Chapter 215

“The language of esoteric art has always existed since the birth of human civilization.

Long ago, the ancient magicians used this language as a spell.

But if you feel that this title is contrary to the modern scientific cognition you know, then you can also understand it as a kind of program, a kind of source code for constructing the real world. ”

In a classroom of Kamar-Taj, Ancient One is teaching Mark about the basics of the magic school of Weishandi.

“No, I think it’s good to call it spells. Their form is very similar to that of Rune characters. They are all runes that are simplified based on some trajectories in the universe, and I happen to know Rune magic.”

Ancient One nodded with satisfaction: “It seems that you have a very good beginning. Rune Magic can help you break the cognitive barrier, but if you want to truly master the Ability of the Secret Art, you need to learn more.

The magicians on our planet are different from those born with powerful alien creatures. They are born to perceive the magic power in the material universe and use this inert energy.

And we need to communicate with other dimensions of the multi-universe through the spirit, draw the powerful energy needed from these dimensions, chant spells, construct magic circles, cast weapons, and cast spells.

Definitely, through your 09 amazing modern scientific methods, now you have won at the starting point, which is very good.

But you still have to learn the traditional methods of magicians, this is to perfect your entire secret technique system. ”

After speaking, Ancient One pushed forward the magic circle that she had constructed with magic power, and showed it in front of Mark.

Memory Ability Mark has started to memorize the moment he saw Ancient One start to build the magic circle. With the improvement of the magic circle, Mark has memorized every step of its description from beginning to end.

But these alone are not enough, he needs to try to mobilize the magic power already in his body and try to reproduce this process stably.

Just do it if he thinks it, Mark started his first attempt at using occult technique directly in front of Ancient One.

The magic factor in the body releases the magic power stored in it under the mobilization of thinking. What Mark has to do is to concentrate on controlling the released magic power to form a complete magic circuit and form a stable magic circle.

Mark’s movements perfectly replicated the demonstration movements that Ancient One did just now during the demonstration, and the outline of each stroke and stroke was carried out in exactly the order that was just memorized.

But just when the magic circle was about to take shape, the magic power suddenly seemed like a riot, leaving Mark completely unable to control it. Eventually the entire magic circle collapsed, and all the magic power dissipated in the space.

“You are too anxious Mark, you haven’t learned the basics and all the spells in the occult, let alone practiced the manipulation of your own magic.

Fortunately, the magic circle I just demonstrated is just a practice circle and does not have any effect, otherwise you will most likely be backlashed and hurt yourself. ”

Hearing Ancient One’s admonition, Mark also nodded and directly admitted his mistake: “I see, Supreme Magician. From now on, I will not use my magic power before I get your permission.”

Although he has undergone the ultimate transformation, he is assisted by nano-robots in his body, no matter how many injuries he suffers, he can almost heal in an instant.

But the secret technique involves the spirit and soul. Once the backlash caused by the collapse of the magic circle is not aimed at the body, but aimed at the spirit and soul, then even Mark will become helpless.

Therefore, following the advice of Ancient One, the oldest and most powerful magician on earth, Mark believes it is necessary.

Seeing that Mark had a good attitude of admitting his mistakes and made an oath, Ancient One was also very satisfied with his performance, “Well, let’s stop here for today’s course. You need to integrate some basic knowledge first, so that we In order to proceed to the next course.

Kaecilius has also taken you to visit Kamar-Taj this morning, and you will go to the library to borrow basic books to learn. This is a homework that you need to complete on your own. If you have any questions, you can ask Kaecilius, and the get out of class is over— —”

Mark nodded, then stood up and bowed to Ancient One, turned and walked out of the classroom.

“I didn’t expect that one day Mark would be able to relive the feeling of going to school again. Speaking of which, this is the first time I went to school in my life after the Marvel universe…”

After his rebirth, Mark not only still has the knowledge and memory of his previous life, but also acquired the inheritance of Ahong in “Big Hero Hero 6”. In addition, he inherited the excellent genes of the Stark family, so he has never encountered difficulties in learning. Solve problems through self-study.

And Tony, the parent is also very unreliable. He used to spend time outside and didn’t care much about Mark’s absence from school. In his words, Mark is so smart and self-taught is enough. If you let those old professors who are not as smart as him to teach him, he might be stupid.

In general, although there was a little episode in the process of going to school today, which made this experience not so perfect, Mark still feels good, and he has recovered the carefreeness of the past in school. It feels like serious study.

After leaving the classroom, Mark followed the instructions of Ancient One and came to Kamar-Taj’s library.

At this time, Kaecilius has not killed the administrator of the library, and snatched the “Book of Cagliostro” and betrayed Kamar-Taj. This also means that 780 is not the later Doctor Strange who manages the library. The king he met was a white magician who would later be beheaded by Kaecilius.

Knowing the tragic end of this man, Mark will unconsciously show a trace of pity in his eyes when he looks at him, which makes the administrator feel very uncomfortable when facing Mark.

However, he was very patient to find out the “Book of Dead”, “New Edition of the Universe”, “The Supreme Code”, “Solomon’s Key” and the most important “Basic General Theory” that Mark needed to study. Then it was delivered to Mark.

“How is your Sanskrit? The text in these books is Vedic, the oldest Sanskrit. If you don’t understand it, I can find you another dictionary.”

“Thank you, but no need. I learn things very quickly, and Vedic has just been learned.”

Connecting to the WiFi network in Kamar-Taj through the nanorobot, Mark directly transmits all the Sanskrit text tables and related dictionaries directly into his brain. It can be said that Mark is now more proficient in the usage of this language than scholars who specialize in Sanskrit.

However, after seeing this librarian who didn’t even appear in the original plot to help himself so enthusiastically, Mark decided to find a way to save his life in the future, and he won’t end up with a corpse separation. .

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