LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 83 083: A murder caused by one eye [please vote for recommendation]

"Xiaotian is going to help me in this round. I can just kill the bottom lane by myself." Lin Ran said, he controlled Rambo and stood in the grass in the river and shook his head back and forth.

Rambo versus Yasuo, to be honest, there is not much pressure.

Because Rambo's Q skill can perfectly burn Yasuo's passive shield, plus he has no blue bar and the shield of W, it is quite easy to exchange blood in the lane.

The most worrisome thing is the gank of the 6th-level Barrel. After all, the middle and jungle combination of Yasuo Barrel will basically be targeted in the middle.

Lin Ran has no movement. If he is hit by a wine barrel at level 6, he will basically be sentenced to death.

Xiaotian was the leader of the game, and his help to Lin Ran was limited. He had to be careful.

However, this did not stop Lin Ran's determination to exchange blood. After the level of the Wrathful Tower reached 3 in the early stage, Lin Ran began to look for opportunities and began to use the W's shield and the passive power of Dolan Shield to consume.

Rambo's Q skill does not draw aggro from minions, and Yasuo's Q has a similar mechanism.

However, the conditions for Yasuo's Q not to attract the hatred of minions are more stringent. The first hit target of his Q skill cannot be the enemy hero - that is to say, Yasuo must Q from the minions in order not to attract the hatred of minions.

Lin Ran knew this very well. He crossed the military line with his flamethrower and struck the electric baton in the face.

The electric baton subconsciously exchanged blood for QA. The enemy soldiers immediately transferred their hatred, and the long-range soldiers began to focus on Yasuo.

Yasuo quickly retreated, but Lin Ran pursued him relentlessly. He didn't even use a harpoon or basic attack along the way, perfectly avoiding the hatred of the minions.

When Lin Ran saw that the Q skill was about to end, he immediately stepped back.

Once he waits for Q to end before turning back, he will be counterattacked by Yasuo during the skill vacuum period. In the end, he may still lose money in this wave of blood exchanges. Lin Ran's calculation was very precise.

Due to the presence of W's shield, Yasuo's QA did not consume much of Rambo's health, and the status could be filled up slowly by relying on the automatic recovery of Dolan's shield.

But the electric baton is very uncomfortable.

He was driven out of the lane, and Doran Sword had difficulty providing recovery for the hero in this state.

Fortunately, Lin Ran also consumed a lot of health of his troops when he used his Q to exchange blood. It looked like a wave of push back lines would be formed.

Lin Ran took his time and stocked up on the line of troops. Even though it was a wave of pushback, pushing more slowly would save Yasuo from taking two knives.

At 3 minutes and 40 seconds, another wave of troops joined the battlefield. Lin Ran finally lost control of the troops and pushed them into Yasuo Tower.

Then he turned around and left without any regret.

He took a detour to insert a jewelry eye in the F4 grass and saw the empty F4 camp.

"Hurry up, Xiaotian, the wine barrel won't go away!" Lin Ran judged.

Since the first-level regiment did not have a field of view in the enemy's jungle area, YM did not know the movement of the wine barrel in the jungle, and the role of this accessory eye was very critical.

The refresh time of F4 wild monsters is 100S, which means that this group of wild monsters are eaten between 2:15-3:55 seconds.

SAT is on the blue side. If red opens and connects to F4 and then takes blue to advance to 3, F4 should just be refreshed.

If you open Three Wolves and Blue in red and then come back to play F4, too much time will be wasted during the wine barrel period.

Unlike online heroes who can obtain a fixed wave of economy and experience every 30 seconds, junglers focus on effective paths, that is, obtaining the highest income in the shortest time. The income includes two aspects: brushing the jungle and ganking.

Except for a very small number of hungry players and geniuses who use routines to catch people, most junglers just brush past in a line and then look for opportunities to gank.

Because this can reduce your walking path when the wild monsters are refreshed next time, so that you can spawn the most wild monsters in the shortest time.

In Lin Ran's judgment, there are two possibilities for wine barrels to clear the jungle. The first one is still red, and the greedy-in-greed route of the stone man F4 three wolves and blue magic swamp frogs, and clearing the wine barrels in 6 wild areas will definitely be in status. Very poor, I have to go home to replenish my supplies.

The second is the blue lane. Now he should be invading the YM jungle or guarding the bottom lane.

In any case, the top half of SAT will not have the capital to fight with YM Ueno.

Xiaotian's excavator received the message from Lin Ran and decided to hit the road.

Jace's soldiers were pressed forward. He obviously didn't know that Lin Ran had roughly understood the movement of the wine barrel, and he wanted to pretend that the wine barrel was squatting in the grass behind him.

However, Xiaotian dug a tunnel and jumped directly to the top. In conjunction with Thain's charged Q, Jace turned into gold coins and entered Jin Gong's pocket after connecting the control.

Brother Xiba smiled happily, he was dissatisfied with his desire, "One more time, one more time!"

"Xiaotian is very decisive this time. He is not afraid of the wine barrel's reverse squatting. He is indeed very courageous." Zeyuan nodded matter-of-factly.

Of course, when they were watching the ob system, they didn't know that Lin Ran could guess the general direction of the wine barrel through just one eye position.

Under Lin Ran's command, Xiao Ming went to the lower half of his wild area to lay out his vision. Sure enough, the Demon Swamp Frog was knocked back by the wine barrel.

"I'm sorry, I was scared to death. Fortunately, I didn't cross the line. Otherwise, wouldn't I have died just now?" JKL breathed a sigh of relief. If not for Lin Ran's reminder, Lucian and Thresh would definitely have crossed the line. If they had been drunk just now, After the barrel is wrapped, the two of them will definitely live or die.

Lin Ran returned to the line, only standing behind to use the harpoon to touch up, and did not exchange blood with the electric baton.

Because he has no eyes, and the barrel is likely to rush to the middle after returning home.

Yasuo's electric baton showed his elegant nature, running back and forth in the line of soldiers, and from time to time he used the wind wall to block Rambo's harpoon, preventing Lin Ran from finishing his attack.

Lin Ran was neither impatient nor impatient, he just squatted behind the military line, missing troops and missing troops, as if he didn't care.

The electric baton was a little anxious, and he didn't understand why Rambo, who had been aggressively exchanging blood a minute ago, suddenly became frightened. The wine barrel was clearly scanning, and there was clearly no YM vision around him.

The barrel waited for 15 seconds before leaving the middle.

Lin Ran found out that he had reached level 5 first, and he was even more certain of his judgment: the wine barrel came through the middle.

Because the line of troops was slowly advancing towards his own tower, Yasuo ate more minions, and neither side lost experience. Logically speaking, Yasuo should be the first to level up to level 5. This was obviously due to alcohol. The bucket rubs against the experience.

Xiaotian went to the top lane again for a gank, and Jace handed over his flash and fled, but with his blood volume too low, he could only return to the city, and his troops were blocked by Jin Gong.

The two in the middle developed to 6 peacefully and returned to the city to replenish equipment. Lin Ran took out an Explorer arm guard, while Yasuo used standard attack speed shoes.

Both of them bought a real eye to ensure their vision, and began to line up in the middle again.

The electric baton was dumbfounded when he saw Rambo's equipment. He didn't expect that Rambo, a hero who was so easy to beat Yasuo, would actually have to use the arm guard first.

But the Explorer Armguards immediately came into play.

After finishing the second blue buff on the wine barrel, it rose to 6. I went around the river to the F4 jungle area of ​​​​YM. I poured a sip of W into my mouth. I threw R [Explosive Wine Barrel] through the wall and hit Rambo in the line of soldiers. .

The electric baton Yasuo and R [Breathless Slash], the wine barrel also seized the opportunity to dodge out with E, and hit Lin Ran with his belly, and Q [Rolling Wine Barrel] was also hit.

However, the damage of the wine barrel without Rune Echo was limited, and the armor provided by the Explorer Armguards reduced the damage of Yasuo's ultimate move a lot, so this wave did not kill Rambo in seconds.

Lin Ran broke away from the control state and immediately opened W to add a layer of shield to himself, which offset the damage of Yasuo's Q skill, and then walked into the protection range of the defense tower.

"Chasing, chasing, chasing!" The electric baton was anxious, and he still held the ignition in his hand. He was eager to open up the situation in the middle.

Yasuo went forward with E, Lin Ran flashed, turned around and cast R [Constant Temperature Burn].

Flames poured down from the sky, slowing down and injuring both Yasuo and Cask.

The electric baton flashed forward, QA ignited it, and with the armor-breaking effect after the ultimate move, Lin Ran was beaten to a bloody pulp.

At the critical moment, a green soul-inducing lamp was thrown from the wall of the Three Wolf Camp. The originally gloomy soul lamp now represented hope and life.

The electric baton reacted very quickly and immediately inserted the prosthetic eye to prevent Lin Ran from lighting up and escaping.

But the shield was still given to Lin Ran.

The electric baton intuitively judged that the ignition damage would not burn him to death.

He had to step on the flames to catch up, and fired another basic attack.

The wine barrel without skills also caught up with him. A basic attack and the continuous damage from ignition finally scalded Lin Ran to death.

But they resisted the output of the tower and Rambo's ultimate move twice more. Xiao Ming's Thresh came over, and E [Pendulum of Doom] brushed the two of them into the blazing flames under Rambo's pendulum.

The defense tower fired the last ray, and combined with the Rambo flames, it mercilessly killed the man named the defense tower.

"SAT's midfielder's damage is still a little worse!" Zeyuan shouted loudly, "One for two, SAT's midfielder's first attack was a bit of a loss!"

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Let me reiterate, additional updates will only be added after they are put on the shelves, which will probably be on the shelves next Friday or the next Friday, so don’t rush.

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