My Life Simulator Chapter 358


Chapter 357 God can't save you, but Lu Li can

Lu Li's paper is amazing.

After class, Professor Wang Zhijian quickly took out his mobile phone and called Professor Guo of Fudan Medical College.

"Old Guo, I'm Xiehe Wang Zhijian."

Professor Wang Zhijian rushed to the laboratory while talking with Prof. Guo on the phone, "The new generation of CAR-T developed by Lu Li Have you verified the technology?”

“The B cell gene editing technology has been verified. The therapeutic effect of the new generation of CAR-T is still undergoing biological experiments, and clinical trials are still being applied for.”


Professor Guo replied with a smile, "Pharaoh, Lu Li's paper has been handed over to you for review? Hehe! You can't verify it without the experimental data! Did you review it for him? Or not? Has he passed it?"

"His thesis is completely theoretical, and it can be passed without verification."

Professor Wang Zhijian replied, "But... ... Lao Guo, Ming people don't speak secretly, send me a copy of the experimental data, and I want to study it myself. This scientific research result is a historic breakthrough. In cancer treatment, it is too important!"


Professor Guo grinned, "You are useless to me. Just now, our Fudan Medical College has submitted this scientific research result to the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Without the above permission, all experimental data cannot be released from the laboratory."

"So fast?"

Professor Wang Zhijian looked depressed, "Okay, I'll go and apply for it. We Concord will also apply for biological experiments and clinical experiments.”

Acceptance certification of a major scientific research achievement, of course, has strict procedures. In particular, medical scientific research results need to undergo rigorous demonstrations before they can be put into clinical trials.

Concord's application for biological experiments and clinical experiments is also a part of the acceptance and demonstration of scientific research results.

After hanging up the phone, Professor Wang Zhijian hurriedly instructed his assistant: "Go to the Chinese Academy of Sciences!"


Department of Life Sciences and Medicine, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In the Conference Hall, more than a dozen academicians gathered, each holding a document.

These materials are Lu Li's thesis and experimental report, as well as the verification report of Fudan University.

“The younger generations will surpass us in time!”

Academician Dai Xuesong, the chief academician of the Department of Life Science and Medicine, couldn’t help but be amazed after reading the information in his hand.

More than two months ago, Lu Li achieved a major breakthrough in CAR-T technology.

Now, just over two months later, Lu Li has actually created a new generation of CAR-T technology.

It is incredible that a hairless brat in his twenties has achieved such an achievement in the world's most cutting-edge CAR-T anti-cancer technology.

"The scientific world is a stage for geniuses. To achieve such achievements at a young age is a real genius!"

An academician next to him couldn't help but admire .

"The pillar of the state, the blessing of the society!"

Other academicians also praised Lu Li.

There was only one hair grey-white old academician. When looking at this document, the circles of his eyes were red, and two lines of old tears rolled down.

When everyone saw this scene, they also felt a sense of sympathy.

This professor named Luo Zhisheng, his wife died of cancer two years ago.

Professor Luo Zhisheng is probably thinking: If Lu Li was born a few years earlier, how wonderful it would be!

"Lu Li's new generation of CAR-T technology, the verification of gene editing technology, has been verified in Fudan and our Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Chief Academician Dai Xuesong said to the crowd again: "Now, what we want to do is to verify the efficacy of this new technology. Biological experiments and clinical experiments will be carried out by Fudan, Xiehe and our affiliated institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

said At this point, Dai Xuesong glanced at everyone and said, "If the biological and clinical experiments have passed, the efficacy of this technology has been proved. Then... I am going to apply for Lu Li the Departmental Progress Award. Do you have any comments? ?"



If the efficacy is proved, this historic breakthrough in overcoming cancer will be awarded the department-level progress award is as it should be by rights.


A few days later, Lu Li's paper was published in the new issue of Chinese Medicine.

After the publication of this paper, a stone suddenly stirred up a thousand waves!

The scientific community, especially biology and medicine, seems to have triggered a tsunami.

National Cancer Institute.

Principal Investigator Connes, holding a technical presentation.

The so-called technology promotion conference is actually to use new concepts and new technologies to fool the "father" to give money.

"Ladies and gentlemen, genetic technology leads the future."

"As everyone knows, cancer is the greatest threat facing humanity. So far, the world still has no cure for cancer. The best treatment plan.”

“A young scientist named Lu Li on the other side of the Pacific Ocean achieved some breakthroughs in CAR-T technology more than two months ago. However, this breakthrough is still insignificant."

"But we're not the same!"

Conns' voice became high, "Ladies and gentlemen, we, the American Society of Oncology, have the world The most advanced technology and the most powerful scientific research strength in the world.”

“Our researchers have found a new research direction for CAR-T technology. In terms of T cell gene editing technology, we A new gene editing technology for dendritic cells and even B cells is about to be developed."

"Imagine that when we develop a new CAR-T technology, cancer will no longer be a terminal illness for humans. , just like the treatment of influenza, it can be easily cured with just one injection."

"For the sake of human beings will not be threatened by cancer, and for the safety of all people's lives, we will do our best to provide everyone with The most powerful technology to keep everyone away from the threat of cancer."

Conns delivered a passionate speech with a confident smile on his face.

This kind of speech, this kind of technology promotion meeting, Conns has held countless times, he has a lot of experience.

These "great characters", one by one, have become famous, one by one, rich in capital, and enjoy a more luxurious life than the ancient emperors.

So... death and forgetting is their greatest fear.

In order to prolong their longevity and continue to enjoy such a luxurious life, they are willing to invest in scientific research projects in medicine.

Not surprisingly, when Conns finished his speech, he heard the enthusiastic applause from the crowd. Presumably, he will receive a large sum of money later.

However... today is a bit of a surprise.

When the applause ended, a big financier suddenly stood up and said to Conns: "Conns Academician, what did you just say about the new generation of CAR-T anti-cancer technology?"

"Yes, sir!"

Conns nodded with a smile, "This is a great technology. It only takes five years, and if the investment is sufficient, even only It will take three years for us to develop this technology."

"Five years? Three years?"

Mr. Jinzhu grinned suddenly, took out his mobile phone and pointed at Connes. He gestured, "But... Conns Academician, a new generation of CAR-T technology, has been researched!"


Conn The smile on Si's face froze instantly, and his eyes widened, "sorry, what did you just say?"

"I said, the new generation of CAR-T technology has been researched. As you just said, the scientist named Lu Li on the other side of the Pacific Ocean has developed a new generation of CAR-T technology."

Mr. Jinzhu smiled and looked at the head, "Conns Sir, your speech is very good. But...a technology that has been developed, we don't need to invest. What do you think?"

After finishing speaking, Mr. Jin shrugged his shoulders and turned around left the venue.

Next moment, other sponsors in the venue also called and sent people to inquire about the latest CAR-T technology.

A moment later, everyone knew the news.

Hua Guo scientist Lu Li, just published a new "CAR-T technology" paper.

In this paper, Lu Li announced that he has developed a new generation of CAR-T technology and completed the verification of the gene editing technology in the laboratory of Fudan University.

Now that this technology has been researched and preliminarily verified, there is no need to waste money.

Even if I get cancer in the future, can I still go to China for treatment? Instead, invest your money in something more meaningful, like...anti-aging.

A moment later, Conns' "money meeting" was empty.

"Falco! What's going on?"

Conns jumped and roared.

An assistant next to him ran up and explained: "Sir, just a few hours ago, the latest scientific research results of Mr. Lu Li were published in the Chinese Medical Journal. The new generation of CAR-T technology , has been born!"


Conns kicked over the podium angrily.

The technology that I was about to set up a research project, and the research direction that I was about to sponsor and ask for money, was actually researched by someone.

This is hurt!

Actually, Connes is not the only researcher whose project has been cut in half.

Since the publication of Lu Li's paper, researchers all over the world who are engaged in CAR-T technology research have been mourning!

This project is done, this project is done.

Not to mention that all previous efforts have been abandoned, at least... I will never have an excuse to ask for money from the gold master father!

This wave of operations by Lu Li has smashed the jobs of many people, making people hate it with gnashing teeth.

Some people hate, naturally some people love!

In the ward of a private hospital, the haggard-faced Old Mister was lying on the hospital bed. Life's deterioration made the rays of light in Old Mister's eyes dim even more.

At this time, Old Mister's personal doctor entered the ward.

"Henry, I hope you brought good news today."

Old Mister's cloudy eyes looked towards Dr. Henry, "More than two months ago, you brought me There is hope, but... hope has not yet come. Now, tell me, do I still have hope?"

"Sir, this time, I have not brought hope."

A small smile appeared on Dr. Henry's face, "What I'm bringing is... redemption!"

"Redemption?" Where is it? Where is my redemption?"


Dr. Henry took out his mobile phone, opened a paper, and handed it to Old Mister, "This is the The latest research results of Chinese scientist Lu Li. He...has developed a new generation of CAR-T technology.”

“A new generation of CAR-T technology?”

Old Mister With a bit of questioning in his eyes.

"Mr. Lu Li developed B cell gene editing technology based on the original CAR-T technology. This new technology can effectively reduce or even eliminate immune factor storms."

Dr. Henry exclaimed: "This is a genius idea, this is an amazing technology, it can treat cancer like a cold!"

"Thank God... oh no, thank Lu Li!"

A smile appeared on Old Mister's face, "God can't save me, but... Lu Li can! Arrange it, I'm going to China!"

" As you wish, sir!"

Dr. Henry bowed and retired!


The scientific community made a huge noise because of Lu Li's paper.

But...the response in the society is not great, and ordinary people simply do not have the habit of paying attention to scientific research information.

Chinese TV stations and newspapers did not report any news in this regard at all.

The more important the project is, the more low-key it is. This is already a Chinese tradition.

Time just goes by.

One month later, Fudan University, Union Medical College, and the affiliated institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have completed the biological experiments of the new generation of CAR-T technology.

From the results of biological experiments, Lu Li's new generation of CAR-T technology has an extremely obvious effect on cancer treatment.

After the injection of gene medicine, the tumors in the experimental animals disappeared rapidly, and the treatment effect was perfect.

As a result, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in conjunction with major Medical Colleges across the country, officially launched clinical trials.

It's been two months again, and the results of the clinical trial...perfect!

Because the source of cancer cells, T cells and B cells are all obtained from the patient, such a treatment method is simply tailor-made, and the side effects are extremely low and even negligible.

So far, Lu Li's new-generation CAR-T technology has passed clinical trials and has been finally verified.


This evening, a piece of news was officially broadcast on Huaxia TV's news network.

"News from this station: Chinese scientist Lu Li has developed a new generation of CAR-T anti-cancer technology. The Chinese Academy of Sciences named this technology 'Lu's therapy'."

"Lu's therapy is the most advanced cancer treatment technology in the world and the most successful cancer treatment technology in human history."

"The successful development of this technology marks that cancer is no longer a The insurmountable terminal illness also marks that my country's cancer treatment technology has reached the world's leading level."

"Lu Li, from Xichuan Yucheng, Fudan University Medical Academician..."

(Note: After graduating from a master's degree, Lu Li continued to study for a Ph.D.)

On this day, Lu Li name shakes the whole world!

To this day, the cloud of death from cancer has disappeared!

On this day, a brilliant name is inscribed in the history of world science!

"1. Players get achievement badges: world famous (D)."

"The success of the new generation of CAR-T technology, your name will be praised by the world."


"2. Players get an achievement badge: the light of redemption (D)."

"For those who are suffering from cancer and fall into the abyss of despair, you are their redemption, and you are Their holy light!"

"3. Players get badges of honor: historical monuments (D) (honor × 100)."

"Your name, your research results, It will be remembered by history. In the history of human medicine, an immortal monument will be established for you.”

(End of this chapter)

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