I've Become a Land Shark

Chapter 101 This is talent.

After passing through the forest, Sirona drank the fang land shark and came to Random Town.

Little brother, we've arrived at Xuizhen. Where is your home?

Sirona dragged the child off the back of the Sharp-Toothed Land Shark, and the Sharp-Toothed Land Shark could finally relax. After all, it was always uncomfortable to have a child moving around on her body. Of course, if it was Sirona, That's a different story.


The little boy probably still wanted to stay on the back of the Sharp-Tooth Land Shark, but looking at the expressions of the Sharp-Tooth Land Shark and Sirona, he gave up.

Where is your home?

follow me.

When we get to the town, this kid should more or less be able to walk by himself. He can't be so road-crazy that he can't even walk in the town where he has lived for many years, right?

Sirona is also a bit road-crazy, but at least she definitely knows where her home is.

The little boy took Sirona to a regular cabin.

This is my home. The little boy opened the door and invited Sirona to come in and sit.

The room was immediately filled with newspapers. Sirona picked up a newspaper and wrote on it.

Dark Balls: Dark caves and unlit streets are no-go places. If you are threatened by darkness, having a few Dark Balls around you is your best companion! Use them in the dark to achieve the best capture effect! Use the Dark Ball to keep your distance from the darkness on your journey!

Um? Have you heard that Chiri and Dewen are manufacturing this ball? How come it was known so quickly?

Hey, big sister, are you interested in this?

The little boy broke Sirona's meditation.

Oh, um, this dark ball is very interesting. I wonder if it is real?

Of course it's true. For this reason, we went to Curtain City to investigate.

The little boy's words aroused the sharp-toothed land shark's reaction. Would a normal person go to Curtain City to inquire?

Sirona was even more curious.

What do you do? It's not ordinary people who know this information.

Oh, forgot to introduce ourselves, we are reporters.


Yes, but because of the fierce competition, I can only shoot dangerous things. The little boy's words were full of helplessness.

This is a trade secret, and it is illegal for you to do so.

It's just for eating. The little boy said that it was too difficult for him.

Sirona had no choice but to look at her surroundings. This newspaper office is small, with only a TV and a table. There is a computer and a notepad on the table.

Hey, Kota, who is this?

A man and a woman came in through the door and saw Sirona, so they asked the little boy named Guangta.

Oh, this is Sister Sirona, she sent me back today.

The woman was slightly chubby but had a good face. She held Sirona's hand and said, Thank you for sending Guangta home. Guangtai is quite a wanderer.

It's okay, it's okay. Sirona quickly took her hand out of the woman's hand.

The woman looked a little embarrassed, Ahem.

Then he pulled Sirona to sit down and poured a cup of cappuccino for Sirona.

The Sharptooth Land Shark also has a cup of cappuccino. The Sharptooth Land Shark actually hates coffee because it is bitter and expensive.

When Fangtooth Land Shark drank cappuccino for the first time when he was still a human, he was about to vomit. Moreover, Fangtooth Land Shark particularly hates yogurt and other dairy products, but pure milk is not necessarily the case for cappuccino. The milk froth was very uncomfortable. The Fangtooth Land Shark also hated cappuccino and decided not to drink it anymore.

Sirona is about the same. She doesn’t drink much coffee. After all, one disadvantage is Sirona’s height. Not surprisingly, Sirona should not be too tall. According to real life (I won’t say that I set it wrong in the first place). Already...)

That’s it anyway.

Sirona? You are!

A man and a woman seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly pointed at Sirona in surprise.

Sirona:? ? ?

You are the founder of Galaxy Corporation.

? ? ? Do you know this?

What Galaxy Company? What founder. Sirona chose to play dumb.

The fang land shark tensed its nerves and was ready to attack at any time.

But the man and woman didn't notice the movements of the fang land shark, so they asked Sirona again.

We investigated the origin of the Dark Earth, and even the founder of the Galaxy Company behind it. We worked hard to investigate for a long time, and then we found out that Chiri is not the real founder. The real founder is you, Sirona.

Suddenly, endless sand filled the entire site, and the surrounding area looked closed.

No matter how stupid they are, they still know what the situation is now, Sure enough, you have some special deal.

When the fanged land shark was about to deal with it, Sirona stopped him.

Did you tell anyone?

Sirona felt that she could win over her for a while if she couldn't sleep.

I didn't tell. The couple shook their heads quickly.

Do you want to join Team Galaxy? That's what you call Galaxy Company.

The couple hesitated, but Kota said beside them: Sister Sirona is not a bad person.

Of course, they did not listen to the children's words, but were thinking about Sirona's words. They had no money and power now, and their life was very difficult. If they joined Team Galaxy.

You have wealth and status, but what you will lose may be your own justice.

In this case, the choice is difficult to make, for your dreams or for life?

They turned their attention to Guangtai, and looking at Guangtai's appearance, they seemed to have made a decision in their hearts.


Hearing this, Sirona felt that she had made a profit, Don't worry, we are not bad people.

Thinking about the appearance of the fang land shark before, they didn't believe it, but they still clearly felt that dangerous moment.

Ahem, this is Chiri's contact information. Sirona changed hands and gave Chiri's phone number to someone else. Why did she say it again?

Then Sirona said goodbye to the news agency family, turned around and crouched in a dark corner and dialed Chiri's number.

Hey, Chiri.

Hey, Sirona. What's the matter?

Chiri's voice was a little tired.

What's wrong with you Chiri?

It's nothing, it's just that it's difficult to trade with the Alliance and the special Poké Balls.

Oh, when it comes to this.


Someone has learned the secret of the special elf ball...

What?!!! Chiri suddenly woke up and shouted several times.

It's okay, it's okay. I have asked them to join Team Galaxy. If they are handled well, they may be powerful helpers for us.

Huh? How do you say this?

Chiri was a little confused.

They figured out our background with just two people without us knowing it.

Chiri was stunned for a while.

Do you have such talent?

This is simply the perfect person to collect information.

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