Genetic testing can be mandatory for soldiers in the army, but it is more troublesome to perform genetic testing on ordinary persons.

Not everyone wants to expose their genes to others. Moreover, they want to perform genetic testing on several 1 billion people. That is almost impossible.

2nd day.

Members of the military research team arrived at the Institute of Biology on time for genetic testing.

It is not easy to detect the presence of abnormal genes in the human body.

This is different from genetic testing such as paternity testing. Paternity testing only needs to compare the DNA of two people.

Finding abnormal genes is different. First, we must find the sample genes.

The sample gene is naturally derived from Star Beast, but there is a problem that does not guarantee 100% discovery of abnormal genes.

Because not only military scientific research teams are forced to conduct genetic testing, but also some soldiers of the Awakener army also need to be tested.

So, the workload of the Institute of Biology is very large.

Lu Xiuwen is also in charge of front-line inspections non-stop.

Fang Yuan was taken a tube of blood by the biology professor who made the mistake, put it in the freezer, and vomited: “My blood is expensive, so much.”

“You are the key test target, you need to keep samples, and you may also conduct random checks at any time in the future.” Lu Xiuwen looked serious and strict.

“Actually, I don’t think there is any need to waste time on me. Do you think my family looks like it will be favored by the Star Beast civilization?” Fang Yuan said, spreading his hands.

“This is hard to say, what if Star Beast civilization discovers the potential in your parents?” Lu Xiuwen casually replied, with a relaxed tone, not at all really serious.

Fang Yuan sighed then said, “In fact, when you think about it, this thing is really terrifying. If you really have abnormal genes in your body, then you really don’t know what expression you should use to face yourself and what Facing other people with his expression.”

Paused, Fang Yuan asked instead: “By the way, have you found someone with an abnormal gene?”

“It’s not yet certain. Because DNA comparison is more troublesome, and the Star Beast gene used for comparison is now more troublesome…”

Lu Xiuwen puts the blood sample in a glass test tube and pushes it into the instrument , DNA was extracted by centrifugation, and he explained while working: “Moreover, it is still uncertain whether the abnormal genes injected into the human body are the same as those of Star Beast within the body. If they are not the same, you have to look for samples first. It will be even more difficult.”

Fang Yuan can understand the difficulty.

If the control gene injected into the human within the body is the same as the control gene of Star Beast within the body, then DNA comparison is relatively easy.

If the abnormal genes of humans within the body are different from those of Star Beast, then things are in trouble.

In half an hour.

Lu Xiuwen got the result of Fang Yuan’s DNA comparison, took a look, and said: “Temporary clearance, no abnormal gene was found.”

“I’ll just say it, I How could there be abnormal genes in the body.” Fang Yuan grinned and said with a smile.

“Don’t be proud, this is just a comparison with Star Beast’s DNA. This can only prove that you don’t have the same genes as Star Beast, but if the Star Beast civilization creates a special control gene for humans , Then it’s hard to say.” Lu Xiuwen reminded.

“Follow him, anyway, you can rest assured now. I’m leaving now, you’ll be busy slowly.”

Fang Yuan reached out and patted Lu Xiuwen on the shoulder, turned and walked out of the laboratory .

Outside the corridor, members of the military scientific research team have completed the inspection, and they are standing outside the corridor bored and the others.

Niu Dazhi’s test was completed. From a time when he came out, he saw Fang Yuan also came out, so he walked up to say with a smile: “How is it? Is there any incredible gene found on it? This time the Academy of Military Sciences is testing us, do you want to explore more powerful abilities? I have long felt that Awakener’s abilities are related to genes.”

I don’t know what the Academy of Military Sciences will do. The reason for genetic testing is still ecstatic. I feel that this is the military’s digging for powerful ability genes.

At this time.

The door of another laboratory opened. Han Youwei came out from inside and saw Fang Yuan. He asked, “How is it? Is it all right?”

Fang Yuan said : “If something happens, I would have been arrested a long time ago, so I can still hang out here?”

“That’s right, I hope everyone is fine.” Han Youwei prayed.

Beef Meat Ball scratched the back of his head and asked: “Listening to your tone, it seems that this genetic test is not a good thing.”

“Good thing, dig out your obesity gene, let Humans grow more fat.” Fang Yuan said with a smile.

“Who is fat? I am physique and strong, okay? Go and ask, anyone in the class has a higher physique attribute than me?” Beef Meat Ball argued with indignation.

“Your physique has reached 720 o’clock?” Fang Yuan glanced at him.

“That’s not true.”

Beef Meat Ball suddenly laxed, and asked more indignantly: “Your physique is 720? Are you still a human?”

“So far, yes.” Fang Yuan answered seriously.

About an hour later, members of the military scientific research team completed genetic tests one after another.

There seems to be no problem. If there is a problem, you should be called away alone.

But there is another possibility, and that is the result of genetic testing. Only the War Zone headquarters knows that until the Star Beast civilization activates the abnormal gene, War Zone will not do anything to people carrying the abnormal gene.

After all, before the abnormal genes are activated, these people are actually not at all different from the ordinary person.

In the afternoon.

Fang Yuan and several other members of the military scientific research team who knew about the abnormal genetic event discussed this matter with General Luo De in the Academy of Military Sciences.

“Are there any abnormal genes detected?” Fang Yuan is more concerned about this issue.

“At present, compared with Star Beast’s DNA series, no people with abnormal genes have been found.” Admiral Luo De replied.

“That’s okay, I hope there are no abnormal gene carriers.” Han Youwei sighed softly.

“It is not necessarily a good thing that no abnormal gene carrier has been found. If the abnormal gene carrier has not been found, it will be more obvious that the control genes of human within the body are different from those of Star Beast “

Fang Yuan paused, and then added: “In that case, the comparison we did before can not 100% rule out the possibility of carrying control genes.

“Although in my heart I don’t want to see this result, but the best situation now is to find out the controlling genes of humans within the body as soon as possible, so that we can find a solution as soon as possible. “

Zhao Anya crossed her fingers and was thinking about things. At this time, she interjected: “Actually. We don’t need to be too nervous, the gene injection target chosen by the Star Beast civilization may not be here.

“Analyzed from a rational point of view, if the Star Beast civilization wants to gain more military power by controlling individual humans, the most correct choice should be the most developed country on Earth.”

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