Night of apocalypse

Chapter 881 Alliance

When Shen Qiu watched this speech, his heart was full of emotions and he was quite excited.

Yun Jing and others also applauded. It must be said that the speech of Council Chairman Long Yan was indeed very contagious, and it was like giving everyone a shot in the arm.

At this time, Long Yan raised his hand and signaled everyone in the parliament hall to stop applauding.

Soon the Holy Word Hall fell silent, and Council Chairman Long Yan continued his speech.

Everyone, I know that simple words are sometimes feeble. But you have to believe in the Red Alliance. Although we are not the strongest, we are definitely the most united. We can always trust our companions. I am here to express my sincere gratitude to all The people announced an exciting thing. Our companions who are fighting in other worlds have begun to return to the Red Alliance in large numbers. Please take a look!

Councilor Long Yan waved his hand, and video images were displayed one after another.

In the image, a series of enhanced wolf spiders came out of the overlapping shadows neatly and orderly. The leader, General Tang Yi, waved his hand at the camera and said solemnly.

Everyone, we are back!

Immediately after everything on the screen, on the streets of the Sixth Administrative District, City of Roses, top experts wearing KPI uniforms were seen emerging from the overlapping shadows. The last ones to step out were five people wearing gray cloaks and swirl-striped metal masks.

Wow, look at those five people in gray cloaks. The logos on their cloaks! Those are the people from KPI Team Zero.

A large number of KPI personnel were excited when they saw this scene.

At this time, a member of Team Zero saw the camera and immediately raised his hand and waved.

At this time, the screen changed again, and a group of soldiers wearing version 2.0 of Xuanjia appeared, followed by Greedy Wolf mechas. All of these Greedy Wolf mechas were spray-painted with the Peace Bird logo.

When the people of Clear Sky City saw this scene, they all shouted excitedly.

It's the Tianqing Legion! The Tianqing Legion is back.

At the same time, image interfaces kept popping up, and everyone could see the returning Cangye Legion and the Night Shadow Legion carrying the Canghu mecha.

Although some of the images and scenes here were taken a long time ago, one thing can basically be confirmed. The Red Alliance has transferred many troops back from another world.

Just as the people were cheering excitedly, Speaker Long Yan made a formal announcement.

The Red Alliance has officially increased its troops to the Sixth Administrative District, the Seventh Administrative District and the Eighth Administrative District! This time victory will be on our side!

Bang bang~

All those who watched the speech, especially the people in the 6th, 7th and 8th boroughs were most excited and excited.

They no longer need to be afraid and panicked.

Long Yan quietly waited for all the cheers to subside and then said solemnly.

“Next, I’m going to announce another big thing!”

Many members in the parliament hall were startled? There was a look of confusion in his eyes. According to the expected plan, I had never heard that there was something important to be announced.

However, the members present suppressed their doubts and stared at Council Chairman Long Yan quietly.

As the chairman of the Red Alliance, I officially announce that the Red Alliance and the Blue Alliance have officially reached an all-round strategic alliance!

As soon as these words came out, not only the congressmen present were shocked, but all the people watching were also dumbfounded.

In an instant, countless barrages rose in the online live broadcast room.

What's going on? We have reached an alliance with the Blue League?

Isn't the Blue Alliance very close to the Gray Alliance?

Yes, I heard before that the Blue League was going to form a strategic alliance with the Gray League.

In the lobby of Yunjian Villa.

Yun Qing and others were also talking about it.

What's going on? I've never heard of anything like this before. It was accomplished in one go.

Compared to Yun Qing and others who were at a loss, Shen Qiu and the others were very calm. Ever since they saw the City of Stars, they knew that this moment would come sooner or later.

I just didn’t expect it to come so early.

At this time, Yun Qing also noticed that Shen Qiu and the others looked very calm, so he asked thoughtfully.

Mr. Shen Qiu, have you already gotten the news?

Well, yes, actually this is not a bad thing. After all, we have one more powerful ally and one less enemy.

Shen Qiu explained to Yun Qing.

That makes sense.

Yun Jing agreed very much with Shen Qiu's words.

Director Yun and others present listened to Shen Qiu's words and praised him with smiles on their faces.

As expected of Mr. Shen Qiu, you must be very popular in the military and parliament to be able to get wind of such confidential matters in advance, right?


Shen Qiu smiled and said perfunctorily, unwilling to say more.

At this time, Chairman Long Yan said seriously after the announcement.

I will now announce the most important principles of the alliance. From today on, all members of the Red Alliance and Blue Alliance, whether in another world or in reality, will not allow any more conflicts or fighting. If there are any conflicts, you can report them to the Red Alliance. The Red Alliance will We will negotiate for you! Of course, anyone who violates this provision, regardless of their identity, will be tried by the Red League Ministry of Justice, and can be classified as PG at the highest level!

When Shen Qiu heard Long Yan's words, he also took a breath. The punishment was so severe, it was serious.

Long Yan then continued his speech.

We are not the only ones making speeches today. Speaker Oroko of the Blue Alliance will also make the same announcement! At that time, both parties will push the speech video to everyone! Once you encounter the other person in another world, you can show the relevant information Video. If the other party still insists on having his own way, you can defend yourself and fight back!

Shen Qiu was listening to Long Yan's speech when his bracelet vibrated.

He glanced down and saw two videos being pushed over, one of which was a speech by Oroko, the Speaker of the Blue Alliance Parliament.

Shen Qiu clicked and took a look at Oroko's speech about the alliance.

Blue League·The Free City of St. Peter.

In the solemn Freedom Hall of the Faustaka Parliament Building.

When Speaker Oroko made a sonorous announcement in front of all members and democratic representatives.

The entire conference hall was in a state of shock, and everyone was talking in astonishment.

How come there is a strategic alliance with the Red Alliance?

Aren't you going to join the Gray Alliance?

Yes, haven't we been in contact and discussing with the Gray Alliance?

At this time, the Shiben representatives, Awabik and others who were sitting at the parliamentary table looked at each other.

Their expressions were very serious, and what happened today was beyond their expectations.

For a while, it was difficult for them to judge whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, so they all chose to remain silent without saying anything.

At this time, sitting on both sides of Speaker Oroko were two older deputy speakers, a man and a woman, wearing blue striped robes, their brows almost twisted into a mess.

They were completely excluded from such a big thing.

At this time, Speaker Oroko turned to look at Deputy Speaker Tivana and Deputy Speaker Kevita respectively.

The two people who originally looked a little dissatisfied immediately restrained their dissatisfaction.

Compared with the Red League, the Blue League has only two deputy parliament presidents. However, the two vice-presidents have great power, and they can make decisions on many major issues in the Blue League.

Unfortunately, they encountered the most powerful Speaker of the Oroko Council in history, and the two of them were somewhat breathless.

Moreover, Deputy Speaker Tijuana and Deputy Speaker Kevita are not from the same faction. They are from the left-wing conservative faction and the right-wing radical faction respectively.

Speaker Oroko stood up slowly at this time, and he said to everyone in a deep voice.

I have made the matter very clear. I don't want to see anything unpleasant happen. Everyone immediately conveys the instructions to all subordinates, whether it is Blue Star or another world.

Understood, but Speaker Oroko, what should we do about the negotiations with the Gray Alliance?

Vice Chairman Kevita still couldn't help but ask, after all, he was responsible for this matter.

Do you still need me to teach you how to do it?

Oroko glanced at Deputy Speaker Kevita indifferently.

okay, I get it.

Kevita forced out a stiff smile and replied.

The meeting is dismissed!

Speaker Oroko announced coldly.

However, with the joint declaration of the Red Alliance and the Blue Alliance, the Gray Alliance was completely angered, and countless people condemned it online.

Those capitalists from the Blue League sold us out!

This is clearly a trick on us.

The Blue League and the Red League have reached a unified front, but what about us?

In fact, if you look carefully at these comments that flood the screen, you can clearly feel the anger and panic of the Gray Alliance people.

The Gray Alliance is the weakest among the three alliances. They have always wanted to form an alliance with the Blue Alliance so that they can embrace this alliance, but reality gave them a hard slap in the face.

Dark City·Dark Curtain Conference Room.

A group of people wearing different styles of robes with gloomy expressions gathered together.

The entire conference room was full of arguments.

What the hell, didn't you agree to ally with us? Now the people below are already in chaos.

These treacherous villains! We have obviously made so many concessions.

No, this matter can't be settled like this. We must give the Blue Alliance some color.

Have you argued enough?

At this time, a ferocious voice sounded.

Suddenly the entire conference room fell silent, and everyone turned to look over.

Sitting on the main seat, a man with a sinewy face and a big beard, Commander Gilravi, spoke with an angry look on his face.

For a moment, no one dared to say anything.

Gilravi picked up a special satellite phone and dialed a number in front of everyone.


Ten seconds.

The call was connected, and Gilravi greeted directly.

Vice President Kevita, should you give me an explanation as to why you allied with the Red Alliance?

Gillavi, listen to me. I really don't know about this matter. I didn't know it much earlier than you did. This matter was finalized by the Speaker of Oroko Council himself, and he never told me!

Do you think I will believe it? He won't discuss such a big matter with you?

I really didn't lie to you, and what's the benefit of lying to you? You know that I am responsible for negotiating with you. Only when we reach an alliance can I get the benefits.

Okay, I'll believe you once, but what now? Should we continue alliance negotiations?

Gilravi asked gloomily.

At this time, Vice Chairman Kevita on the phone fell silent.

The large conference room was very quiet for a while, and everyone was nervously waiting for Vice Chairman Kevita to speak on the other end of the phone.

Even though they were cursing the Blue League before, they actually longed to form an alliance with the Blue League from the bottom of their hearts.

After about a few seconds, Vice Chairman Kevita said in a deep voice.

Let's talk about this later.

When Gilravi heard what Deputy Speaker Kevita said, he slammed the satellite phone in his hand to the ground.


The entire satellite phone fell apart. Gilravi stood up from the main seat and stepped on the phone parts.


With the sound of shattering, Gilravi said angrily.

Okay! I want to see who will regret it later!

Everyone present trembled, and no one dared to say a word.

Blue League·The Free City of St. Peter.

Inside the conference room of the Warhammer Heavy Industries Group building.

Awabik sat in a semicircle with ten other representatives and the deputy chairman of Kevita.

At this time, Vice Chairman Kevita heard the beeping sound of a disconnection coming from the bracelet, and then pressed down the call interface, raised his head and said expressionlessly to Awabik and others.

Okay, we can get started.

Avabik said in a deep voice.

This time we have reached a strategic alliance with the Red Alliance, and I am not afraid of your jokes. I really didn't expect it.

Bilis showed a bright smile at this time and said.

Our initial idea was to ally with the Gray Alliance, squeeze the Gray Alliance as much as possible, and use them as cannon fodder.

Don't worry about this road, it's already blocked.

Vice Chairman Kevita said calmly.

Does that mean we have to accept the reality of our alliance with the Red Alliance?

Theta Company representative Bix asked calmly.

Actually, alliance with the Red Alliance is not necessarily a bad thing. Joining forces with powerful forces is also an option.

Avabik pondered for a while and said.

Indeed, a strong alliance is acceptable, but the rules of the Red League are different from ours, which is a bit troublesome! Moreover, the Red League is not the Gray League, and it is not a soft persimmon that can be pinched at will. We need to change the way we get along with them.

Bilis pointed out the key points to the point.

That's right.

All ten representatives present responded.

At this time, Avabik tapped his fingers on the table slightly and said thoughtfully.

The alliance matter is over for now, but there is something I wonder if you have noticed?

whats the matter?

Everyone looked at Awabik.

I think everyone here must have had a large number of people and materials transferred away by Speaker Oroko for no reason, right? And the people transferred directly lost contact.

With this incident, in addition to being transferred, many people in the Blue League are missing.

Vice Chairman Kevita said calmly.

I once sent people to secretly follow and investigate, but all the people I sent disappeared. I don't know what Oroko Council Leader is doing in secret?

Avabek narrowed his eyes in question.

No matter what you do, I feel that Mr. Oroko Council Leader has gone too far. He is clearly trying to guard against us.

Kaou, the representative of Heileng Group, said with a cold snort.

However, at this moment, Dogus, the representative of Gruno Group, smiled and smoothed things over.

Oh, don't say that! The Speaker of the Parliament must have his own considerations as to why we are involved in so much.

Yeah, why are we mixing in so much? Anyway, there are rosters of people who have been transferred, and there are records of supplies.

Representatives from Demark Group and Poseidon Company present at the scene echoed this.

After hearing what Dogus and the others said, Avabik and the others all turned to look at them, with strange looks in their eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

Dogs, do you know something?

How can it be!

Dogus replied with a dry smile.

Okay, that's the end of today's meeting.

Awabik stood up and announced.

Then let's go.

Dogus and others got up and left.

After Dogus and others left, Awabik, Bilis and others were left in the conference room.

Avabik said coldly.

It seems that someone is not of the same mind as us.

Hey, looking at the way Dogus looks, it's obvious that he knows something, but he just doesn't know how much benefit they have received from the Council Speaker.

Bix said with a sigh.

Bilis said with a smile.

There is nothing we can do about it. We can only say that we are unlucky. The speaker of the parliament did not give us any benefits.

When have you ever been in the mood to joke? We need to be more careful these days, lest others get too busy and we become clowns.

Abix said in a deep voice.


Bilis put away her smile and responded.


Within the Gray Alliance and outside the hibernation base.

Zhao Song held Xue Lang and his subordinates to observe the overlap in the distance.

Captain, the overlap seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

A young man with a slightly thin body said worriedly.

I know, that's why I keep watching.

Zhao Song responded in a deep voice.

However, at this moment, a large-scale overlap in the distance suddenly spread and expanded in all directions like an aurora without any warning.


not good!

Zhao Song had just said the words when he noticed something was wrong.

The spreading overlap instantly covered Zhao Song and others, and Zhao Song and others all disappeared in an instant.

The spreading overlapping shadows did not stop, but continued to expand outwards, and it didn't take long to cover the hibernation base in the canyon.

Everyone in the hibernation base, whether they were on duty or sleeping, disappeared in an instant.

In the command room.

A female soldier in charge of communications took a sip from her water glass and turned to chat with her companions.

As a result, the entire command room instantly became empty, and all the companions who were sitting around were missing.

Sir, where have you been?

Where are the people?

The female soldier shouted in panic.


At this time, the only response from the female soldier was a terrifying roar.


Inside the parliament building of the City of Sinking Stars.

After Chairman Long Yan finished his speech, he was about to get up and leave the Holy Word Hall to return to his office. With the announcement of the alliance, there were too many things to deal with next.

At this time, there was a sound of rapid footsteps.

Your Majesty.

Chairman Long Yan stopped immediately. He turned around and looked over, only to see a young and energetic female communications officer running over panting.

Don't be anxious, speak slowly if you have something to say.

Chairman Long Yan said kindly to the female correspondent in front of him.

No, Sir, an emergency message came from the hibernation base. A strange movement occurred at the singularity. The overlap range expanded to cover the entire hibernation base. All the personnel stationed there were overlapped to a different world! Only one person named Zhang Qian was left. The female correspondent escaped the overlap because she had no awakening potential!”

The female correspondent reported the matter in one breath.

Chairman Long Yan frowned when he heard the news.

Many councilors present commented in shock.

What's going on? Isn't the hibernation base quite far away from the overlapping range of the singularity?

Were they all overlapped?

Are you confused? The most important question now is, isn't this? The problem now is that if the overlapping range suddenly becomes so large, more monsters will emerge, so the strange tide that hits us will be more serious. Already?

Vice Chairman Wang Heng said in a deep voice.

Yes! What should we do?

Oh, this happened at this juncture.

Many congressmen reacted immediately.

Everyone be quiet!

Chairman Long Yan said in a deep voice.

The noisy crowd suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at Council Chairman Long Yan.

Order the support troops from all regions to rush to the sixth, seventh, and eighth administrative districts as soon as possible to prepare for battle. Also, just in case, evacuate some people in the three administrative districts.

Long Yan gave the order calmly.


Everyone present responded.

However, at this moment, secretary Lin Ping, who had been waiting beside Long Yan, suddenly vibrated her bracelet.

Lin Ping immediately walked aside and picked up the phone.

Yes, you said.

Well, I understand.

Lin Ping quickly hung up the phone, then walked to Council Chairman Long Yan and whispered.

KPI headquarters called, something happened in the fourth ring of Sinking Star City, over there

As Long Yan listened to Lin Ping's report, his expression became more serious under the mask.

The lobby of Yunjian Villa.

Shen Qiu, Yun Jing and others were chatting and laughing over the New Year's Eve dinner.

They had just watched the speech before and barely ate much. Now that the speech was over, the atmosphere gradually became lively.

Mr. Shen Qiu, I have admired your name for a long time. It is rare that we can gather together today, so I would like to toast you.

Yunliang raised his wine glass very eloquently.

you are welcome.

Although Shen Qiu doesn't like socializing, these are Yun Xiaoxi's relatives, so they have to give them some face.

Just when Shen Qiu picked up his wine glass and was about to drink, suddenly his bracelet vibrated and a message popped up.

Shen Qiu glanced down.

There is something unusual happening on Duole Street. Please ask all nearby KPI personnel to rush there immediately.

Shen Qiu, I received the message from KPI headquarters.

Yun Xiaoxi looked at her phone and said in shock.

I also received.

Chen Ye and Qi Dong also followed suit.

What happened?

Yun Liu and others asked curiously.

Something happened on Dole Street. Sorry, I have to go there.

Shen Qiu put down the wine glass and said apologetically.

Ah, I'll go with you.

Yun Xiaoxi quickly stood up and said.

Xiao Xi.

Qin Lan held Xiao Xi's hand worriedly.

At this time Yun Jing coughed and said.

Qin Lan, let Xiao Xi go, this is her job.

Okay, Xiao Xi, you have to be careful.

Qin Lan ordered with great reluctance.

Don't worry, I will take good care of Xiao Xi. Sorry everyone, let's go!

Shen Qiu apologized to everyone and then hurried out.

Xiao Xi and Chen Ye followed immediately.

Soon Shen Qiu and the others left Yunjian Villa and drove the van towards Duole Street.

Boss, what big trouble do you think will happen?

Chen Ye asked curiously.

I don't know either. We'll know when we see it on site.

Shen Qiu replied calmly.

Ps: Sorry, I have a meeting tonight and will resume the fifth update tomorrow (*^▽^*)!

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