“According to the genetic rate of control genes, if the Star Beast civilization chooses a population with a large number of births for gene injection, then…”

Fang Yuan builds a model based on the rate of abnormal gene diffusion Analysis: “The average number of offspring of certain races is 6, assuming that the initial number of individuals injected with abnormal genes is 100.

“Then, the second generation has 600, and the third generation is There are 3,600, and there are 21,600 in the third generation…

“By the tenth generation, the number will be 1 billion, and it will only take two centuries for humans to completely finish.

” Moreover, this has not yet counted the ongoing gene injection of the Star Beast civilization. If the Star Beast civilization injects genes into 100 humans every year, then it would not take two centuries, and one and a half centuries would be the same. “

Zhao Anya sighed: “It seems that human beings are still lucky. After only sixty years, they discovered this terrifying thing. It’s just that it’s hard to tell whether it’s too late to stop it. “

“Don’t worry so much. I heard that a new scientific research team has been established in the Academy of Military Sciences to conduct research on resisting the electromagnetic wave control of brain beasts. If successful, perhaps humans carrying abnormal genes can be isolated from the control of Star Beast civilization by wearing equipment. “Han Youwei leads everyone to think in a good direction.

The power of science and technology is great. If this research is successful, there is indeed hope to solve the crisis of gene injection.

… …

After the genetic testing of the military research team was completed, not at all suspicious genes were found.

Therefore, the Academy of Military Sciences began to expand the scope of genetic testing and began to conduct large-scale investigations on the Awakener troops. Of the soldiers are conducting genetic testing.

At the same time.

War Zone headquarters and staff began to discuss a serious issue.

That is, whether to The information that the Star Beast civilization controls genes lurking in humans will be passed on to other countries.

According to speculation, the Star Beast civilization is more likely to choose the most developed country for gene injection.

Then, the White Eagle Nation will be the most likely target. After all, the world is the overlord.

If the Star Beast civilization controls the White Eagle Nation, then almost equivalent to controlling half of Earth.

From the perspective of human civilization, the information that controls genes should be passed to the White Eagle Nation.

However, if you do this, you may leak this secret.

According to the analysis of the War Zone Staff.

The Star Beast civilization will not launch a full-scale war in a short time because they are more willing to slowly annex human civilization through gene injection.


Just wait until the moment when most humans have control genes, human civilization will inevitably be swallowed.

So, as long as the delay is long enough, Star Beast civilization does not even need It takes a little bit of effort to swallow humans. However, once humans perceive the existence of the controlling gene, and intentionally control the gene to pass on.

At that time, the Star Beast civilization discovered that the unnoticeable influence method of annexation failed , An all-out war will inevitably be launched.

Therefore, once the secret of genetic control leaks out, it will immediately detonate an all-out war.

If this secret is passed on to other countries, it will undoubtedly increase The risk of leaking secrets.

However, if the secrets are not disclosed to other countries, then the outcome of humanity will be chronic death.

On this issue, there has been a long debate.

Finally, in consideration of the fate of mankind, the War Zone headquarters decided to secretly pass on the gene-controlling intelligence to the White Eagle.

As for whether the White Eagle will believe it, it depends on how they view this piece. Matter.

In short, the Academy of Military Sciences has finished sorting out the data and passed it on.

However, the data Not at all direct evidence that there are controlling genes in humans.

Because, so far, the Academy of Military Sciences has not found this kind of control gene among human individuals.

The whole incident is just an inference, not at all direct evidence can prove this.

The Institute of Biology of the Academy of Military Sciences continues to conduct genetic testing on the Awakener troops, looking for the kind of control genes from the Star Beast civilization.

In addition to the Awakener troops, the Academy of Military Sciences also hopes to conduct genetic testing on senior generals at the War Zone headquarters.

Because according to the Biological Research Institute’s speculation, the Star Beast civilization will select high-level humans for gene injection.

Then the senior generals in the War Zone headquarters are the most likely targets.

However, this proposal has met with considerable resistance.

After all, not everyone is willing to expose their genes.

Moreover, each of these senior generals holds real power, so the resistance is relatively high.

This kind of resistance is relatively small in the East China Sea. After all, genetic testing of Awakener soldiers can be mandatory.

It is different in the White Eagle Nation. Most White Eagle soldiers are opposed to genetic testing on the grounds that it violates their privacy.

The East China Sea is polarized, with some generals actively requesting genetic testing.

Admiral Luo De is one of them, and there is another general who also voluntarily asked for genetic testing, that is Pei Yong.

Since Zheng Weibai’s identity as a spy was exposed, Pei Yong’s suspicion has been cleared.


As time goes by, the global situation is getting more and more tense.

On the one hand, we must prepare for a full-scale war. On the other hand, we must investigate the human interior and look for possible controlling genes.

Due to the expansion of the scale of genetic testing, this test will inevitably spread out.

After all, many of the White Eagle soldiers refused to undergo genetic testing and refused to expose their privacy, and the matter spread.

However, these people don’t know why their superiors want to conduct genetic testing, they just resisted in order to resist.

Gradually, various speculations appeared on the Internet.

There are all kinds of bizarre guesses about the reasons for genetic testing, but more guesses are related to the characteristics of awakening. Basically no one can guess the truth.

However, the Star Beast civilization knows the truth that humans cannot guess.

1 month later, Baiyingfang first discovered the first individual carrying the abnormal gene.

Humans got the first samples of abnormal genes, and the speed of genetic testing increased rapidly.

Countries that know the inside story, after obtaining genetic samples, begin to conduct investigations on their own troops one by one.

At the same time.

The navies of various countries began to notice the abnormal movement of the Marine Star Beast.

The East China Sea War Zone naval reconnaissance force was the first to discover a large-scale marine Star Beast assembly in the sea off the East China Sea.

This is a dangerous signal, which means that the Star Beast civilization is about to wage war.

For a time, the global situation was extremely tense.

Also at this time, it’s September, and it’s the day of school.

If these things did not happen, Fang Yuan and a few people in the team should report to the university, which is the beginning of the university course of the military research class.

It’s just that the change of the Ocean Star Beast caused the start of all schools to be delayed. The armed forces of the sea, land and air are fully prepared for this war that can destroy a civilization.

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