I've Become a Land Shark

Chapter 181 Dog food makes us strong

The little elf Night Giant is not very strong, but it is certainly not too weak. It can't even withstand an attack from the overlord Bangila.

Overlord Banjira himself carries a sense of domineering, a kind of aura that is fearless and can tear everything into pieces before his eyes.

The Dragon King Scorpion, which was missing arms and legs, still waved its most powerful tail to attack the overlord Bangira.

Boss Cordora and Flame Chicken took an attacking stance towards the overlord Bangila.

Faced with the menacing attack, Overlord Bangila sneered, and saw waves of shaking on the ground, and sharp thorns protruded from the ground, directly stopping the movements of Boss Cordora, Flame Chicken, and Dragon King Scorpion. land.

The two sides reached a stalemate, and a cold sweat broke out on Boscodora's head. It was really difficult, and if he wasn't careful, he might lose his life.

It doesn't look like this Bandera is serious. Pokémon Hunter Y is very sure that this is just a game that Bandera is playing. If it is serious, it won't just repel these little elves. .

Those who want to survive in this world must surrender!

An unquestioning voice sounded in the minds of Pokémon hunters.

It's really ridiculous. In the memories of Pokémon hunters and symbol executives, Pokémon are not friends of humans, at least to themselves.

Humans and elves are not equal, just like humans and dogs. Can humans and livestock be compared?

Of course not! Humans are the owners of dogs, not friends. Of course, it is true that dogs are people's partners.

What if this dog is a native dog? I think few people would regard a native dog as their companion, right?

And is it possible for a person like a Pokémon hunter to succumb to an elf like a tool?

Humans are always the masters of the elves.

Impossible, unless I die. Pokémon Hunter B resolutely refused.

Even if the elf is stronger than himself, he will not give in.

what about you?

Overlord Bangira turned his attention to the symbol executives and Pokémon hunters. Their sense of superiority as humans drove them not to surrender to Overlord Bangira easily.

In that case, I'll show you what hell is!

Overlord Bangira roared, and a bunch of sharp rocks appeared all over his body to protect himself. If you look closely, you can see Bangira's body changing.

Six irregular spikes formed on both sides of the body; the spikes on the top of the head turned into a long vertical horn, and the spikes on both sides of the head stretched along the eyebrows; the knees of the legs were raised and grew longer Spikes appeared; the tail became longer, and the four spikes at the end grew outward.

The carapace exposed on its abdomen and back turned from blue to red, filled with violent energy, making it even more powerful.

If Shasha looks here, he can clearly understand that this is MEGA Bangela!

You don't even need evolution stones to evolve?

Symbol executives and Pokémon hunters can clearly feel that Bangira's strength is getting stronger, and the sense of oppression it brings to them is also getting stronger.

This is my state from the beginning, you first!

MEGA Bangila's race value after MEGA reached a terrifying 700, and his huge body affected all the energy in his body.

Yukira, who was watching from the side, was already stunned. He didn't expect that Bangira could evolve into this?

At the same time, Yukila also understood that this Banjira had been resting in the cave not because of laziness, but to store energy.

In the nearby land of the land shark biting clan.

I received a very violent energy change. According to my perception, it should be Banjira!

Bangira? Could it be that the Pokémon hunters have found the Bangira clan?

This premonition became more and more correct in the minds of Sirona and Sha Sha.

The leader of the Liejie Land Shark clan who exited the cave also came back. It was someone who took over the communication of the Daobanjira clan and sneaked into their lair, but most of them have been wiped out and only four people are left.

The leader of the Biting Land Shark clan relayed the words of the Banjira clan. This was really a surprise. I didn’t expect that someone would already help clean up the Pokémon hunters.

What about this violent energy fluctuation?

Shark Sand asked, biting Land Shark. Could it be that he was facing off against Pokémon hunters?

This should be the power of Overlord Bangira. Ordinary Bangira will not have such ability.

This energy fluctuation can be said to have affected the entire desert, causing some insiders and elves to think that there was an earthquake in the desert.

Speaking of this, Sha Sha could see the envious look in Lie Jie Lu Shark's eyes. If the overlord of Lie Jie Lu Shark's clan was still there, they might be even more prosperous than the Banjira clan.

But... alas, what a pity.

Liebite Lu Shark's eyes dimmed, which was beyond envy.

We are going to Banjila's clan land.

After a moment of silence, Sirona decided.

Pokémon hunters have an inevitable conflict with us, and we must take revenge!

Because of the gym leader at the beginning, and because of the many near-death experiences she and Sharsha had, Sirona had a lot of hatred with Pokémon hunters.

You might as well go take a look. This energy is very interesting.

The flower rock monster in the elf ball said, as if he was very familiar with this power.

Looking at Sirona and Shasha, Liebite Lusha nodded involuntarily.

So Sirona took Sharsha and went to the Banjira clan.

On the back of Sharksha flying at high speed, Sharksha, as long as this is over, will all the elves in the Sinnoh region be safe?

How is it possible? People's greed is endless. Sirona has understood this truth from a long time ago, but she still has great hope.

Shasha turned his head and looked at Sirona's face, and said seriously.

Will do.

Hearing Sharksha's reaction, Sirona couldn't help but smile, I believe that day will definitely come, the peace and quiet that belongs to the Pokémon world.

Luzhou and his party were at the entrance of the cave.

I felt a very powerful energy that seemed to be stimulating something...

Lu Zhou had a very strong sense of energy and could clearly sense the energy changes that occurred in the cave.

Me too. Du and Naomu also sensed it to some extent, but they were not as sensitive and accurate as Luzhou.

After experiencing the trivial love affairs in Luzhou, Du and Naomu ate pots of dog food with the sour smell of love in their mouths.

He is very powerful now and wants to find a place to vent!

The sadness of singles stimulates their minds again and again, and only fighting can let them vent.

Luzhou couldn't help scratching his head when he saw the two people being injected with chicken blood immediately. What's going on?

Looking at the closed cave, Du and Namu clenched their fists...

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