Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 86: we have to believe in light

Seeing Captain Marvel disappear in a blink of an eye, Tony shook his head weakly.

He really wasn't in the mood to care about the life and death of the cosmos.

New York is completely gone, and even the quantum channel research he is currently doing is done by calling the spare equipment in the Veronica space station.

For him, the death and injury in New York is the focus, and the next focus is on appeasing and arming the people on Earth.

Re-proposing the superhero registration system, and according to his original plan, mass-producing steel armor and corresponding equipment, so that the earth has its own cosmic-level armed force is the key!

Why did Wakanda achieve the per capita energy defense cover, but I Stark can't do it?

As for the dead aliens in Captain Marvel's mouth, and the possibility of the remaining aliens attacking the earth....

Even if the earth is safe, isn't it also attacked by Thanos?

As long as the Earth is not strong enough, sooner or later there will be a danger of being attacked again.

Iron Man does not feel that satisfying the aliens can ensure the safety of the earth.

Even if he could, that would not be the safe way that Stark would choose!


Meanwhile, the crater rim.

The little tree Groot, who was not too afraid of thunder, dragged Sol's figure covered in electric light onto the softer rock formation.

After arriving here, Groot and Rocket looked at each other helplessly.

"Emugroot." Groot said.

Hearing his words, Rocket shook his head regretfully.

"I don't know, I'm not the **** of Asgard, how can I know when he will wake up."

"Amu Groot!" Groot continued.

Hearing the words, Rocket nodded slightly.

"That's right, we'll just have to wait here for him to wake up by himself.

But don't worry, he is Thor, as long as he is not killed on the spot, I think he will recover! "

As soon as the Rockets finished speaking, Groot's expression changed a lot, and he asked the Rockets nervously again.


Hearing Groot's question, Rocket's expression finally changed.

Seeing him thinking for a long time, he answered helplessly.

"You're right, you grew up Groot.

Like you said, if Sol wakes up and continues to find Superman to settle accounts, then he's probably really dead! .

So when he wakes up, if he's still so impulsive, then we.... "


"Yes, we have to stop him!!!"

Rocket and Groot slapped each other with energy!

Aside from the little corner of Groot and Thor, similar plots are playing out elsewhere in the crater.

The American team was standing next to the Black Panther at this time, discussing the issue of personnel placement with King T'Challa.


Rogers looked around and made a serious request.

"America is now in the midst of the surprise of the return of loved ones and the panic of the sinking of New York, and our friends..."

He pointed to the alien pirates.

"We want to apply to live in Wakanda for a few days until the scattered Thanos troops have escaped into a large clearing near New York!"


T'Challa readily agreed to Rogers' request, which was no big deal for Wakanda.

As the richest country in the world, Wakanda, which uses a weapon worth hundreds of millions of yuan per capita, can of course provide food, clothing, housing and transportation for thousands of people.

And the Valkyrie happened to be here too.

Hearing Rogers' words, Valkyrie thought for a while....

"Uh... In fact, our village in Asgard in Norway can also accommodate some people, at least we still have enough wine!"

"No need to...!!!"

Captain America instantly refused, because he thought that Thor's Asgard had no brains and Quill's space pirate **** got together...!

Especially since they are still drinking too much...!

Thinking of this, Captain America seemed to see a disaster coming.


Although the Great War of New York destroyed New York, Los Angeles will always be Los Angeles.

Like the Starlight Barbecue where Heisenberg is currently drinking, it's a really good place to be.

I saw him lying on the sofa with a relaxed face, drinking with his arms around two smiling girls, and watching the pictures on the distant TV.

At the same time, the terrified waiter is constantly refilling him with wine and serving him the honeydew bear paws that were specially bought in Chinatown.

Heisenberg opened the crock pot with satisfaction, saw the right bear's paw stewed in it, and sniffed lightly.

"goodjob (good job)!"

He patted the waiter on the shoulder in praise, but the action made the waiter tremble in horror.

Seeing that the waiter was afraid of this, Heisenberg waved his hand bored.

"You're too brave, how much is this bear paw?"

"No no no no no!!!" The waiter was so scared that he almost urinated: "No money!!!"

"Tsk tsk, you Americans are not so generous, tell me, how much.

Those **** in the corner, come and hand me the money! "

Just listen to Heisenberg shouting to the corner of the club.

And the next second, more than 70 people squatting in the corner of the club stood up almost immediately!

"let me do it!!!"

"I have cash here!"

"No robbing, I'll pay the boss of Heisenberg!"

"Go away, I'm the store manager, I'll pay!"

"I'm still LAPD, from the Los Angeles General Administration, let me pay!"

"Please, let me take the money, I have to pick up my daughter from school woohoo!!!"

More than 70 people quarreled about a chance to pay, and then, the LAPD successfully grabbed the opportunity to pay by virtue of his youth and strength.

I saw him rushing out of the crowd, trotting all the way to Heisenberg, and pulling out his wallet with a smile on his face.

After he took out his ID and bank card from his wallet, he actually put the wallet and all the cash in it directly into the waiter's hand!

"It's all for you, it must be enough!"

After speaking, the Los Angeles police officer immediately turned to look at Heisenberg.

And the anticipation in his eyes, and his pug-like posture, made the two girls who were holding Heisenberg laugh.

Heisenberg looked at the policeman with a cold face until the policeman's forehead dripped with sweat, and the two little girls beside Heisenberg laughed enough.

Heisenberg spoke up.

"Let's learn a lesson, even if you act as an umbrella for gangster companies for money, you don't need to be the first to rush over when they are really in danger.

Use your power flexibly, this should be a required course for you, right? "

"Yes, yes, you are right, you are right!"

"Well, let's go!"

Having said that, Heisenberg waved his hand to signal him to get out!

The Los Angeles police hurriedly nodded their thanks, and at the same time trotted towards the gate.

But at this moment, the latest news broadcast on the huge floor-standing TV in the club made him sluggishly stop there.

"The Los Angeles News Channel has just received an update on New York from the Philadelphia press.

Relying on this news, we have learned the true identity of the gangster.

An hour and 22 minutes ago, an attack on a famous club on the Los Angeles Walk of Fame was launched.

At the same time occupying the club, kidnapping more than 50 hostages, and even the so-called gangsters who successively dealt with two groups of special police and kidnapped them one after another, the real identity is actually a certain superhero!

Come, let's all watch his majestic video in the Battle of New York! "

The spokesperson said this, and the news immediately released part of the video of the New York battle from the perspective of satellite video.

As for which part of the video?

Of course, Heisenberg propped up the Optimus Field to resist the salvo of naval guns, the heat vision divided and destroyed Thanos flagship, and the frost breath froze the part of the tsunami.

And it was precisely this content that exposed Heisenberg's truest face and image!

In the corner of the club, a group of hostages stared at the screen in stunned eyes, and then turned to Heisenberg tremblingly.

The figure on the screen with a broken shirt but still heroic is not the young man who takes off his shirt and enjoys a massage in only trousers! ! !

Meanwhile, the press spokesman continued.

"It seems that we should all know his identity, this is really incredible!

The iconic heat sight and frost breath, and the biological force field that is completely beyond the records of the comics.

It seems that our cartoonists didn't draw Mr. Superman's true abilities.

Meanwhile, why would Superman attack our LA club?

I have to admit that this private membership club, which has always only served the top rich, must be hiding some kind of darkness and evil that we haven't seen yet.

Mr. Superman, if you have seen our news, you must forgive us for our little offense to you because we didn't understand the situation before!

It's not easy for us to do news. Those words before were really not what we thought.... "

Before the press spokesman could finish speaking, the program was completely snuffed out by the TV station.

At this time, the two little girls with shocked faces looked at Heisenberg dully and asked in disbelief.

"That...that's really..."

"It's me, what, don't you think it's cool enough?"

Heisenberg said to them both with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, the eyes of these two little girls immediately began to flash!

"Ah, ah, it's Superman, and it was Superman who saved us!"

"I knew the comics were real, I knew I should believe in light!!!"


Hearing the second little girl's words, Heisenberg couldn't help rubbing her hair.

"Don't make trouble, the one who believes in light is Ultraman!"

Speaking of which, Heisenberg ignored the two women who had just been rescued by him, but turned his head suspiciously and looked at the direction of the club's gate.

Noticing the look in Heisenberg's eyes, the policeman who had not had time to leave immediately freaked out.

He quickly stumbled out of the club.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the club, he suddenly felt that the whole world became clear, and he didn't even notice that a woman in strange clothes passed by beside him.

I saw him thump, and his feet fell to his knees again.

More than 300 special police officers outside the club immediately dispatched their staff to help him up and quickly dragged him to the ambulance.

As for Heisenberg….

Of course he was not looking at the police, but at Captain Marvel who was walking towards him with a dissatisfied face.

Surprise's face was so bad that she was dying, and before she could come to Heisenberg, she couldn't help pointing to the sweaty hostage squatting in a corner not far away.

"You did it all?"

"Is it you?"

"You're so boring, and your power is being abused so much, it makes me ashamed of you!"

"Hehe, what qualifications do you have to decide how I want to use my power?"

Heisenberg said disdainfully, and at the same time he pointed to the sofa opposite.

"Come and I happen to have a bear's foot, and I can give you half of it."


Surprised brows furrowed even deeper.

I saw her come to Heisenberg with a fierce face, and pointed her chin at Heisenberg condescendingly.

"I was going to borrow only two Infinity Stones from you to make up for the mistakes you made earlier.

But now, I seem to have one more thing to do! "

She pointed to the crowd squatting in the distance.

"Let them go first!"

The voice fell, Heisenberg was slightly stunned, and then sneered.

I saw him sneer, and his right hand pointed hard at the sofa not far away.

"I said, sit down!"

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