LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 82 082: SAT’s new understanding of the Jin system [please vote for recommendation]

"This wave of blood loss for SAT, Jace lost another wave of soldiers," Zeyuan sighed, "The most important flash of gank in the early stage of the wine barrel has also been used up. How will SAT survive the next 5 minutes? "

After being shown off by Lin Ran, Jiugong, who originally preferred development, worked even harder and was even distracted throughout the next game.

Flash and R are all handed over to the enchantress fake body. Who can withstand this?

Liquor can imagine that he will once again be on the top show of this week's event as the backdrop.

Hey, why again?

Lin Ran led Xiaotian to continuously attack the lower lane.

Jhin has never hated his own defense tower as much as he does today.

Since the opponent did not push the bottom lane defense tower at all, the defense tower did its duty to swallow up all the troops under the tower. If Jhin wants to gain the economy and experience of the troops, he and his support must go to the bottom lane and the first tower.

Then the opponent's midfielder will come with 4 packs of 2. After killing people, they will not dismantle the tower, but let the defensive tower eat up the line of troops bit by bit, not even leaving them a chance to develop.

Just after 10 minutes, the economic gap has reached 5K, and the economic level gap between the four positions except the support has been completely widened.

Lin Ran went home and made ghost calligraphy to put on shoes, while Jace only had a serrated dagger and two long swords at this time.

She inserted a real eye and lurked in the F4 wall in advance. When Jace came online and used the QE cannon to eat the remaining soldiers, a murderous intention flashed in the enchantress's eyes.

Using R [Repeat], which copied the W skill, to jump out of the F4 wall, QWE ignited multiple bursts of damage and instantly hit Jace.

The genius inventor from Piltover's health bar disappeared instantly, the hextech hammer came out of his hand, and he fell to the ground helplessly.

10 minutes, 0/5, 55 dollars. Electric Baton sighed. He knew that he had no room to perform in this game. Jace was now no different from an enhanced version of the artillery soldier.

The system of Jhin + Jayce did not play its due role at all throughout the game. In the disadvantageous round, both Jayce's cannon and Jhin's super bullet were blocked by Braum in the front row.

And since the field of vision cannot be effectively arranged in a disadvantageous game, it is also difficult for Wine Barrel to put pressure on YM from the side.

The duration of this game was finally fixed at 19 minutes. SAT didn't even see the shadow of the Baron. He was beaten into the Linglong Tower and only gained one head from JKL. It was because he accidentally resisted the tower and died.

"This offensive pressure is too suffocating," Zeyuan commented. "YM is definitely the most offensive team in the LPL right now. No one can stop their fast-paced support roaming."

"That's right, YM's attack is like a surging tide. Once the opponent reveals a flaw, it will snowball." Su Xiaoyan continued.

The MVP of this game went to the rhythm engine Xiaotian, who completely crushed the opponent's jungler with a participation rate of 92.5%.

After returning to the team lounge for five minutes and listening to Hanyi correct the details of the previous game, everyone went on stage again.

Everyone at SAT didn't look very good. The coach behind them kept chattering and was obviously not satisfied with their performance in the last game.

"This YM finally got the red side as I wished. If I change to SAT, I will ban first..." Zeyuan said.

"SAT sent Braum to the ban position and released Thresh. It seems that they will still play Jhin + Jace. They are obsessed with this system."

"YM's bans are still for Bard, Kalista and Qianjue. Contrary to SAT, YM is not keen on choosing the Jhin system created by them." Su Xiaoyan said with a frown.

"I think YM wanted to practice their lineup. In the last game, they wanted to practice Nuoshou's single-player from the wing. However, they didn't expect that SAT failed to survive the early stage, resulting in Nuoshou's role not being fully utilized. They probably have to practice this time. Some new tricks.”

"There is nothing wrong with thinking this way. If they continue this winning streak, their goal will not be to enter the playoffs. It is not wrong to seize the time now to improve the depth of the lineup." Zeyuan responded.

"SAT picked Jhin first, and YM picked Lucian + Excavator first and second. Xiaotian's Excavator performed well in the first game, and now he feels hot."

"There is no suspense, SAT uses Jace + Wine Barrel," Su Xiaoyan glanced at the lineups of both sides, "There is a problem. Although YM has used Jhin, Jess, and Wine Barrel to achieve good results before, it does not necessarily have to be this. Three heroes are combined, and there are many poke heroes..."

"But the problem lies in lane rights. It is difficult for most AP poke heroes to obtain single lane rights. Jhin's system requires resources in the early stage. Jayce's single line offensive ability in the early stage just meets this requirement."

"The mid laner uses Jayce. If Rambo is not used in the top lane, the jungler must supplement the AP output. The current AP junglers are Leopard Girl, Barrel and Spider. Although Leopard Girl is a good poke hero, but The early ganking ability is not as good as that of the wine barrel."

"The spider's destructive ability to the team formation is far inferior to that of the barrel. Overall, Gragas is indeed very suitable for Jhin's system."

Zeyuan's analysis is clear and logical.

YM chose to take down Thresh and Rambo.

Zeyuan's eyes lit up. As a new LPL commentator, he couldn't wait to show off his understanding of the game, "We all know that Rambo is very counter-evil. As long as he plays big, he will be countered. YM's selection is very smart. "

"Look at the last two selections of SAT. The Niutou was taken first. There is no problem in using it as the front row and the starting point. The last unit selection...Yasuo? What's going on!" Zeyuan's voice was very calm at first. When SAT locked Yasuo with his last move, he screamed in surprise.

The audience in the audience also made a noise. Yasuo, the swordsman of the wind, is definitely the most popular hero in LOL at present, even surpassing the mascot Teemo.

"This is Yasuo's first appearance in this summer split! The SAT should be top laner Jess and mid laner Yasuo. You must know that mid laner Yasuo's gank efficiency is quite high after he cooperates with Barrel to level 6." Zeyuan said.

"SAT has come up with their new understanding of the Jhin system! They completely gave up the tank position and only played in the mid-term, colliding head-on with the mid-term system that YM is proud of!"

"Otto has to prove himself!"

"You're really not afraid of being ruined by Xiu. How was your IQ crushed by the Enchantress in the last game?"

"Players who believe in Yasuo come here uninvited. As long as they play Yasuo, Brother Stick will be my brother, and I will be a SAT fan for ten years!"

"What should YM choose as the counter mid laner?" Su Xiaoyan said.

"They can move Rambo to the middle and choose another tank for the top lane," Zeyuan analyzed. "Rambo is better against Yasuo online."

The YM players were discussing the last choice of players, and Yasuo's choice was beyond Han Yi's expectations. This hero is also an excellent choice to cooperate with the barrel in early tower jumping.

"Give me Rambo. You can use Thain to beat Jace. It's not that difficult." Lin Ran turned to look at Jin Gong.

"Okay, Jin Gong, just take it like this. Xiaotian will help you catch it online once and it will be fine." Han Yi was stunned for a second and agreed happily.

It was not easy for Thane to face strong top laners such as Big Tree, Titan, Poppy, Ekko and Murloc, but now that he is facing Jayce, there is no need to consider this issue.

The BP session is over, blue side SAT: Jace, Barrel, Yasuo, Jhin, Tauren Chieftain.

Red Square YM: Thane, Excavator, Rambo, Lucian, Thresh.

The OB director switched to the scene. In the Summoner's Rift, ten heroes left the Fountain of Life. The second game between YM and SAT officially began.

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Yesterday's votes: 929, 4 chapters owed, plus the previous 24 chapters, a total of 28 chapters.

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