Among the emerald illusion [], a secret place in the presence of Cedric written in ‘Jade New Testament’ names on the left, Cedric the new stone placed in the Ark of the Covenant, for him this sacred relic of the projection mastered addition of a little.

just as powerful divine force can leave their legends, like in a different time and space, the fourth-order Divine Item is true, they are also capable of projection of way exist in different time and space.

Cedric asked Lucifer, weak divinity get the talent is called [the divine life], divinity and weak to get the talent is called [diverse life], moderate divinity resulting talent called the [rule of life], the powerful divine gift, called high-dimensional [life].

After all, the ark of God is sacred relic origin of the universe, the fourth-order natural Divine Item, naturally projection that exist in low-dimensional universe, the origin of the universe extending.

And before Cedric in Lucifer borrowing authority has been able to help temporarily inside the ‘omniscient and omnipotent force’ borrow now he rests in another way to deepen this piece of sacred relic projection.

Cedric touched the ark brilliant shine cover, and regretted that he can only borrow the power of this sacred relic, there is no way to really bring this sacred relic away.

next moment he put away the ark of the covenant, with a smile looked projection around towards the existence of secret, “It seems we have made a good consensus.”

looked around the projection see also constantly spilling over the ‘Samsara power’ of [Six Roads of Samsara] projection, but also to think just personally felt Wei’s ‘omniscient and omnipotent force’, are friendly and the location nodded, “Wu Deng will in the new after age spread the glory of his Royal Highness. “

” polite. “Cedric looked towards his adventure group create a task, Pack of God evil, while integration of the [emerald illusion] neutral presence, his task progress rapid increase, now has a 10% completion. After

existence of secret projection have dispersed, the wisdom of ancient trees Cedric smiled and said, “It seems that everyone agree with the leadership of His Highness ah.”

I agree with the leadership? Cedric laughing ground shook the head, he still has self-knowledge.

[illusion] Emerald existence of secret who was willing to sign ’emerald of the New Testament,’ He is the first who have the wrong estimate of their strength, after all, whether it is to affect three of Wei River, and instantly solve the evil god, or revealed the ‘Samsara power’ and ‘omniscient and omnipotent power of’ too fool God.

[illusion] Jade’s secret existence can only be Cedric’s strength is positioned above the powerful divine force, but we were knocked out in the divine throne now, who do not dare to directly offend a powerful divine force above exist.

In addition to Cedric’s strength, of course, is both external threats Michael and Lucifer bet, that if the two really go to war in this universe, no matter who wins, destroyed everything here is absolutely no problem, He who after knowing the news, no way to remain neutral.

day had fallen, of course, an urgent need to come out wore a tall, old trees and intelligent endorsement of mysterious ‘powerful divine force’ Cedric who appears in His nature is a good choice, but Cedric’s prayers the name of God ‘truth crown holders, mental images of the universe developers, omnipotent wishing machine, in charge of the authority destiny and time, World Tree Lord, secretive person and Chizuru-drenched respect for life’ not fool God, also in line with Him they want to own a neutral faction leaders.

Finally, of course, is ’emerald of the New Testament’ loose fulfill their obligations and responsibilities, how to look is the big brother Cedric has several tools people want to mess Pack of the universe, and not trying to to seize the power of the universe.

“old tree, I need you to spread a message to the number ’13 Highway ‘the group of Evil God.” Cedric started playing in the twenty-sided dice he said.

“Your Highness, please say.” Wisdom of the trees has been fully backward Cedric, not just because of the World Tree seedlings, but in His wisdom really think Cedric is capable of resolving Michael and Lucifer bet people.

“He told them, Silent Hill Holy Son ceremony happened to be passing a universe of powerful divine force took a fancy to, and prepare those four monarch of hell Bai Bai wrist.”

wisdom Cedric trees soon understood the meaning, “Do you think He had prepared to fish in troubled water?”

Cedric said with a smile, “this is from the era of God, we are up to can only come to the Holy incarnation, the strength of the gap narrowing, of course, can inspire greater ambitions. “

There is nothing like a hunting harvest True God of the Holy one, and he did not believe ‘ 13 group of road ‘presence is a good little hands slipped twenty-sided dice fingertips, constantly rotating on the river of fate, the one probability amplification, gradually combined into a tributary of the fate of unreal, but Cedric standing tributaries of the source, eroding the downstream causal ······

have to say [help] Origin Star willpower to solve the evil god after his own to open the back door with nice.

table-side world within the realm, Scott brow beaded with sweat from a nightmare awakened, become Kuqiu Lin [the] salvation of believers in charge of the castle’s after, he has never done I had a nightmare, because God is [a dream] authority of those in charge of his faith.

and has started to learn extraordinary knowledge, he certainly knows just everything just dream.

He took a hot shower, dry off, lit incense, prayed up, “You are the Ruger’s son, legendary Knight, specifier fate, in charge of the sun, death and dreams authority, brilliant son, shadow Sijun, Curran bulldog, redemption owner of the castle, your humble servant pray for your coming. “

Kuqiu Lin’s voice yawned lazily in Moscow special ears, “this is how big night do not sleep ah?”

thieves looking suddenly said, “my new pope, which will not require female followers at midnight enlighten me, right? “

Scott swear, Kuqiu Lin is definitely not the most serious of God, he knew, nothing harassment of believers, so he set up the church, the first Oracle is actually set up a Saintess group, there are so vain tone True God do?

Scott sighed, “I need enlightenment from Your Highness.”

Cuchurin’s voice became lazily again, “I am not interested in men.”


Scott has a black line on his forehead, took a deep breath, “I had a terrible nightmare.”

“You had a nightmare?” Cú Chulainn came a little interest, as a [dream] clergy of those in charge, although there is no corresponding deity, he can not be 100 percent to play the power of the clergy, but by virtue of the [final Yan gun] and [salvation castle], his pope it should not be any intrusion dream of power, unless it forces itself stems from his own!

Pope as their own, although it is still God from the era, but with prayer and enhance their strength, and he can also get a portion of the power from their own here, if just to get that dream plus the power of fate ······

“I can look you dream it?”

the inquiry heard Kuqiu Lin, Paul characteristics of nodded.

After a while, Kuchurin said with a sigh, “Didn’t expect you to be so cruel, that’s a girlfriend, not food.”

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