I've Become a Land Shark

Chapter 100 There is a mole!

I didn't stay in the reverse world for long, but it was already dark in reality.

Sirona returned to her old life. Although she had slept in a tent for a long time, she still brought the tent with her. After all, the Shark and Sirona liked sleeping in tents from now on.

The Sharp-tooth Land Shark can actually sleep in the Poké Ball, but he likes to sleep with Sirona. After so many years, the Sharp-tooth Land Shark still retains this habit, and so does Sirona.

Each elf ball has a special room. For ordinary red and white balls, the space inside is like one room and one living room.

The super ball is larger. Of course, Sirona will not treat her elf badly, so she always uses high-level balls.

But Sirona is still curious about what the elf balls looked like in the past.

It's nothing, just a small space with nothing. Huayan Monster explained to Sirona.


The Flower Rock Monster understood what Sirona meant and wanted to change the environment for himself and Lucario.

No need, he and I are already familiar with this space. We might not be used to it if we move to another place.

After understanding what the Huayan Monster meant, Sirona couldn't force herself anymore.

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and the night was speechless. Sirona and the Sharptooth Land Shark fell asleep while counting the stars. Everything was so peaceful, with only the chirping of insects and the gentle breeze around, which was unexpectedly calming.

At the same time, the Kanto detachment of the hunting group was being decimated.

Kuailong, destroy the death light!

Menas, blizzard!

Naughty bomb, big explosion!


Many such attacks were wreaking havoc on the team led by Oki Yukinari.

Hidden buildings were beaten to pieces.

Tsk, is the Alliance trying to kill the donkey? The leader of the hunting group walked out from under the collapsed building.

Behind them were groups of Pokémon hunters.

Sure enough, is this the strength of the hunting group? Oki Xuecheng was also a little surprised. He might not be able to defeat them in terms of numbers.

The Pokémon hunters picked their opponents one by one. Damu's team had his own friends, the Four Heavenly Kings, and helpers from the alliance...

In the end, only Oki Yukinari and Pokémon Hunter A were left...

Imperial City PK, the winner is king.

Come out, Dragon King Scorpion.

The Dragon King Scorpion's arms are very thick and powerful, and his body is covered in purple and black colors, making him look very dangerous. The scars all over his body prove that he has experienced hundreds of battles...

Kuailong, tailwind.

Kuailong's speed choice makes him faster, but Dragon King Scorpion has indeed given up the ability of speed and specializes in attack and defense, which can be seen from its arms.

Dragon King Scorpion, bite it to pieces!

The Dragon King Scorpion waved its powerful pincers and aimed at the fast dragon in the air.

Kuai Long, Dragon Wave.

Crossing his hands, the blue-purple wave caught the Dragon King Scorpion off guard, but the Dragon King Scorpion's body was very hard and did not cause much damage.

Dragon King Scorpion, poisonous needle.

The Dragon King Scorpion is a malignant and poisonous elf, so its venom is very powerful, but the dragon can always fly, so the Dragon King Scorpion can feel uncomfortable.

Kuailong, avoid it.

The small and dense poisonous needles are very easy to hide. When Kuailong moves, all the poisonous needles are gone.

Dr. Ohki's Kuailong likes close combat, so, Kuailiong, reverse scale!

This kind of scene happens everywhere.

This night is a restless night after all...

The first ray of sunshine in the morning had just risen. Sirona and the Fang-Tooth Land Shark stretched and got up. After all, they were on their way.

The city below is a random town.

On the way, Sirona saw a little boy squatting in a corner and crying silently.

Sirona generally likes to gossip and is nosy. So how could Sirona give up when she had such an opportunity?

Little brother, what's wrong with you?

The little boy with runny nose and tears raised his head, didn't say anything, just cried.

Fanged Land Shark: That’s why I really hate children.

But children are the future, and there is nothing the Fanged Land Shark can do if he is unhappy. He can only look at Sirona and comfort her.

Finally, the little boy calmed down, but he still hesitated.

Big, big sister, I'm lost.

Hey, it's a big deal to get lost.

Fanged Land Shark: Sirona, you are also a road fool, right?

Where is your home? Sirona asked.

Here, in Xuizhen...

Um? Isn't this where you want to go? It happened to be on the way, and since Sirona asked about the little boy, she considered it her responsibility to take him home.

Lai, follow big sister, she will take you home. Sirona patted her chest, indicating that she was covered.

The little boy was a little hesitant, not sure whether to follow Sirona, but after all, she was a beautiful big sister, so the little boy didn't think too much, so he and Sirona left.

Fanged Land Shark: Why do you think you have so much future...

Sirona is such a talent.

The little boy who was crying changed his appearance when he sat on the back of the fang land shark.

Super tank, charge!

The fang land shark was full of muscles and had many bone spurs. The little boy rode on the fang land shark and grabbed the bone spurs. The elves who were facing him were so scared that they ran away.

After all, the fang land shark's gloomy face looked very fierce.

Feeling the little boy moving around on his body, the fang land shark felt very uncomfortable.

That’s why I hate children!

Hey, Sharsha, just be patient and we'll be here soon. Sirona advised.

Alas, being a shark is so difficult.

Kanto region.

Looking at the tattered ruins around him, no one could have imagined that he still had a complete appearance last night.

There were many corpses of members of the hunting group lying on the ground, including Da Mu Fangse.

You are indeed very strong. You deserve to be the champion.

Pokémon Hunter A's head was covered in blood, and Okuki Xuecheng was panting slightly. Pokémon Hunter A also put a lot of pressure on him.

Opposite the upright Kuailong was a Dragon King Scorpion whose armor had been blasted and pierced. The Dragon King Scorpion was already on the verge of death.

We lost this time, but it won't be the same next time, hahaha.

Damu looked at Pokémon Hunter A, who was at the end of his rope, There's no next time, Kuailong.

When Kuailong took his first step, the rocks under the Pokémon hunter's feet suddenly cracked and he fell under the cliff.

Kuailong also immediately flew down to chase, but Pokémon Hunter A probably took advantage of this time to escape.

Forget it, this mission was unexpected. Who is that mysterious man? How did he know about the hunting group's company?

Pokémon Hunter A, who was dragging his body while walking, was also thinking about why Damu knew about this place. It happened that all the main members were there for a meeting, and he narrowed his eyes.

There's a mole!

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