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“………… Formal Level Aura ………… What a special omnipotent? She really dared to blow it! Surely it is a zealot who maintains rule by brainwashing!”

Punk took a closer look at the feather that Harpy took out and understood that this guy has just been boasting that “omnipotent Lady Priestress” is just a formal level creature that’s all, even if the power attached to this feather can be faked. The Soul Seal inscribed on the bottom of the feather can’t be faked.

Out of prudence, Punk sensed Harpy’s thought fluctuation again, and finally determined that this not-so-smart Banshee was not lying.

“Ai, brainwashing dominates power for a short period of time, but in the long run it is nothing but death. When and how many lessons will these magical creatures learn to understand this truth?”

Punk expressionless shook the head.

After listening to Harpy’s description, Punk knew that he encountered a magical creature community that relied on brainwashing to strengthen its domination.

In fact, in the entire Multiverse, there are many such communities, and even some remote Plane human rulers often deify themselves.

These ignorant rulers, either out of ignorance or selfishness, will brainwash their clansman from an early age, killing wise and those who are really useful, so that the foolish clansman firmly believe that the ruler of his tribe is omnipotent True God.

With a long lifespan and strong power, these rulers can indeed use the “Supreme” created by themselves to hide the sky with one hand in the tribe, but in the long run, this behavior is brewing disasters and tragedies.

The reason is very simple. Even if the ruler knows his mind, the clansman who was brainwashed by him will become fanatic and even arrogant. Soon these arrogant clansman will give birth to many ideas of death, such as:

“Meeting a Legendary Powerhouse ………… The one who robbed him, afraid of something, our boss omnipotent.

Encountered a Divine Kingdom ………… The one who burned him, our boss is invincible in the whole world, what Legend and God are all scum. “

Believe me, these magical creatures who are not so good in their brains will definitely go out after having an “omnipotent” boss to support them. Regardless of the law and of natural morality.

However, there are so many dangers in this world. Even the God of the great Divine Power and the extremely powerful Brilliant Sun Archmage have to be cautiously. Like a thin ice, a group of act recklessly magical creatures dare to die everywhere. Do you say this tribe is far from death?

There is no need for other lessons, there is now an example before us.

When an extreme trust rises to the level of belief, this thing of reason will no longer exist. At this time, pretending to be poor Harpy in front of Punk doesn’t know that she has already got a “hand in hand” in Punk’s heart. The epic title … This pit goods actually without the slightest hesitation is like bringing a conspiracy Master Level Spellcaster to his home, if the “Lady Priestress” understood spit out 2 liters of blood.

Punk thought ridiculously, then quietly released a Novice Level “Staunching” on Harpy’s chopped wings. This was a “loyal” “guide”. He didn’t want his guide to lose blood halfway through. More hang up.

“It’s not too late, Miss Harpy, let’s go on the road as soon as possible. I still want to visit your home, um, I really want it, impatient.”

Punk said with a slightly awkward smile and said to the delighted Harpy.

“Of course, rest assured, we can get there before dark, when the time comes you can try the fruit wine brewed in our house”!

Harpy didn’t see Punk’s weird expression under the hood. She stood up happily, ignoring the pain of the wound and went to jungle.

“Hurry up, we still have time to catch up with dinner”!

“Miss” Kind “as you wish”

——Dividing line——

The community of Harpy is indeed not far away. Punk followed the injured Harpy through the 7 twists and 8 turns of the jungle to reach the tribe’s border all afternoon.

At this time, the sky had just arrived in the evening, and a beam of red glow on the horizon shone on a wooden stake on the border of the campsite.

Along the way, Punk also looked sideways, and got a lot of intelligence when he didn’t have any questions. This is because Punk is really not good at chatting, otherwise Punk believes that a thief with a little emotional intelligence can come in more than he can. Come on, after all, this Harpy really has no vigilance and precautions.

Through Harpy’s conspicuous description, Punk understood that their tribe’s name was “Black Claw”. It was a small tribe no more than 200 years old. It was “act recklessly” by a group of eastward expeditions. (Both are descriptions of Harpy) “The orcs arrived here. At that time, the entire Harpy Tribe suffered heavy losses, and it was almost exhausted.

Fortunately, one of their tribes was “Great, Omnipotent, Divine and Beautiful, Supreme (This guy is fairly standard in pronunciation of these words)” Priestess was recognized by his ancestors in a “Sky Selection Cave” and then got Supreme power of “omnipotent”.

Relying on the power of this “omnipotent”, Harpy’s Priestess has the ability to “bless”. The clansman blessed by Priestess can explode the potential of terrifying, and the weapon being blessed can make the wild beast wounded crazy.

When Punk offered to look at the weapon that was “blessed”, Harpy lost that he was not eligible for “blessing”.

Knowing this information, Punk figured out some interesting things:

“80% of this so-called” blessing “refers to this haunting strange aura. If these breaths full of” evil “invade the wild beast’s soul, then it can indeed make the wild beast wildly crazy, so it seems … … …… The key to the problem lies with that Priestess. The reason for this is because she got something out of this cave because of what she got in the cave. “

Punk followed Harpy as he watched the surrounding environment while thinking about the next course of action.

“This Harpy community is not too far from the city. Although these low-level Banshee have no brains, that Priestess should not be act recklessly ignorant. I better hide my breath and scare the guy away and it will be troublesome.”

Punk quietly released a spell while thinking this way.

“Master Level Conjuration Spell-Wynn’s Aura Concealment”! : Hide Soul Aura of a creature below Legend, disguised as Novice Level, lasts 20 4 hours!

“Now it’s almost the same. I really don’t know if the Priestess would cry out when she saw a Master Level Wizard suddenly appear in front of her.”

Punk stared at your tattered banner not far away and thought of it in a funny way.

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