Night of apocalypse

Chapter 882 Yun Chuyu (first update)

All right.

Chen Ye scratched his head and replied.

Twenty minutes later, Shen Qiu and the others arrived at the outskirts of Duole Street in a van.

Only one KPI officer from the fourth detachment was seen, completely sealing off the place. The leader was none other than Wei Wuyan.

At this time, Wei Wuyan saw a van approaching and stepped forward to intercept it.

Temporary control, no traffic allowed here

At this time, Shen Qiu and others opened the van door and jumped out of the van.

Hey, Lao Wei, what a coincidence!

Chen Qiu? Why are you here?

Wei Wuyan was also startled.

Of course, I received a request for help from the headquarters and came to help. But you acted quickly enough and got there before me.

Shen Qiu replied with a smile.

What are you thinking about? This is the Fourth Ring Road, the area I am responsible for. If we don't move quickly, it will be ridiculous.

Wei Wuyan sighed and replied.

I'm sorry, my memory makes you laugh. What happened there?

Shen Qiu smiled and then asked.

A strange black hemisphere appeared inexplicably inside.

Black hemisphere, what is that?

I don't know either, forget it, I'll take you guys in and have a look.

Wei Wuyan didn't know how to explain it, so he might as well take Shen Qiu and the others over to take a look.


Shen Qiu and others responded solemnly.

So Wei Wuyan took Shen Qiu and the others inside, and soon they arrived at the central intersection area of ​​Duole Street.

A black semicircular sphere with a diameter of fifty meters was seen facing him. The entire sphere was as dark as ink, and there were some gravel floating around the sphere. This scene looked very strange.

What the hell is this?

The moment Shen Qiu saw the sphere, his eyelids twitched.

At this time, Anji also got out of her pocket a little bit, took a sneak peek, and then retracted. She had never seen this weird thing before.

I don't know either. It appeared out of nowhere. I don't dare to let people get close to it now, and I don't dare to touch it for fear that it will explode.

Wei Wuyan said with a headache.

I see.

Shen Qiu touched his chin, looking like he was thinking.

Chen Qiu, do you have any idea?

Wei Wuyan asked.

There's no way, and I think you're right. It's best not to touch it until you figure out what the hell it is, but...

But what?

I can shake people off, but professional matters should be left to professionals. Just wait!

Shen Qiu then raised his bracelet and dialed Qi Lin's number.

Soon Qi Lin's impatient voice sounded from the bracelet.


A mysterious object appears on Duole Street in the Fourth Ring Road. Do you want to come and take a look?

Shen Qiu asked with a smile.


Qi Lin hung up the phone directly. If it was anything else, he would definitely not be interested, but this mysterious object happened to be what interested him the most.

Who did you find?

Wei Wuyan asked curiously.


Good guy, that guy is very difficult to hire, but I heard that his skills are also top-notch.

That's for sure.

Shen Qiu responded with a smile.

Just when Shen Qiu and Wei Wuyan were chatting.


One after another extremely fast figures jumped down from the tops of the surrounding buildings and landed smoothly around Shen Qiu and the others.

Looking carefully, those who fell behind are all senior KPI personnel, among whom you can see the fifth detachment Shi Cang and the seventh detachment Xia Lan.

After Wei Wuyan saw it, he told Shen Qiu.

I'll go entertain Shi Cang and the others.

Okay, go and do your work.

Shen Qiu didn't pay much attention, he stretched lazily.

So Wei Wuyan walked towards Shi Cang and the others.

Shen Qiu and Yun Xiaoxi stood there, watching the black hemisphere.

Boss, tell me how this thing appeared suddenly.

Chen Ye asked very curiously.

I don't know, it's either man-made or overlapping, but I remember that the cities of Sunken Star should all be equipped with stabilizing devices, right?

Halfway through, Shen Qiu turned to ask Yun Xiaoxi.

No, the stabilizing device is too expensive. It is only installed in the first three rings, and the cost of the device is shared equally among everyone in the three rings.

Yun Xiaoxi shook her head and replied.

Then the probability of overlapping is very high.

Shen Qiu nodded slightly.

Just then a cheerful and familiar voice came.

Chen Qiu!

Shen Qiu and others turned to look over and saw Wang Hao and Cui Mucheng walking together. He replied slightly surprised.

Why are you here too?

What? Only you are allowed to come, we are not allowed to come, and your kid didn't even come to present the award last time.

Wang Hao joked to Shen Qiu with a smile.

Haha, there must be something delayed.

Shen Qiu responded in a good mood.

By the way, do you have any medals?

Wang Hao has a relatively straightforward temperament and does not shy away from asking directly.

Yes, it was delivered to me later.

That's pretty much it. You deserve the most credit. If you didn't have the badge, what would we be. By the way, what happened here?

See for yourself.

Shen Qiu pointed to the big black ball in the distance.

Damn! What is this?

Wang Hao and Cui Mucheng also looked confused and shocked.

Shen Qiu could tell from their reactions that this was their first time seeing this thing.

Don't ask me, I don't know either, but I asked Qi Lin to be there in a moment.

Shen Qiu immediately explained.

Then just wait for him to come. Professional matters must be left to professionals.

Cui Mucheng said with great agreement.

At this time, a black suspension car with license plate number CX66666 drove over and stopped next to everyone.

Shen Qiu took a curious look and then asked.

Whose car is this? The license plate number is so good.

This license plate number, I remember, seems to belong to the Yun family.

Wang Hao frowned slightly and said.

From the Yun family? Do you know Xiao Xi?

Shen Qiu was startled when he heard this and turned to look at Xiao Xi.

Xiao Xi looked at the license plate number and said nervously.

It's the clan's car, but I don't know who's in the car? Could it be the clan mother?

At this time, the car door opened, and a beautiful woman wearing a sky-blue skirt, with skin as smooth as gel, and slender white hair hanging down to her waist, walked out.

It's Yun Chuyu. I didn't expect that she would come back too.

Wang Hao said in surprise.

Yun Xiaoxi also said to Shen Qiu in surprise.

It's my eldest cousin.

When Chen Ye heard Yun Xiaoxi's words, he first glanced at Yun Chuyu, then at Yun Xiaoxi, and joked with his eyes shining.

Xiao Xi, if you hadn't said you were sisters, I wouldn't have been able to tell at all. Your styles are too different, right?

No way, we look very similar, okay?

Yun Xiaoxi said angrily.

Just when Chen Ye was about to say something more, Shen Qiu stepped forward, stretched out his hand and knocked Chen Ye hard on the head.

What nonsense are you talking about?

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