My Life Simulator Chapter 368


Chapter 367 Great Men of the Times

With his scientific achievements, Lu Li is absolutely qualified to win the Nobel Prize.

The new anti-cancer technology of "Lu's Therapy" has saved countless people suffering from cancer. Such an achievement is definitely enough for Lu Li to receive the "Nobel Prize in Medicine".

The birth of a new gene editing tool is of great significance to the era of genetic engineering, and it can also make Lu Li win the "Nobel Prize in Chemistry" (biochemistry is also chemistry).

As for the gene chip technology that overturned an era, it is only a scientific research achievement in the field of computer. When the Nobel Prizes were set, they didn't know what a computer was!

With anti-cancer technology and gene editing technology, Lu Li is enough to win!

But...whether or not you can win the award is not just based on scientific research achievements, there are many factors.

After all, it is people who judge. As long as it is a human being, there are inevitably various positions and various selfishness.

Especially after the birth of Lu Li's gene chip technology, there were countless enemies.

Apart from the Chinese people, there should be no one who likes the gene chip technology developed by Lu Li.

In fact, in terms of awards, Lu Li doesn't care about the Nobel Prize at all.

With Lu Li's academic reputation and academic achievements, he no longer needs to use the Nobel Prize to prove himself.

It's just that... in order to complete the task, you must win a prize.

Then give them a reality that they have to award awards even if they are reluctant!

Lu Li had a smile on his face, walked to the computer desk, turned on the computer, and started writing the paper.

“Human genetic map!”

Lu Li plans to publish the results of human genetic testing.

It will take countless time and energy to make this whole world work together, and the problems that will take several decades to be solved will be published. I don't believe anyone would dare to come forward and not give me an award!

If such achievements were not awarded, then...the Nobel Prize would not exist.

The value of the existence of the Nobel Prize will be questioned by countless people, and the "fairness" maintained on the surface will also be questioned by countless people.

Even if you don't like me or even hate me, you have to give me an award.

Lu Li sat at the computer desk and started writing the paper.

This paper is very long. The human gene chain has three billion base pairs, and each base pair has its own expressed gene information.

If you want to code them all out, the amount of code words... will make countless web writers shiver coldly.

Fortunately, the actual genetic comparison test is still going on.

With the data reference of the virtual laboratory, the real experiment will be completed soon.

Lu Li just needs to do a comprehensive description, then paste the data and images.

A month later, the actual genetic comparison experiment came to an end. The real human genetic map has been officially compiled.

Lu Li posted his pre-written review paper on this human genetic map and officially announced it to the whole world!

The door to the gene era is officially opened!

For a time, the whole world was shrouded in Lu Li's dive splendor. The brilliance of scientific giants, like the brilliant sun, illuminates Heaven and Earth.

"I can buy Karma! Human genetic map? Lu Li Academician completed the human genetic map?"

"The door to the genetic era has opened!"

"The design of God's creation of man has been deciphered!"

"My whole body is shaking! All the mysteries of the human body have been completely revealed to the world!"

"The human body The emergence of the genetic map marks that human beings have taken over the authority of the Creator from God!"

"Shocked! Trembling! Fear! I can't describe the feeling at this moment. All I can say is that Lu Li Academician is too powerful It's over!"

"Lu Li Academician is the greatest scientist of this century, no one, no refutation!"

The whole world trembled because of Lu Li's paper.

The emergence of the human genetic map has fully deciphered all the mysteries of the human body, which marks the arrival of a new era.

The success of anti-cancer technology, the success of new gene editing technology, the success of gene chips, and the emergence of the current human genetic map have made mankind step into a new era - the era of genes!

A person's scientific research achievements have led the entire human world into a new era. Such a scientist is worthy of the greatest scientist of this century.

The Nobel Prize is held every four years. The last Nobel Prize was awarded in 2018, and the next one is in 2022.

It is now June 2022.

This year's Nobel Prize in Medicine, or Chemistry, is none other than Lu Li.

"News from this station: Lu Li Academician, a famous scientist in my country, has officially completed the compilation of the human genetic map, which marks that human civilization has officially entered the genetic era."

" Lu's therapy anti-cancer technology, new gene editing tools, gene chip technology, and human gene map. Lu Li Academician's scientific research achievements have led all mankind."

"The state is blessed with talented people. Lu Li Academician is the pride of the Chinese people!”

“In the past, the Chinese nation has been leading the world civilization. Now, we have once again led the world civilization. Cheers to China! Cheers to Lu Li!”


At this moment, the whole world rejoices!

The Chinese civilization once again led the world civilization. This kind of national self-confidence and national pride makes countless people rejoice!

The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is unstoppable!

Lu Li's scientific research achievements, if only a single item, although equally brilliant, cannot reach the height of leading the world civilization into a new era.

When these technologies are combined, there is an unparalleled Great Accomplishment.

The human genetic map is the last piece of the puzzle, and human civilization has officially entered the genetic era.

There is a country that is getting great!

A new era has dawned.

The wheel of history is rolling forward, the general trend is surging and unstoppable.

Time goes by day by day, and the Nobel Prize appraisal work is also going on intensely.

In fact, many people are reluctant to give Lu Li an award. front of Lu Li's brilliant scientific achievements, he had to give Lu Li an award.

Award to Lu Li? I was very upset.

No award to Lu Li? The "fairness" of the Nobel Prize would be lost.

This made the members of the Nobel Prize committee all depressed.

After being silent for a long time and struggling for a long time, in the end...the jury can only recognize it by pinching its nose.

August 24, 2020.

The official website of the Nobel Prize has officially announced the winners of this year's Nobel Prize.

"Nobel Prize in Medicine, Laureate: Lu Li, Hua Guo. Scientific Achievement: Created a New Generation of CAR-T Anti-Cancer Technology."

Even pinching his nose to Lu Li gave the award, and the jury was still playing a trick.

They do not award awards for gene editing tools, nor for human gene maps, nor for gene chips. They only recognize Lu Li's achievements in anti-cancer technology.

This is just... a little child's anger.

Lu Li laughed, didn't care at all, didn't even think about accepting the award.

Because...after the official announcement of the winners list, Lu Li has completed the task.

"1. Players get achievement badges: decrypt the human genetic map (D)."

"You have decoded the information expression of the human genetic sequence and compiled the human genetic map. "

"2. Players get achievement badges: leading civilization (D)."

"Your research results in genetic technology have led human civilization into a new era."

"3. The player gets the badge of honor: Nobel Prize winner (D) (honor × 50)."

"You won the Nobel Prize."

"4. Players get badges of honor: Great Man of the Times (C) (honor × 10)."

"Your scientific achievements have been hailed as the greatest scientist of this century. You lead Human civilization has stepped into a new era. You are a well-deserved great man of the era."

So far, Lu Li has completed all the tasks in this scientist plot, and has also gained huge gains.

Not to mention the badge reward, the knowledge that Lu Li gained in this scientist plot is enough for Lu Li to use it for a lifetime.

It's a real goal has yet to be achieved.

To completely cure cancer, absorb the advantages of infinite division of cancer cells, so that human cells can obtain the genetic characteristics of infinite division, and the technology to achieve immortality has still not been realized.

With the current science and technology, it is still far away to achieve this goal, and there is no hope at all.

Perhaps...the only way to do it is from other directions.

Now has a C-Rank badge of "Great Man of the Times", which is still a badge of honor. The next time you open the plot instance, you will be able to open the C-Rank plot.

Go through the plot dungeon all the way up, from C-Rank all the way up, get through B-Rank, A-Rank, and even S-Rank dungeon, you will definitely find a solution.

At this time, the reason for Lu Li to completely solve the cancer is not to treat Liu's father, or to prevent Liu Qin from getting sick.

O immortality!

This kind of probability has already appeared in front of us, who can ignore it? Who will miss it?

Growing old with unfailing eyes and ears, Happy Heaven and Earth, who wouldn't want to?

Take your time, as long as you continue to study, as long as you keep brushing the plot copy all the way, there will always be a day of success. I have no doubts about this!

"It's time to go back!"

Looking up at the laboratory in front of him, Lu Li smiled and waved his hand. The scene in front of him collapsed instantly and everything was disappeared.

The next instant, Lu Li opened his eyes.

In front of me...the hotel room.

Liu Qin was lying beside him, sleeping with Lu Li's arm in his arms, with a faint trace of tears in the corner of his eyes.

This is the provincial capital of Xichuan, and this is a hotel next to the West China Hospital.

Father Liu was diagnosed with cancer and was admitted to West China Hospital yesterday. Lu Li and Liu Qin came back from Shanghai to visit and stayed in this hotel last night.

Under "Iron Will", the confusion brought by the plot memory was straightened out by Lu Li in an instant, and was not affected by the plot memory.

Father Liu's illness is not a problem at all.

In the plot, Lu Li has already been treated once. With the "Lu's Therapy" developed by Lu Li, the problem can be easily solved, and at least father Liu's normal life can be guaranteed for fifty years.

This kind of treatment effect is already perfect. After all, Father Liu may not live for another fifty years!

It's just that... this "Lu's Therapy" has to be taken out, and there are still some very real problems to be solved.

Can you cure cancer in the morning the next day? This is too unreasonable! need to think of something.

Professor He of Fudan Medical College, the tutor in the plot, is very suitable for taking the blame. At least let Liu Qin feel that this technology is led by Professor He.

Lu Li laughed: Professor He, you can be considered... People are sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky! (Attention! It's a pot, not a curse!)

Waking up lightly, Lu Li took out his laptop from his luggage, sat down on the sofa in the room, and started...writing the paper.

It is not a complete "Lu's Therapy", but a tailor-made one based on Professor He's knowledge level. If a certain step is missing, it is 99% of the "Lu's Therapy".

In the plot, Professor He was very concerned about Lu Li and gave him a lot of help. Now, let Professor He share the achievements and honors in the "Lu's Therapy", which can be regarded as a reward!

All knowledge and techniques are in my mind, even the original paper of "Lu's Therapy" is firmly in my mind, Lu Li re-writes it, naturally and easily.

In less than an hour, Lu Li's tailor-made "Lu's Therapy" paper for Professor He was written.

Then, Lu Li sent the paper to Professor He's mailbox, and attached a paragraph saying that the research encountered difficulties and wanted Professor He's guidance.

After doing all this, Lu Li checked the time, it was already seven in the morning.

According to Professor He's life rules, he has woken up now and should be able to see the email soon.


In the teachers' apartment of Fudan Medical College.

Early in the morning, Professor He got up to wash and prepare to go to the sports field to exercise. At this time, Professor He suddenly heard that a prompt sounded from the mobile phone.

"en? Early in the morning, who sent a message?"

Professor He reached out and picked up the phone, looked down, and found that it was an email notification.

This email is Professor He's work email, which is mainly used for academic exchanges with people.

Who is this from?

Professor He murmured in his heart and reached out to open the email.

"Professor He, I am Lu Li, a graduate student of Fudan. I encountered some difficulties when I was doing my research. I would like to ask you for advice. The paper is in the attachment, please give me some advice."


It turned out to be a graduate student to ask for advice!

Professor He laughed, reached out and clicked on the attachment, and opened the paper sent by Lu Li.

The application of gene editing technology of T cells and B cells in CAR-T technology?

Seeing this title, Professor Ho frowned. whose student is this? Are you actually researching CAR-T anti-cancer technology? Have they all researched the world's cutting-edge technology? Kind of overestimate one's capabilities?

Suppressing his displeasure, Professor He opened the paper and read it carefully.

Seeing this...Professor He frowned again.

The steps for T cell gene editing and B cell gene editing in the paper are very complete and the data is very detailed. But... other parts are fragmented, lacking some research on immunoglobulins, and it seems to be fragmented.

Who brought this student?

So thoroughly researched on gene editing technology, but not even able to understand the knowledge of immunoglobulins? Is partiality so serious?

Professor He was heavily snorted, went into the study quickly, turned on the computer, downloaded the paper, supplemented the lack of immunoglobulin knowledge in the paper, and revised the paper.

"This is perfect!"

After the revision, Professor He nodded with a smile, "The application of gene editing technology for T cells and B cells in CAR-T technology has finally It's complete."

And then...

Professor He was shocked, staring at the computer screen, his face stunned!

I...what did I just do?

Isn't it just to change the student's paper?

How...accidentally overcame cancer?

(end of this chapter)

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