LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 58 058: Successful comeback (please vote for recommendation)

Xiaotian chased and killed Thresh who had not flashed all the way, and RNG was left with only looper's big tree to flash and escape from the dragon pit.

Jin Gong, who was still alive, went home and TPed to the dragon pit. YM focused on the big dragon. Since RNG did not have the ability to grab the dragon, they deliberately waited for Ning to be revived before taking away the big dragon.

In this way, everyone in YM has 5 Baron BUFFs, which instantly relieves the pressure on the army line.

"What do you say about R Flash Uzi? Is he still the navy mid laner?"

Such a sentence floated across the barrage in the live broadcast room, but in an instant it was drowned by a sea of ​​666.

"Seeing my R wave disappear," Lin Ran returned to the city and opened the store excitedly, "I will make a great contribution this time!"

"Brother Ran is too strong, Uzi is like a piece of paper in front of you, it will break when you poke it!" Xiaotian started to play with the strange rhythm again.

Lin Ran shivered and quickly shut up. There was a microphone program in the LPL competition, which specifically played the voices of the players during the game. If he said anything more and it was broadcast by the official, he would probably be blown away by the audience in the next game.

Although his nickname is the mid laner of the navy, compared with the top player Uzi in the LPL, his reputation is in vain.

Lin Ran was browsing Taobao, hesitating for a long time between the useless stick and the murderous book, but decided to be safe and chose the useless stick. Originally, Clockwork should have bought the explosive wand to use as a piercing rod, but Lin Ran felt that RNG could not support him. The staff is out, so just buy a useless stick to maximize the output.

Taking advantage of the time when both sides were organizing their troops, the director also gave a timely replay of the previous team battle.

"Let's take a look at the operation of the big dragon group on the last wave," Changmao adjusted his glasses, "Oh... So that's it, ran flashed into the dragon pit from a position without vision. No wonder the puppy couldn't react, double moves and water I didn’t even hand over the silver ribbon.”

"The player ran is very thoughtful. The real eyes and scans on his body ensured that he was not discovered by RNG. It is not an exaggeration to say that the R flash operation during this wave of cards turned the tide of the battle."

Remember to add.

A wave of team battles in which 1 was exchanged for 4 and then the Baron was lost, a wave of regaining the 4K economy, and the benefits brought by the subsequent Baron BUFF, YM was already on the same starting line as RNG.

After YM got the supplementary equipment from Baron, the four of them organized their troops in three directions, while Xiaotian drove the scan into the wild area.

They played a spring season in the LSPL with a smooth wind, and learned nothing else. Their ability to snowball with a smooth wind is first-rate, and it is almost an instinctive reaction imprinted in their brains.

When the two-player lane is suppressed, the jungler takes this opportunity to enter the jungle to set up vision to protect the upper and lower lines, and plunder all the resources in the jungle. Then they group up to push the tower, and use the advantage of the soldier line and jungle vision to see the enemy line, and then Use more hits and less breaks to open up a high ground.

Uzi was clearing the line of troops under the second tower in the middle with a sullen face. The last wave of deaths interrupted his rhythm. Lucian is a typical hero in the early and mid-term. It is difficult for him to attack past the Clockwork Demon's golem when he is weak in the later stage.

The figure that suddenly flashed down from the dragon pit lingered in my mind for a long time. R flashed QW without vision, and even though he was famous for his operation in LPL, he didn't react.

Where did YM find the monster mid laner?

Uzi muttered in his mind.

"As time continues to go by, RNG's team battles are becoming more and more difficult to fight," I remember saying, "Lucian's strong period is about to pass. Under the same economic conditions, most of YM's resources are concentrated on male guns and clockwork. , the output position of these two heroes in team battles is much better than that of Lucian who enjoys the economy."

"That's right," Changmao nodded in agreement, "And in a disadvantageous situation, the three earth dragons have no effect on the damage bonus of defense towers and epic wild monsters. In terms of fighting, the fire dragon is better."

The five YM players used the forward-pushing troops to seize RNG's lane transfer gap. The four of them gathered in the bottom lane and pushed down the second tower on the bottom lane to reach the high ground.

Mata seized the opportunity to seize F4's vision, and then returned to the bottom lane to join his teammates.

Lin Ran placed the ball in front of the highland tower, and Uzi tried to step forward to take the pawn. Lin Ran lost half of his health after eating a QW from Lin Ran. He was so frightened that he quickly ran back to the spring water to replenish his health.

The looper's big tree can only be driven down from the top road, for fear that YM will force a group start and he will not be able to catch it.

At this time, RNG can only rely on Xiaohu's Victor and Kindred's enhanced range to clear the line, but Victor, who has the Abyss Scepter, always has a slight output and cannot clear out the long-range soldiers.

Kindred could only take the risk and step forward to replenish the remaining blood soldiers. Lin Ran controlled the ball to suppress the blood volume. Fortunately, Thresh gave him a lantern, and Kind Jue successfully retreated.

They were barely able to deal with the long-range soldiers, but they were really powerless with the artillery vehicles. They could only rely on Xiaohu's E to clean them up, but with little success.

Everyone in RNG watched helplessly as the cannon truck with the Baron BUFF spit out purple cannonballs one after another, lowering the health of the high ground tower in the bottom lane.

At the same time, Jin Gong's Ekko also pushed down the second tower on the top road and pressed onto the high ground with a vast army of troops.

"My TP starts a group, you guys follow me!" Looper knew that if he didn't start a group, he would be beaten to death by YM sooner or later, so he immediately retreated to the rear, teleported to the F4 ward arranged by Mata, and started a group after a long journey.

When Dashu ran to the red zone, everyone in YM had already noticed it, but their position was rather awkward and it was too late to run back. At this time, Jin Gong's TP also dropped, trying to protect his teammates.

"Let's just push the tower and start the group, ignore the big tree!" Lin Ran gave the order immediately.

Ning's Kalista jumps forward, AD (paoche) cooperates with the cannon truck to destroy the highland tower, and then drives R to try to force it open.

Everyone in RNG reacted and pulled a little when YM refused to retreat but advanced. Although they had opened a certain distance, they still couldn't stop Kalista and Niutou's super long-range team fight.

At the highland crystal in the bottom lane, Xiao Ming Niutou's second company pushed up Thresh that did not flash, and Lin Ran's QW cooperated with his teammates to kill it.

Uzi's W+ holy spear swept his face, and all the damage from his big move was blocked by Xiao Ming's big bull head.

Xiaohu's Victor took the opportunity to step forward and deal damage.

Lin Ran threw the ball over, and Xiaohu immediately retreated.

Victor's output was still there, and his ultimate move knocked out 1/5 of Lin Ran's health.

Ike and Dashu arrived at the battlefield simultaneously, looper targeted Lin Ran, and Jin Gong was also protecting Chongzhang. He knew very well that Clockwork was his father in this round, and he had to protect him no matter what.

Uzi and MLXG fired forward at the moment when the big tree tied the clockwork, but Ekko's W fell in front of the clockwork. Only Kindred's range could attack the clockwork, and Uzi only A used the passive of the artillery. He could only retreat.

Xiaotian followed up with QR and forced Kindred to use his ultimate move, shrouding Kindred, the male spear, the big tree and Clockwork under the Sheep Spirit Breath.

Seeing that Lin Ran's life was not in danger, Jin Gong stepped forward to pursue him.

Lin Ran put the demon doll on Ike and activated his ultimate move the moment his E caught up with Uzi.

Uzi reacted and quickly dodged and ran into Kindred's ultimate move, but the mechanism of Ike's E skill allowed him to keep up with Uzi, and Clockwork's R [Command: Shock Wave] successfully rolled Uzi to Ike's side.

After receiving Q's basic attack and hitting the third ring, Uzi's health was reduced. Although he was not dead, he was already in an extremely dangerous situation.

The sheep spirit's regeneration ended, and Xiao Ming knocked Uzi away with WQ. Although he reacted quickly and handed over mercury for treatment, Lin Ran's QW successfully sent him back to the spring.

Victor was also stuck to Ike, and Ning inserted spears all over his body and pulled him out to death.

RNG, which lost its main output, was destroyed by the YM team. The YM team successfully pushed down the RNG base and completed the comeback.

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