LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 57 057: Dalong Pit 4 vs 5 (please vote for recommendation)

"It seems that YM is going to take over this wave of team battles," I remember saying, "RNG will not let everyone in YM enter the dragon pit like the previous wave."

"They squatted at the edge of the dragon pit for a while, trying to get someone to squat down to gain visibility." Changmao's voice was as calm as ever, "Why don't they drive this big dragon? In fact, there are three earth dragons that can beat the dragon at a similar speed. Fast."

Everyone in YM also expected that RNG might pretend to attack the real team of Baron. The formation was very tight and they began to scan and explore along the way.

Mata's Thresh was swinging the chain under the dragon pit, eager to try. The vision he arranged above the big dragon pit illuminated the only way to the dragon pit.

The moment the artificial eye in the grass was blocked by the scan, Mata decisively made the hook.

The hook lock hit Ike, and everyone in RNG was not interested in this big lump of meat with displacement and life-saving skills.

Xiao Ming's vision was cleared, and everyone in RNG continued to stand still.

"It seems that the situation is at a stalemate. RNG doesn't want to open the Baron first. If YM grabs it again, the outcome of this game will be difficult to predict."

I remember analyzing, "Uzi and looper have already gone to the top lane to lead the lane, trying to put pressure on YM's lane."

After Lin Ran discovered RNG's movement, he asked his AD and top laner to defend. Neither side allowed the support to leave the dragon pit position, because the support played a crucial role in the pulling process.

First, the auxiliary position has the most artificial eyes. With the real eyes and scanning accessories, the control of Longkeng's field of vision is unparalleled. These fields of view can effectively observe the enemy's movements.

Second, most assists have team-opening/backhand control, making it easier to seize opportunities and protect teammates.

This is also the reason why hard assists are more popular than soft assists in the game (except for certain versions). Although some hard assists have poor laning ability, they have strong linkage ability with the jungler in the early stage. They can also rest assured to provide vision in the middle of the disadvantageous game, and can also provide team battles. Control acts as a front row.

These three abilities alone are nowhere higher than crispy soft assistants.

But Ning pulled his crotch after all, and when passing by the gargoyle camp, he was shot directly back to the spring by Uzi W, Q, E, and 6 shots in one second in the grass.

"Come on and start the baron!" The little fat man sitting in the RNG array yelled, and the game pointer clicked on the floor crazily. "When they come, start a team!"

"This game is mine, sorry." Ning smoothed his hair, feeling very unhappy.

He had some complaints against Xiao Tian and Xiao Ming in his heart. In Ning's opinion, if Ye Fu and the others had arranged their vision better, he would not have been caught by Qian Jue in the first wave, and the follow-up would not have caused such a big chain. The reaction brings down the entire game.

"It's okay. If you fight around me, you can win."

Lin Ran's voice was full of confidence, and his tone seemed to contain inspiring power. The other three people in YM continued to act step by step under his command.

RNG didn't bother much this time. They planned to eat the Baron or start a team fight while Ning was not resurrected.

The three earth dragons increased RNG's damage to the dragon to a higher level. When Lin Ran inserted the real eye into his body, the dragon only had 7,000 health left.

The moment the eye was inserted, Mata's hook came up unexpectedly, and the clockwork twisted her slender waist to avoid it.

Lin Ran inserted his second real eye under his feet, stretched out and blocked rng's two false eyes.

Time was running out, and everyone in YM split up to attack. Xiao Ming went around the river in the middle road, while Lin Ran drove a scanner and stood near the triangular grass on the upper road to ensure that no one discovered him.

In order to set up an ambush in the Dragon Pit, the RNG team placed wards deep into the YM jungle area. They had already been queued up, and with the brief tug-of-war above the Dragon Pit, they had all used up their wards.

Lin Ran's position was not discovered at all.

Jin Gong threw W [Time Interlace] into the dragon pit. The time field was aimed very cleverly at the center of the dragon pit.

"Up, up, up!" The dragon's health dropped so fast that Jin Gong shouted loudly before he could wait for W to fall.

E [Phase Dive] got into the dragon pit, and hit Kindred with the weapon in his hand, triggering the ice fist effect.

The moment mlxg saw Jin Gong, he quickly retreated with his Q. Thinking about it with his head, he knew that Ike's W was about to fall.

On the other side, Xiao Ming's bull head was first controlled by the gravity field placed by Victor outside the dragon pit. He activated his ultimate move to release the control, but was slowed down by Thresh's R [Netherworld Prison]. He had to flash WQ and rush in.

The damage done by Niutou and Ekko was not enough to threaten everyone in RNG. Xiaotian's ultimate bomb also aimed at Uzi, who was lifted up by Niutou.

But his development was too poor, and with the looper tree's ultimate move reducing damage, the male gun's R combined with the bull's head's thunder damage and Ekko's Q were able to barely knock out half of Uzi's health.

Mata's shortcomings of not being proficient in Mandarin were revealed during team battles, and the command could only be left to Uzi.

He glanced at the frontal battlefield. The QW skill combined with the passive level A seamlessly connected. A set of extremely fast combos combined with Victor's ultimate move quickly reduced Ekko's health.

"Where's the clockwork? Who can see where it is?" He was eager to find the clockwork. For him, the well-developed clockwork demon was the only thing that could threaten his survival.

As long as Lin Ran was killed, it was impossible for RNG to lose this team battle. In order to be wary of Clockwork, he also deliberately left the flash treatment unpaid.

While his output continued, he also used his vision transformation to illuminate the grass near the blue square tower on the upper road.

But unfortunately, Lin Ran had been standing in the triangular grass, and Uzi's jewelry could not find any trace of him.

Xiaohu, on the other hand, used vision transformation on the top of the big dragon pit, and only saw one true eye, but also failed to find the clockwork.

Lin Ran stood still, waiting for an opportunity.

"Let's kill people first, don't fight the dragon!"

MLXG said that he had just lost a big dragon, and he was not going to play this high-risk operation of punishment with YM. He had to kill the person first. Isn’t the big dragon already in his pocket?

Mata's Thresh threw a lantern, flashed out of the dragon pit, wanted to E back to Xiaotian, and cooperated with his teammates to kill the jungler.

It was originally a very wonderful idea, but the lack of timely communication caused a small gap in RNG's lineup.

At the same time, Jin Gong's W [Time Interlace] also appeared in front of everyone in RNG after a delay. Everyone in RNG quickly avoided it. In order to ensure his output position, Uzi slid E to the edge of the dragon pit.

Lin Ran stared at the dark-skinned man in the dragon pit holding up two guns. He decisively pressed R [Command: Shock Wave] with his index finger, and the demon above his head erupted with magic power that could distort space.

At the last moment before the ultimate move took effect, Lin Ran flashed into the dragon pit, taking the demon puppet above him with him.

The perspective of RNG is like watching a horror movie. A clockwork demon with a puppet suddenly flashed down from above the dragon pit, and a force of space swept around.

Lin Ran's clockwork ultimate move was very time-stuck. The moment he landed, he pulled three enemy heroes who were trying to avoid Ekko W to his side.

Uzi, Xiaohu and MLXG were knocked out of a large amount of health by Lin Ran's R.

Ghost books, ice staffs, hats, magical shoes, the damage of clockwork is already very considerable.

The big move pulled the three of them back in mid-air, and Lin Ran QW took action again, issuing the Thunder Lord's decree.

Everything happened in a flash of lightning. Lucian and Qian Jue, who were half-blooded, couldn't show any skills and died in the dragon pit.

"Ran's sudden R flash entered the field and killed two people instantly!" Remember to suddenly turn up the volume, "RNG's output point is messed up!"

At this time, RNG only has the big tree and Victor in the dragon pit, and Thresh outside the dragon pit.

The remaining health Jin Gong is blessed with W shield. He can resist a wave of damage, then use his ultimate move to return to the top of the dragon pit, and then flash down to join the battlefield.

The shortcomings of Xiaohu's magic resistance equipment were revealed at this time. The smoothness gained at the expense of output caused him to suffer from a lack of burst damage. The e-laser could only shatter the shield above Lin Ran's head.

Lin Ran, who was in good condition, did not panic at all, and cooperated with his teammates to kill Victor. The outcome of the team battle was determined.

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