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The crazy Paladin has been solved neatly. His pious beliefs and violent beliefs ca n’t stop Punk ’s Kinetic Energy Explosion. Now, just now, the golden light is shining like a little sun. Paladin has become a pile of mixed The broken pieces of metal fragments and some of the blood spurted on the faces of his two dumbfounded companions.

Looking at the calm and composed face of Punk’s half of his face covered in shadow, the expression was as indifferent as shooting a dead mosquito, and the greedy Wizard Mike wiped the sticky liquid on his face mechanically.

He watched a touch of blood on his hand, his body shaking more and more, and finally, Mike finally collapsed.

“No, let me go, I don’t want to die”!

He paled and screamed louder than a woman, then turned and stumbled towards the jungle, and the same reaction was the female Stalker who was beside him.

The two adventurers know intellectually that Punk will not let themselves go, they are also impossible to escape alive from a Master Level Spellcaster, and now, these two desperate adventures all escape and lose one’s head out of fear. But it’s a performance of collapse that’s all.

Seeing 2 scared adventurers running towards the jungle in a panic, Punk silently took the head:

“It’s a pity that you will probably stay in this beautiful jungle forever.”

The two guys guessed right. When the Paladin rushed up, the three adventurers were identified as dead by Punk. Now the crazy Paladin has turned into minced meat, and Punk long plans to develop quietly. He didn’t want to provoke the Church of Dawn at all, so now he was going to kill the witnesses.

To deal with the two guys who can’t even reach the Formal Level, there is naturally nothing to say. Punk randomly launched a “Kinetic Energy Explosion” among the two adventurers who were running away.

spell The scary light purple shock wave directly crushed the Wizard and the female Stalker who wanted to stop for mercy.

Looking at the drenched with blood in one place, Punk was satisfied with the nodded. Now even a Master Level Peak’s “limited wish” can’t save these 3 idiots.

“It’s really a troublesome thing …… Is it a hero saving the beauty”?

Punk set fire to burn the flesh and blood from the ground, and then threw Harpy with a broken wing on the burnt ground.

He squatted down and looked at him curled up in his remaining wings to be poor Harpy, and said to himself in a playful tone.

This Harpy still looks quite in line with human aesthetics. In addition to the wings on the back, Harpy only needs legs with claws covered with feathers, and the other parts are just ordinary female human bodies, with some animal skins all over the body. As a cover, the exquisite figure with a pretty face is still a beauty.

But … Mind this thing is not beautiful at all.

Punk quietly released a “Master Level mind-affecting spell-Mind listening” and clearly heard the voice of this Harpy.

Harpy Ke, who was rescued indirectly by Punk, didn’t have any idea of ​​gratitude. In fact, this guy was thinking about requite kindness with enmity.

Harpy, who prostrate on the ground and groaned slightly, looked pitiful, but her heart was full of fanaticism and paranoia:

“Oh my God, what a beautiful face this is, what a smooth skin this is, this is definitely the most beautiful boy in the world. Such beauty is only worthy of Supreme Lady Priestress, I want to take him back, I must bring him back early and give it to Supreme Lady Priestress, must, I will get the reward, the highest reward! Never allow anyone to hinder, never allow “!

Along with the emotional excitement, this Harpy’s expression slowly appeared a little grim, and not only that, but Punk also keenly found that the “strange aura” wrapped around her also became active, these originally a little lifeless breath As if slowly waking up, they began to merge with Harpy continuously, becoming more and more inseparable.

“It’s so interesting, does this breath also affect reason and make this Harpy mind paranoid? Or amplify evil desires?”

Punk didn’t care about the monster’s fanaticism, and now he is very interested in the breath of this Harpy.

Punk also wants to try out this Banshee. He plans to see what the “Lady Priestress” behind him is. If there is no accident … Punk plans to take a trip to this Harpy community.

“Hello, beautiful lady, you look badly hurt, do you need me to escort you to your community?”

Punk tried to show the expression of gentle sunlight to Harpy.

Hearing Punk ’s unexpected request to escort himself to the community, he was planning how to bring Punk to “Lady Priestress” before Harpy ’s eyes flashed an indisputable ecstasy:

“Great, powerful warrior, I have lost my wings. If it doesn’t help, I will be eaten by the cruel wild beast when night falls. Now I really don’t know how to thank you.”

“Haha ………… No need, no thanks, but you seem to be hurting a bit. Can anyone in your tribe be treated? Isn’t it better to go to a town for treatment? I think you can find one or two Priest there. “.

After Punk laughed for two times, he began to test the implementation of Harpy Tribe. He didn’t want to step into the subject so quickly, but Punk is really not good at performing enthusiastic teenagers, so he might as well find a way to ask.

“If this guy doesn’t say it, he can only try to use torture”!

Punk thought secretly.

He did n’t want to use the most convenient spell, “Memory Reading”, because Harpy ’s breath was so weird. Punk ’s intuition told him that it ’s best to avoid any soul, mind, or mental contact with this aura as much as possible.

His instincts have always been trustworthy, so Punk simply gave up the option of using the spell to probe Harpy memory. Although that aura looks weak and thin, Punk doesn’t dare to underestimate the existence that he can’t explore.

Fortunately, Harpy seemed to be afraid that Punk would not go to her own tribe. She heard Punk saying that she would send her to a human town for treatment, and she quickly shook her head and refused:

“Relax, Lady Priestress omnipotent in our tribe, no matter what kind of injury can be cured.”

Harpy proudly boasted about how great and how omnipotent his boss is, knowing that she is talking about a Harpy sacrifice, and if she doesn’t know, she might think she is praising a great God.

Not only that, but this Harpy took out a feather to show like he was afraid that Punk would not believe it:

“Look, this is the feather that Lady Priestress left me. Even if there is only one feather, the shiver coldly that those magic beast will be afraid of!”

The feathers she took out were lingering with a little bit of coercive energy, and the pale-gold inscription shone brilliantly in the sun, and the energy fluctuation above it was … Formal Level!

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