Chapter 214

One more chapter, I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival!


To deal with these gangsters, Mark did not make them feel the iron fist of justice. It is also a bit exaggerated for these people to say that they are guilty of crimes. Although they are doing the robbery of tourists, they can tell from their threatening lines that they only make money and not kill.

So Mark said that to leave a deep lesson for them, it is certainly impossible to kill them; but if it is only to make them feel the physical pain, it will not only have a great educational effect, let alone a profound one. Lesson learned.

However, Mark has his own means for this. If what he said can’t be realized, wouldn’t he slap himself in the face?

Seeing Mark reversed his empty hand, suddenly a bottle of spray that didn’t know what it was in appeared in his palm.

However, this is not a magic show, but the Sumeruko function added by Mark to the nanorobot. After the reduction of the Pim particle, although Mark does not seem to be carrying any luggage now, all the things he needs, the “seven and eighty zeros” have actually been taken with him.

And the bottle of spray in Mark’s hand is the phantom gas inspired by the fear gas developed by Batman’s rival in DC comics, the super villain Scarecrow.

Compared with the fear of poison gas, which makes people see what they fear most, the effect of illusion gas is more abundant.

However, since the invention is named after poisonous gas, it shows that it is indeed lethal. The purpose of illusion gas is to enable people who inhale it to see different illusions according to the guidance of the outside world.

This means that depending on the guidance given by Mark, the recruiter may see the most beautiful wonderland or the most terrifying purgatory.

As for these gangsters, Mark wants to show them what they will look like once their hometown loses all the tourists, and this scene will definitely leave a deep impression on them. …


Without any hesitation, facing the gangsters who were a little stunned after he suddenly took out the illusion gas, Mark directly pressed the nozzle and let the gas into the body with their Roar, and waited for it to take effect.

After not waiting too long, the gangsters were first irritated by Mark’s actions and swearing a few words; then when they inhaled the poison gas, they were stimulated by the pungent smell and coughed violently; and then—there was no more.

Several people seemed to have lost their souls, standing blankly in front of Mark with their eyes blankly.

“The effect is okay. The time to take effect is a bit slower than I expected. But after all, to ensure safety, the concentration of this tube is diluted, and it is understandable that the effect is slower.”

Mark looked at the few people who had fallen into the control of the illusion gas, walked directly around them, and began to inject soul into their illusion. He is only objectively describing the economic impact that the loss of tourism may have on Kathmandu.

However, under the influence of the poisonous gas in the illusion, the consciousness of several chaos constantly makes up for various terrible scenes, and even a tragic picture of changing children and eating.

Although their consciousness is trapped under the control of poison gas, their bodies still react to emotional changes. The most obvious is that the eyes of these people shed hot tears one after another, and they were obviously shocked by everything they saw in the illusion.

At this point, Mark knows that his goal has been achieved, and he has left a profound lesson for the other party. Several people believe that they will be able to reform and start again in the future.

Without continuing the illusion guidance, Mark did a good thing today and saved a few lost youths. After checking the time, the effect of the medicine could last more than ten seconds. Before a few people wake up, Mark turned and left and walked towards the entrance of Kamar-Taj not far away.

This entrance is unpretentious in appearance. Even if there is no magical concealment, normal people would not associate it with the magical holy place of Kamar-Taj. Moreover, on the opposite side of it is a magnificent temple. It seems even more unremarkable.

But Mark knew that his sense of magic would not deceive him, and the strong magic fluctuations showed that this was the place he was looking for.


Mark knocked on the door politely, and then there was an enthusiastic beckoning Roar: “The door is unlocked, please come in!”

Pushing the door in, the eye-catching sight is very different from the dilapidated scene at the door. Although not to mention magnificent, the classical decoration style and clean and tidy space structure make this place very solemn.

“I didn’t expect you to be here so soon, I thought you had to think about it for a while–” On the main seat of the room, Ancient One stood up to greet him: “Welcome to Kamar-Taj, Mark.”

“I have never been hesitation in making decisions. As long as I carefully judge that this matter is beneficial to me, then I will complete it without hesitation, just like now.”

There was still a faint smile on Ancient One’s face and said: “It seems that you are ready to accept the first lesson in Kamar-Taj, but before that, I still have to remind you: Here, you You have to abandon everything you originally knew before you can truly learn the essence.”

Mark shook his head, “I don’t think there is anything in my original knowledge that needs to be discarded, and I believe that no matter how mysterious it is, there are always scientific theories that can explain it, compared to discarding the past. I think I should accept new ones, because these are the keys to making me progress.”

Hearing Mark’s answer, Ancient One didn’t show any irritation, but smiled even stronger: “Then you have to keep your eyes open and watch—”

After speaking, Ancient One directly stretched out his right hand and pressed it to Mark’s forehead, and Mark also controlled himself without any dodge or resistance.

Under this palm, Mark felt like he was caught in the phantom poison gas he had developed. He felt that the surrounding scene was changing at a high speed, and he seemed to have lost the restraint of gravity, moving away from the surface of the earth at a very high speed. Fly to outer space 0…

“Did I experience the treatment of Doctor Strange in the original plot?” Mark smiled bitterly, but didn’t complain. He knew that what Ancient One had done was not only to introduce him some necessary information, so that he knew more about magic and Kamar-Taj; at the same time, it also helped his soul to establish a connection with the dimension of Weishandi.

If the magic network of the entire universe is like a public network that anyone can use, then Weishandi Network is a privately built local area network. It’s just that this local area network is based on a whole dimension, and its scale is smaller than the public network, but it is small.

Through this security-certified local area network, Mark can use it to transmit information at will, without worrying about dangerous elements going to the earth.

At this moment, after several scene changes, Ancient One’s voice sounded in Mark’s ears: “The laws of the world that you know originally, the material universe you are familiar with, they are just outside the deeper secrets. Protective shell.

At the source of reality-material and spirit meet, thought carves reality. I saw that you once used a scientific transformation method to give your body a powerful Self-healing Ability.

In fact, this is the manifestation of spiritual intervention material, which affects your spirit and strengthens your body…

I have reminded you before that there are many ambitious people in the magic network, ready to attack any world they discover.

Because the universe we live in is only one of the infinite universes, the world is infinite, some are beautiful and vigorous, and some are evil and full of killing.

In those dark corners, the wild power looked around and watched, ready to move!

In this multi-universe, who are you-Mark? ”

Om——! After Ancient One completed the last question, Mark’s spirit seemed to be dragged by a huge force and returned to reality.

“This is the end of our first class. I hope you have learned something that satisfies you. After a while, my disciple Kaecilius magician will take you to your room, and your course will officially start tomorrow.

I hope you have arranged your schedule, because you will be staying in Kamar-Taj for a while. Take a good rest tonight. The course you have to face will not be too easy. If you encounter problems, you can ask Kaecilius Ask, he is the most capable of all my disciples. ”

After talking about Ancient One, he turned and left. There was only Mark left in the room, and a white man with a gentle smile on his face and a pigtail on his head, and he was the most capable Kaecilius in Ancient One’s mouth…….

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