be dealt with, but it can still be dealt with in these ten articles. He and the money are mostly protected in the water polo, the black sergeant is outside the water polo, only the black sergeant can go! Moreover, if you do not speed up the battle, it is very likely to affect the large group of cannibal squid not far away! By then, things will be difficult to clean up!

The headed black sergeant took out the dagger. However, what surprised everyone was that the dozens of squid squid actually avoided the nearest black squad and attacked the farthest one!

what happened?

A lot of money quickly understood what was going on. She turned her head and looked angry and said, "Who told you to hide the bait? Didn't you say that you want to use it all? You have a bait on your body, and the bait attracts the cannibals!"

This time, she was shocked and hurriedly said: "Fast, all the bait on you is lost! Come on!"

Cannibal squid does not act alone, it must be in pairs, nesting out! Therefore, these ten articles are not coming alone. They just come a little faster. They must have a group of cannibal squid afterwards! Once this group of cannibals came over, it was necessary to alarm the group of fish that had been controlled not far away.

The consequences could be disastrous!

The black sergeants did hide the bait. They had never seen the squid squid. They wanted to finish the matter and secretly caught a few. They don't know that it will cause such a big trouble! The two black sergeants quickly threw their bait into the distance!

Now, the squid squid that had to attack them both turned around and swam in the direction of the bait! They have a lot of money and they have no time to breathe a sigh of relief. Soon, the black scorpion soldiers feel the incitement of the underwater. They face each other and look at each other. And seeing them like this, the money and the shepherd are also in mind!

Pastoral: "Change position, fast!"

A black sergeant was sacrificed and their area was bloody. Even if there is no bait, it will make the squid squid smell. They must hide in a safe place as soon as possible.

The black sergeant quickly took a sneak peek and money to hide far away. However, as the underwater snoring sounds louder and louder, the black scorpion soldiers are in a hurry, and the head of the black sergeant can't help but say: "Two, let's escape!"


I didn’t want to clean up, but I still want to escape?

The money is more than pity that the black scorpion soldiers have no bones. Now, I only think they deserve it!

More money is about to open, and she has to look at it with cold eyes. He whispered: "Give me everything! Who is going, I will feed the fish with water!"

A lot of money ignored them. She stared at the position where the bait was placed, and took out the golden leaves and gently contained them. You can only try to tame it again with different songs. She is also not sure if she will be alarmed by the tamed squid, but she has no other way.

She was cold-eyed and swept the black sergeants one by one. It was determined that these black sergeants did not dare to move. He decisively took out the seven-legged flute and placed it on his lips, always ready! Just as he was, he whispered a lot to the money: "Don't be afraid, there is me."

This time, a lot of money is not playing with him. He doesn't have to explain, and much money understands what he means. This is to let the money concentrate on taming the new fish, he will keep the group that has been tamed for her!

In this way, the black sergeants were frightened one by one. After much money and she was in front of her, she looked serious and stared at the front. As they expected, soon a huge black shadow slowly floated up from the deep water.

The cannibal squid is coming!

More money and more energy, to start playing, and at this time, suddenly a group of gold scorpion soldiers jumped into the water on the front of the island, and suddenly dive.

This... It’s too much fun! How much money is too angry to swear!

Jin Hao’s deserters’ movements into the water were very large. The fish groups under the Fenghuo Island were under the control of the money. When the money was not issued, there was no movement! However, the later group of cannibal squid swept to the past and moved to the past, and suddenly surrounded the number of books that fell into the water.

Although Kim Jong-Ban’s speed is fast, he can’t escape without being surrounded! The squid squid did not stop for a moment, and the golden scorpion soldiers surrounded it, and immediately flew up and bite! So many fish, a fish, enough to make these golden skeletons do not exist! The money and the shepherd are so watchful that the **** smell spreads quickly in the water, and the block can't stop.

Bloody smell, the same kind of killing, let the first group of eater squid gradually wake up, restore the nature, not subject to much control of money. What is collapsing is that there are always gold squadrons jumping down the island.

A lot of money was scattered around them, and several black scorpions in the water were contaminated. They are in the same situation as the golden dragonfly that jumped down.

The black sergeant was too scared to move, and the money lost his mind for a while, murmured: "What should I do?"

She is very decisive: "Escape! Go ashore!"

Yes, not only to escape, but also to go ashore! If Jin Yubing escaped, it means that the overall situation of Fenghuo Island has been fixed, and there will be more squadrons to escape. In other words, there will be more and more killings in this area, and more and more cannibals will be attracted. They have a hard time finding a safe area and can only go ashore!

Although I lost control of the cannibal squid, I couldn’t get the golden scorpion. However, at least it can be guaranteed not to let the golden dragonfly on the windy island escape.

When she said this, the black scorpion soldiers slowed down and quickly took them away from the cannibal squid in front and circled on the other side of Fenghuo Island. However, when the beach was approaching, the same scene appeared in the same place. Several cannibal squids suddenly jumped up from the depths of the water and surrounded the headed soldiers. The first soldiers have not been bitten clean, and the other soldiers have been surrounded.

There are also cannibal squid groups in this waters!

At this moment, the money can't help but wonder what bait she gave to her seven uncles. Is this all the squid squid in the sea? Otherwise, where are there so many squid squid in this sea area?

There is not much money to think too much, just like the pastoral, while urging the black sergeants to flee quickly, help the black sergeants on both sides of the left to guard against cannibal squid! I know, the only two black sergeants who had left the same and discarded her, and turned and ran!

The two black scorpions escaped and protected their water polo instantly.

Money and the shepherd hold their breath at the same time, and she has taken a lot of money...

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