One Eyed Monster

Chapter 2245: Identity (Part 2)

This sense of identity is very important to the inner demon, because he hasn't had this sense of identity for a long time.

This sense of identity is also a kind of praise for what he said, a kind of recognition of him, at least he thinks so.

Cardi did not show much approval, but his words did show intentions in this regard.

The demon was moved, and the whole mood was bad.

It didn't take long for this mood to calm down just now, and it was being controlled again at this moment. It really changed too quickly.

Originally, the heart demon was supposed to affect the host's emotions, but now it is the other way around. Instead, it is Cardi that affects this heart's emotions.

It seems that Cardi's every move, every sentence will affect the mood of this demon, he can calm the demon, or make the demon excited.

This kind of influence is a kind of dominating power. It seems that Cardi's identity is now a heart demon, and this heart demon is just an ordinary host...

"A lot of things have reasons, and there must be some reasons why you encounter such a situation." Cardi also tried to analyze the demon at this time, trying to help the demon through the difficulties.

This is really peculiar. A host communicates with a demon of his own here, and wants to help the demon through the difficulties. Does he want the demon to control him?

"I, I..." The heart demon didn't know what to say at this time. He really didn't understand the host's mind, but deep down he felt that the host was very special.

The inner demon can't tell what this special place is, but he can faintly feel this speed, as if it is a bit similar to him.

At least from this sense of identity, he can feel this.

Although it is not very strong, there is still such a feeling, which is very special. It is indeed strange that there is such a feeling between a host and a heart demon.

The heart demon carefully searched for his shattered memory, and he found that there was no such thing in his broken memory, and there was no case of the mutual connection between the host and the heart demon.

In those broken memories, either the host defeated the heart demon, or the heart demon successfully controlled the host. There has never been a case where the host and the heart demon get along in harmony.

This makes him very excited now. The things he encounters are special. There is no basis to refer to all things, and everything needs to be explored by himself...

I can't say that with such a toss, I can create a new model, a special way for the demons.

Now it seems that the tiredness and the aggrievedness of oneself are not in vain, and there are still many strange things.

Perhaps it is destined to let him follow such a special host, so that he can create a special era of inner demons.

Suddenly the heart demon began to float again, obviously positive emotions took up the main part, so his thinking was a little bit unable to keep up.

In fact, whether he can create a new era of new models depends on Cady.

Cardi is the center of this special existence. Without Cardi, all his specialities would not exist.

It's just that the inner demon didn't realize this, and he was still intoxicated in his own fantasy.

It was also because of this illusion that he didn't have the slightest breakthrough, and survived all the time.

It is impossible for him to break through just by virtue of fantasy. It is impossible for fantasy to make him a heart demon, nor for fantasy to make him break through this realm.

So it's too early for him to be happy...

But fortunately, Cardi was not the kind of person with a scheming mind. All he showed was only communicating with the heart demon, and did not say that he wanted to play with the heart demon, or secretly fix the heart demon.

All of what you meant before was to communicate with this demon, because he is so boring, in this passage of time and space.

During the process of communicating with this demon, he didn't feel that there was anything special about this demon. But he was very interested in all the complaints of this demon, because he thought it was a normal reaction.

He just wants to know more interesting things.

He has stayed in this boring space for a long time, and now he needs to go out, but he still doesn't know how to get out. So the time here is getting longer and longer, and after the appearance of this inner demon, this long time has become somewhat relieved.

The reason why Cardi has a little bit of favor with this demon is because among all the complaints of this demon, he is very admirable.

He didn't applaud the dream of the heart demon to control the host, what he recognized was that the heart demon would actually search for himself.

This is still very touching to him, because he himself is also the self he has been searching for.

So this sense of identity only arises because something like this happened to him.

But the demons didn't know this. He really fantasized that day, and really thought that he and his host could create a new era of inner demons.

Therefore, the heart demon at this moment still respects Cardi very, very much. He feels that he will follow this host for the rest of his life...

The demon who had this idea had actually changed, but he didn't notice it at all.

"I can feel your hardship, because I have also looked for it on this road." Cardi is now expressing his own experience.

Cardi’s narration is actually not much related to the inner demon. The topic he talks about is only the matter of finding oneself, not the matter of the inner demon becoming the inner demon.

But the heart demon understands differently, the heart demon understands that this host is helping him fulfill his wish.

"The process of finding yourself is really I have a deep understanding, I think you should continue to stick to it."

The inner demon was even more excited when he heard this sentence, because it represented that the speed's sense of identification with him was firmly established.

Just now he felt that the host had a sense of identification with him, that was just a thought in his heart, and now the host said it, indicating that this is real.

In his opinion, this is an expression of speed to help him fulfill his wish...

Isn’t that an obvious thing to keep on searching for yourself?

"I used to look for this path slowly, of course, now I can't say that I've been out of this path, I think I'm still on this path." Cardi opened the conversation box and couldn't put it away. Now, that kind of chatter will come out again.

But now the heart demon is very happy to listen to this nagging, because this matter is still very meaningful to him.

Know more, understand more, and then you can create a new model!


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