My Life Simulator Chapter 367


Chapter 366 Human Gene Map, Decryption Completed

Gene chip technology is changing the world.

Since the birth of the first biological computer in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, countless biological computers have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

First of all, several well-known supercomputers in China have completely replaced the gene chip, and completely upgraded, and then...the performance of the supercomputer has skyrocketed countless times.

Next, the military will comprehensively upgrade all military computers and military chips. The anti-jamming capability, battle strength, and computing performance of aircraft missiles have been greatly improved.

In the past, if Dongfeng Express wanted to hit the aircraft carrier, it still needed more than a dozen Dongfeng Express salvos, and the saturation attack could be used to ensure the destruction.

Now... Dongfeng Express, equipped with a gene chip, has strong anti-interference ability and super computing power, can accurately lock the target, and flexibly adopt various maneuvering tactics.

It might be a bit of an exaggeration to say that a missile kills an aircraft carrier. But... there is absolutely no problem in killing an aircraft carrier with two bursts.

In addition to the dramatic changes in the military, civilian products are also making great strides.

Various domestic chip manufacturing companies have fully updated their equipment and are in full swing to manufacture gene chip production lines.

The manufacturing cost of the gene chip is too low and too low, it is just a protein film.

So...the emergence of gene chip technology is the most direct feeling of ordinary people. The price of various electronic products such as mobile phones and computers replaced with genetic chips has been reduced in an all-round way, but the performance has been multiplied countless times.

Gene chips are changing the world.

Lu Li kicked off a new era. The motherland is taking off and surpassing it in an all-round way.


The turbulence of the world did not affect Lu Li's research.

After the success of gene chip technology, Lu Li's security level has been further improved, and there are more security personnel.

apart from this , there are no other changes, and no one bothers Lu Li.

Lu Li's research continues.

From start to finish, Lu Li's research direction has not changed, and is still aimed at overcoming cancer in an all-round way.

These achievements are actually by-products of the process of completely conquering cancer.

On these "by-products", Lu Li has made brilliant achievements. However, on this main project, progress has been slow.

Except for the CAR-T anti-cancer technology that was initially developed, there has been little progress since then.

The key point is that to completely conquer cancer, the premise is that all the information in the human gene chain must be fully understood.

The human genetic map, also known as "God's design map".

The three billion base pairs in the human genome contain all the secrets of the human body.

To thoroughly decipher the human gene chain, it takes a lot of effort.

Lu Li was lying on the sofa, closed his eyes, and his consciousness entered the virtual laboratory.

In the virtual lab, the primordial version of the gene chip, originally used to measure genetic information, continues to operate.

Up to now, the progress of genetic information detection is still very general, and it will take at least two years to complete the detection of all genetic information.

This time, Lu Li is updating this testing equipment.

"A virtual supercomputer based on yeast protein molecular gene chip technology." supercomputer.

"Virtual 10,000 Gene Probe Detection Array."

Another brilliance flashed by, and 10,000 pieces of flat glass covering hundreds of square meters were installed layer by layer. in a huge frame.

Hundreds of millions of gene probes are densely covered on every flat glass.

Next, Lu Li built the solution circulation pipeline, as well as the huge solution tank to store the solution.

"Transcribing the previous test data into the supercomputer, and continuing to perform human genetic testing."

The next moment, the huge biological computer supercomputer flashed a flash of fluorescence, supercomputer. Officially launched.

The solution tank contains a solution of human DNA molecules, continuously pouring into the gene probe array. Hundreds of millions of gene probes began to continuously compare genes and analyze gene information.

With the cooperation of biological computer supercomputing and large-scale gene probe array, the progress of interpretation of human genetic information has been significantly accelerated.

"Estimated completion time: 102 days, 18 hours, 35 minutes, 27 seconds."

More than two years has turned into more than three months, which is a huge leap forward .

Next, just wait.


The progress of human genetic information detection has been greatly improved, which is good news.

It's just...the experiment in the virtual laboratory needs to be done again in reality before it can reasonably produce results.

As a result, Professor Lu Li He proposed to build a gene chip-based supercomputer in Fudan and prepare a gene probe detection array.

For Lu Li's request, the green light goes all the way from top to bottom.

Fudan University's original supercomputer will be updated immediately, and the gene probe detection array will also be prepared sequentially.

In less than a month, Lu Li has all the equipment she needs.

"Lu Li, it's normal for you to over-compute. Why do you want such a large gene probe detection array?"

Professor He looked at the pieces installed in the laboratory Huge glass pane, some wonder what Lu Li was trying to do.

“I am going to do the detection of human genetic information and compile a human genetic map.”

Lu Li said the answer casually.


Professor He was taken aback, "Even with supercomputing based on gene chips, it is not easy to compile a human genetic map, right?"

This is not a problem of calculation speed, but of detection speed.

The process of detecting and comparing genetic information is similar to the exhaustive method. Only by eliminating all wrong answers can the correct answer be obtained.

The detection of each base pair has to be done once, and the speed is naturally not fast.

"I improved the detection mechanism, and the speed is much faster."

Lu Li took time to look at the testing equipment running in the virtual laboratory, and the remaining time was only More than sixty days.

"It is expected that the genetic comparison test will be completed in a few months."


Professor He stared wide-eyed, "The Human Gene Map , will be written by you in a few months? Really..."

Professor He didn't know what to say.


As time goes by, the detection of human genetic information in the virtual laboratory continues to accelerate.

The further back, the more known information, the faster the detection speed.

Two months later, the testing equipment in the virtual laboratory has completed the detection of human genetic information, and a complete human genetic map has been officially compiled.

The interpretation of genetic information is complete!

Lu Li hurriedly entered the virtual laboratory and began to read this human genetic map.

The genetic information of the human body is the "design map of God's creation of man", and it is also the blueprint for the cells to construct the human body. Each gene expresses the mystery of the human body.

Height, weight, hair color, skin color, eye color, muscle structure, skeleton structure, visceral structure... everything is expressed in genetic information.

Humans are genetic "slave".

Before a person is born, everything in his (her) body has been determined by genetic information.

Perhaps...that's what's called "fate".

Of course, genetic information is only a "design plan" in a general direction. In the process of human growth and development, due to the influence of environmental factors, this "design plan" will be disturbed to a certain extent.

For example: Everyone will more or less have one hand bigger than the other, or one big and one small in other places.

In the genetic information, the "design scheme" of the two is exactly the same, but there are still subtle differences in the final result.

In addition to the influence of environmental factors, there is also the influence of "disorder".

"Disorder", or chaos, or entropy, is the same meaning.

All things will eventually return to chaos, and entropy increase is inevitable in the universe.

Gene expression in the human body represents an order.

Because order and disorder are in constant confrontation in the universe. So... under the influence of disorder, the identical genetic information eventually grows out of symmetrical structures that are not completely consistent.

That is to say, one big and one small phenomenon is universal.

In addition to this information, Lu Li saw a lot.

A person's lifespan limit has been genetically determined from when he or she is still a fertilized/fertilized/egg.

Even a person's various so-called "innate talents" are all imprinted in genetic information.

In the genetic information, there is also a difference between "dominant gene" and "recessive gene". That's the question of being like a father or like a mother, or even like the Pharaoh next door.

In addition, there are some "foreign genes" and "null genes" in human genes.

Foreign genes are brought to humans by viruses.

The virus has a characteristic, it likes to "drop around". When invading the human body, during the process of virus division and proliferation, the operation is very sloppy, and some gene fragments are often dropped and some gene fragments are taken away.

Therefore, the "foreign genes" that exist in human genes are all left by the virus.

As for "invalid genes", they are actually some traces of "Old Ancestor" that have survived from the evolution of human beings from single-celled organisms to the present, in the process of continuous evolution.

These traces of "Old Ancestor" are outdated and will not be expressed under normal circumstances.

Of course, there are also abnormal situations, that is, the phenomenon of "attribution".

"Gene information, which represents all the mysteries of the human body, is really mysterious and wonderful."

Lu Li couldn't help but admire this detailed human genetic map. a sound.

Nature is truly amazing.

This "design drawing of God's creation of man" really gives people a feeling of "being designed".

Perhaps...some great scientists eventually believed in God, and it's not without reason.

In this "design drawing", Lu Li also saw many disease genes.

Among them are some of the diseases that Neanderthals brought to modern people, such as: depression, allergies, blood clots, nicotine addiction, nutritional imbalances, urinary incontinence, bladder pain, urethral dysfunction, Type 2 diabetes, Crohn's disease, lupus, biliary cirrhosis, and more.

So, when Homo sapiens fought against Neanderthals, it was enough to kill them, so why bother? Infinite disaster!

Seeing these disease genes, Lu Li was helpless.

Even with his genetics, he can't do anything about it.

Why? Because... can't handle it!

There are sixty trillion cells in the human body, and each cell has a gene chain. To edit and modify the genetic information in all cells...

hehe! Why do I have to borrow another five hundred years from the sky!

The only thing that can be done is to modify the genes from the embryonic stage to delete these disease genes, so that the newly born baby will be free from these diseases.

This is another ethical issue!

Because...after gene editing and modification, there is a question of "is this my species?"

Forget it, leave this to others to worry about!

Lu Li put aside these messy thoughts and focused on the main goal - finally conquering cancer.

The gene characterization of cancer is also very obvious. Lu Li can clearly see the gene segments that cause cancer to grow, and even are born with cancer gene information from the human gene map.

There is still a problem here.

For adults, to complete gene editing modifications throughout the body, it is necessary to modify sixty trillion cells throughout the body.

It's still the same sentence, I have to borrow another five hundred years from the sky!

Editing and modifying all the genetic information of an adult is an impossible task.

Even if Lu Li has developed the latest gene editing tools, even if Lu Li has deciphered the human genetic map, but... the huge number of sixty trillion makes Lu Li deeply desperate!

I can't figure it out!

Unless nanorobots can be developed, sixty trillion nanorobots can enter human cells at the same time and perform gene editing modifications at the same time.

Otherwise, the cells will be modified one by one... I really have to live another five hundred years!

As for the nanorobots...let's just wash and sleep, there's everything in my dreams.

This road is dead!

At least the existing science and technology can't go this way at all.

Extract the gene characteristics of infinite division of cancer cells, and integrate them into normal human cells through gene editing technology, so that normal cells have the ability to divide infinitely, so as to achieve...immortality.

This technology...has a bright future and a bumpy road.

It doesn't work now!

Lu Li sighed and exited the virtual lab.

Sitting on the sofa, Lu Li took a deep breath and suddenly thought... Nicotine addiction is also genetically determined.

Humans are genetic slaves.

You think you want to smoke, but it's a Neanderthal genetic defect that makes you want to smoke.

Go to the special gene!

Lu Li put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

The road ahead has been cut off, and it is no longer feasible in science and technology. Cancer, which originates from the "evolution" of gene mutation, cannot be solved completely from the existing science and technology.

This copy is no longer necessary.

It's just end this plot, I still need to win the Nobel Prize.

(end of this chapter)

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