Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 87: who gave them courage

Hearing Heisenberg's emotionless request, he looked at Heisenberg's indifferent face.

The breath of surprise suddenly resumed.

She really wanted to punch Heisenberg in the face and make this **** disappear from the world!

But she wouldn't do that, at least not now.

Because she needed the two gems in Heisenberg's hand.

So she took a deep breath, tried not to be so angry, and sat across from Heisenberg.

Seeing Surprise sit down, Heisenberg's serious face increased with a smile, and he nodded.

"That's right, talk about things, have the appearance of talking about things.

Sitting and talking is called chatting, and you are standing in front of me bossing me, that is an order!

Do you think you are qualified to order me? "


In the blink of an eye, blue veins formed on the surprised forehead.

Seeing Surprise constantly suppressing his anger, Heisenberg didn't react at all, but smiled indifferently as always.

It wasn't until Surprise felt completely calm that she spoke to Heisenberg.

"I have no right to restrain your behavior, but morality does.

But I'm not here to talk to you about this!

I wish I could borrow two Infinity Stones from you, because... "


As soon as he heard the surprised words, Heisenberg interrupted the aunt with his right hand.

I saw Heisenberg pursed his lips, frowned and said to Surprise simply.

"That's impossible."

"Don't be so sure!!!"

Surprised stood up in an instant and stared at Heisenberg with his hands on the table.

"I borrowed the Infinity Stones all because of you!

It was you who snapped your fingers that confused, but only resurrected the Earthlings!

That's why I need to borrow gems from you to resurrect all the cosmic beings that you have forgotten! "

So she yelled at Heisenberg.

And Heisenberg….

He sat there with his head held high and his face cold, looking at surprise without saying a word.

"What do you mean?!!"

The breath of surprise is getting heavier and heavier. Even if you give me an answer, what does it mean to just watch? !

How much do you despise me? ! !

"Don't I deserve to talk to you, bastard, you...!"


Heisenberg interrupted the furious surprise again, and then gestured down with his right hand to pat.

After a moment, Surprise sat back on the sofa, gasping for breath.

As soon as she sat down, Heisenberg smiled and nodded and said to her.

"That's good, now I can answer your questions!

You said that I forgot about the disappearing cosmic beings, so you're going to snap your fingers a second time to resurrect them? "

"That's right, you only resurrected the life that disappeared on Earth!"

Surprised quickly nodded.

But Heisenberg just shook his head and said.

"You're wrong, I haven't forgotten them!"

Hearing this, he looked at Heisenberg in amazement and disbelief.

"Impossible, I'm quite sure that the people of other empires in the universe have not been resurrected, you made a mistake!"


Listening to Surprise's naive words, seeing that she still hadn't figured out what she was thinking, Heisenberg's smile gradually became indifferent.

I saw him leaning back on the back of the sofa boringly, and while enjoying the bear feet fed by the girl next to him, he said something disdainful to Surprise.

"There is no resurrection of the cosmos, is this actually a mistake in your eyes?

I didn't forget them, but I didn't want to resurrect them at all.

Do you understand now, Carol of fraternity, tsk tsk. "

"you do this delibrately!!!"

Surprised stood up instantly, but this time without Heisenberg's reminder, she sat back with gritted teeth.

Then she looked back at Heisenberg, who was full of disdain, and sat down and yelled.

"Do you know what your actions will bring to Earth, bastard!

You will make the earth envied by all the people of the universe, just because the people of the earth have found their lost relatives, but they have not!

Do you know what their jealousy can lead to?


You will make the Earth their target! ! ! "


Heisenberg snorted and responded to Surprise with dissatisfaction.

"I seem to know what you're thinking, it looks like you're really thinking about the planet.

But you know what I think? "

Having said this, Heisenberg tapped his temple with his right hand.

"Listen to me, Carol!

First of all, it was Thanos who took half of their compatriots, not the Earthlings!

Secondly, the first thought of revenge on Thanos, and to find out that the original stone has been destroyed by Thanos, is also the earth!

In the end, it is the people of the earth who establish the determination to save their loved ones and travel through time to collect the Infinity Stones in the universe I am in!

hehe! "

I saw Heisenberg smiled sarcastically, and then continued to speak to Carroll.

"Those cosmic beings in your mouth who miss their relatives, they don't want to avenge their relatives, and they don't want to try their best to find their relatives.

Until the people on earth had a way to save everything, they laughed along.

Know what you are doing?

You are forcing me to let them enjoy the miracle that fell from the sky, and you are also forcing the earth to share with them the rewards that the earthlings have given themselves!

Is this fairness in your mouth? ! ! "


Surprised, she sat there dully, as if thinking about how to refute Heisenberg's words.


She's not good at debating, and her nova power doesn't give her a Kryptonian brain.

She couldn't refute it after all.

But that didn't mean that she would give up her decision, so she insisted on speaking after a brief silence.

"You may be right, but I think there is something wrong with what you said.

In short, whether they are what you say or not, your practice of resurrecting only Earthlings will make Earth their target.

So in any case, please lend the rough stone to...! "


Heisenberg interrupted the surprise again, and the displeasure on his face grew.

"What are you talking about?

Just because the earth got what it deserves for what you paid for, the cosmic beings you protect are actually going to start a war against the earth!

So what are you guarding, are you jealous or greedy, or even a little angel under the gods of war? "

"Damn, I can't tell you, I really can't tell you, stop asking me these **** things!"

The surprise broke out completely, and I saw her stand up, shouting and continuing to Heisenberg.

"I will never understand what you think and do, but I must tell you!

In any case, I will not let the future earth and universe break out at war.

If you don't want the earth to be targeted by them, they must be resurrected!

If you don't give me the Infinity Stones, I'll get it myself! "

As soon as the surprised voice fell, Heisenberg also stood up abruptly.

I saw that he first pushed the girl beside him aside and said something to the girl.

"Take the group of **** in the corner and hide away, and I will send you back to the home before you were kidnapped and trafficked after the trouble is settled."

After speaking, Heisenberg gently moved his wrist under the concerned eyes of the two girls.

While moving, he finally said to the surprise.

"Thanos snapped their fingers and destroyed their lives, and they didn't seek revenge on Thanos.

The earth just didn't let them have their original life out of thin air, and they were going to scatter their qi on the earth.

They didn't stop Thanos before everything happened, that's because they weren't strong enough.

They didn't think or have the ability to salvage everything after everything happened, that's because they weren't determined enough.

So this kind of thing with no determination and incomparable weakness dares to show its teeth and claws to the earth that destroyed Thanos twice!

Who the **** gave them the courage, was it you, Carol? "

"Shut up!"

Surprise shouted in anger, and at the same time punched Heisenberg hard in the chest.

The table between the two was completely unable to stop the surprise for a moment, and it shattered into sawdust in a blink of an eye.

Facing the incoming fist, Heisenberg pouted in disdain.

He actually didn't dodge or evade, and abruptly took the punch down!

Boom! ! !

Heisenberg didn't move, but the violent shock wave spread out instantly.

Seeing that the shock wave was about to hurt the two girls, Heisenberg instantly spread out the biological force field and contained the shock wave.

Then he stretched out his left hand, grabbed Surprise's right wrist tightly, and whispered to Surprise at the same time.

"The only thing you can give me trouble is your **** speed and space jumping ability!"

At the same time as he spoke, his left hand continued to strengthen, making Surprise absolutely unable to break free from his hand.

"So, I got you!"

boom! ! !

In just an instant, Heisenberg and Surprise broke through the sky, and in a blink of an eye, they had already rushed out of the atmosphere!

Powerhouses like them who are good at flying and can adapt to the vacuum environment of the universe can only exert their strength to the greatest extent in the universe!

As for what Heisenberg said, Surprise didn't care too much.

There are too many people in the universe who want to kill her, and now she doesn't think Heisenberg is the oldest!

Since the right hand has been held tightly by Heisenberg, Surprise took the left hand and kept attacking Heisenberg's throat and chin!

But Heisenberg's right hand easily blocked the surprise attack.

Not just defensively, because Heisenberg's right hand is much faster than Surprise's left.

So in just a few seconds, Surprise received countless punches on the face.

The two fought in the most primitive way for more than ten seconds, and Surprise finally gritted their teeth helplessly.

She really couldn't break through the defense of Heisenberg's right hand with her left hand to cause damage to Heisenberg.

So she simply stopped there and watched Heisenberg attack her with disdain.

And all of Heisenberg's heavy punches were blocked by Captain Marvel's double star energy.

As if she was hit by Thanos' headbutt with all his strength in the Avengers 4 movie, the double star energy on her body only rippled.

Even when Thanos smashed Surprise with the Power Stone, Surprise didn't suffer any injuries except being knocked into the air!

You know, as long as the power gem hits the earth, the earth will be gone in an instant.

And Thanos used the power gem to smash the surprise punch, which can also easily destroy the earth....

Therefore, Heisenberg's fist cannot break through her double star defense cover in a short time.

And the only thing Heisenberg did was to make the ripples on her body more and more dense!

"It's pretty solid!"

Heisenberg sighed unhappily, and then simply stopped attacking. He clung to Surprise's right hand like that, and said to Surprise at the same time.

"Although this is the universe, I think we all have a unique way of listening. Your tortoise shell is much harder than I thought."

"Hehe, you are also much weaker than I thought, Superman!"

This time, it was Surprise's turn to sneer, and after she had laughed enough, she raised her head proudly and mocked Heisenberg.

"When I was a kid, my idols were Superman and Captain America.

And when I grew up, it was clear to me that I surpassed the Captain America icon.

I didn't know until now that I surpassed you too! "

" You think too much."

Heisenberg sneered, and his eyes quickly flashed red.

The blazing light slammed into Captain Marvel's face, causing the protective cover on her body to fluctuate violently!

Seeing this, Captain Marvel still didn't panic, and saw that she stretched out her left hand, and her palm also burst out with gorgeous fluctuations!

The rainbow-like wave light quickly docked with Heisenberg's thermal vision, and it became a stalemate in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, Heisenberg suddenly withdrew his heat vision, and at the same time stretched out his right hand, clasping Carroll's left hand tightly.

He dragged Carroll like this, and at his current limit speed of Mach 260,000, he quickly rushed to the distant sun!

While flying, Heisenberg used all his strength to restrain Surprise's movements. Under the influence of Heisenberg's power and biological force field, Surprise couldn't take him to the leap!

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