I've Become a Land Shark

Chapter 180 The story of one hundred and sixty-five childhood years

Good morning, Luzhou.

A girl with a pretty face, about eleven or twelve years old, greeted a little boy not far ahead.

Good morning, Hanako.

Luzhou is a little boy with short hair. Because he lives not far away, he often meets him in the morning.

Early in the morning, Luzhou was woken up by Dr. Omu in his dreamland.

Luzhou opened his sleepy eyes and asked: Dr. Omu, what are you doing? It's so early in the morning...

After saying that, Luzhou closed his eyes again, as if he would be able to return to sleep in a while.

Luzhou's guardian is Dr. Oak.

Sleep, sleep, sleep day after day.

A burst of pain came from Luzhou's ear. Dr. Omu's strength was particularly good. It would not strain Luzhou's ear, but still make Luzhou hurt for a long time.

Dr. Ohki, it hurts!

Luzhou quickly opened his eyes, indicating that he would no longer sleep, and he suddenly woke up.

Dr. Oki put down his hand when he saw this, and Luzhou immediately covered his ears.

I'm going to a friend's house today because I have something to do, so you go to Hanako's house for dinner today and stay well.

Why let Luzhou go to Hanako's house? Dr. Omu also wanted to match him.

Wait, where's the nanny?

Dr. Oki said that the nanny should also go with him.

As soon as he heard that he was going to Hanako's house, Luzhou immediately shrank his neck. You must know that Hanako is the king of children in the area.

Even though Hanako is a girl, she is stronger than the average girl and can hold down a boy even when running.

Because Luzhou and Hanako are neighbors, Luzhou has been suffering a lot since he was a child.

So, Luzhou sighed, Oh.

Life is melancholy.

Therefore, Luzhou is now at the door of Hanako's house, and the above scene occurs.

Dr. Oki said that if you stay at our house today, we won't treat you badly~ Hanako smiled playfully.

But in Luzhou's eyes, he felt that he might suffer today. But there is no other way, Dr. Omu, this bad old man, is very bad.

However, Luzhou still chose to go to Hanako's house, even though he knew he was going to suffer, but for Hanako, Luzhou somehow didn't hate Hanako.

Stop standing at the door, come in and sit down.

Hanako enthusiastically pulled Luzhou into the house and said to the kitchen, Mom, Luzhou is here.

Hanako's mother was busy in the kitchen.

The little deer is here. Wait a little longer. Auntie will start making lunch. Hanako quickly takes Luzhou to play for a while.

That's right, it was almost noon when Lu Zhou got up.

Then because Hanako's mother was in the kitchen, Luzhou was helplessly dragged away by Hanako.

It's not that I don't want to resist, and it's not that I haven't resisted before, but the consequences...

To be honest, this is the first time Luzhou has entered Hanako's room. Although the two of them are neighbors Hanako, they have never entered each other's room.

Hanako's room is different from ordinary girls' rooms. Usually girls' rooms should be pink and surrounded by dolls and stuff.

Hanako's room is different. It's very clean and tidy, but it doesn't feel monotonous.

At this time, Hanako didn't have the good girl image she had at the beginning, but said to Luzhou carelessly.

Old rules, let's have a fight.

I have to say, would a normal girl be like this? So we come to the conclusion that Hanako is not a normal girl.

Can you change it? I can't beat you.

Shikasu said autistically that Hanako was half a year older than Shikasu, and girls grow faster. Hanako was half a head taller than Shikasu.

Luzhou was speechless about this.

Are you still a boy? Hanako said with disdain.

Then I thought that even boys can't beat you. Luzhou felt a touch of sadness.

In desperation, in order to protect the identity of the boy, Lu Zhou had no choice but to comply.

Then I'm coming!

Luzhou punched Hanako in the face. Zhou Ju didn't panic at all and took a step back.

When Lu Zhou saw that his fist was empty, he did not lose confidence, but changed the attack point to his chest.

Is it coming... Hanako knew at a glance what attack Luzhou was going to use.

Lu Zhou could be seen standing with his hands clenched, punching the opponent very quickly one after another.

Facing the pear-like attack, Hanako obviously dealt with it very skillfully - kicking Shikasu directly to the lower body.

Luzhou felt a sound of wind and a bad premonition, and felt a sense of sadness.

You must know that being kicked to the lower body is very painful, and maybe the rest of your life is not guaranteed.

I'm going to attack! Hanako reminded Luzhou Dao.

Zhou Ju jumped forward and faced Lu Zhou's face. Feeling the strong wind blowing by, Lu Zhou squatted down.

But Zhou Ju was still in a flying state. Upon seeing this, Lu Zhou immediately squatted down to avoid Zhou Ju's fist, then quickly stood up, hugged Zhou Ju's waist and faced her in the opposite direction. The two of them fell onto the bed. .

Is this the end? That’s too simple to think about! Luzhou felt that he could wash away his record of nearly a hundred failures today.

Lu Zhou was particularly energetic today. He hugged Zhou Ju and turned over, leaving Hanako lying on the bed.

Zhou Ju's cheeks were slightly red, her whole body was exuding heat, and she lost all strength for a while.

But Luzhou didn't think so much, and he didn't know how bad the situation was at this time.

Luzhou, who was riding on Zhou Ju, chuckled, You lost this time, and I finally washed away my shame!

At this time, Luzhou was a bit hard to get off. After much thought, he didn't know where to hit, and suddenly an idea came to his head.

Accept the punishment!

Luzhou stretched out his little hand and slapped down with all his strength!


For a moment, Lu Zhou was also brought back by the sound, and his head came back clear.


Seeing Zhou Ju's side face darkening, Lu Zhou knew that he was in a terrible situation.

but! Misfortune will come, and you will be beaten the hardest where you hit the hardest!

Lu Zhou gritted his teeth and his heart skipped a beat.

Bah bang bang!

Like firecrackers exploding, a very short and tight sound sounded.

Deer! Chau!

The girl's scream, which was enough to stun Shikasu's ears, came from Hanako's throat.

Then, a huge force directly lifted Luzhou away, falling from Hanako's waist to the ground.

Luzhou, lying on the ground, lost again...

Luzhou also saw the girl's reddish face at this time, and could clearly see the tears shining in the girl's eyes.

For a moment, Luzhou felt a pain, as if he had been pricked by a needle...

Hey, hey, where did you get the needle from?

Luzhou suddenly remembered that Hanako's mother was a nurse...

It depends on whether I prick you or not...

Then Luzhou spent a beautiful afternoon at Hanako's house.

Dr. Omu at Somu's home.

Dr. Oki: Luzhou, I can only help you this far...

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