“This is your hunting Fiend union attitude it?” Aisenweier Chen Sheng, general power and influence as the Tigers looked in front of the messenger.

“say, and even Te Lisi do not know, you can not make things difficult for a cat?” A pool of black ink as ink, drowsily said, “but we are very grateful for your help to solve the evil god thing. “

” hmph! “Aisenweier coldly snorted,” I did not feel your sincerity. “

picked up the black cat walking in front of bristles comb to lay down in front of Aisenweier “stupid saints, I allow you to brush for me, this sincerity enough yet?”

Aisenweier forehead veins throbbing, if this is not in the table side of the world, his hands really want to be the black cat stew, but his thought, and hold back, after all, is also a front of the True God, even the world on the back side, the new Him Jin True God in this World is not necessarily able to play over the other.

But bristles for a real Divine Grade other cat… As a naturalist True God, Eisenwill can’t help but feel itchy.

“ah, really comfortable.” Black Cats issued gu lu voice, “Your hands 法比特莉丝 much better, less if not previously shovel feces officer, right?”

Look to Aisenweier brow beating, they decided not to provoke the other into a black cat, “although I do not know what happened, but Te Lisi let me remind you, it is best not deeply moved by the fate of the sinking in the river rising from the stars.”

Aisenweier hands meal, it turned out to be him? After the really interesting ······

Black Cat and other leave, Silver Dragon comes into the room, “pipes not unusual, at least I did not see it.”

Then she with an uncertain tone, he said, “do you doubt him and this time we abnormalities do?”

Aisenweier slightly shook the head, walked to the window looked towards the window of the busy scene, Silver Dragon and the others of the bit cell is too low, I do not perceive this horror story.

He can perceive even a little, but not the slightest memory, which explained his memories are the greatest power surge wiped out, and be able to erase the memory of True God, thought of this, even Aisenweier body could not help trembling slightly up.

His intelligence vaguely remind him that this and related pipes, but pipes can erase the memory of a True God?

This is absolutely impossible, it may be the only the third man behind the magic pipes up, River of the third magic on the Destiny, really horror ah, thinking for a moment, Aisen Wei Seoul turned and said, “go to Smoking Barrels called up, I have something to tell him.”

After a child, bong comes into the room, his wretched said with a smile, “Gangster something told? “

Aisenweier went to the sofa before sitting down, valiant face smile,” come and sit down. “

some of kick kick bong heart, after all, he always wanted to take advantage of the big brother out of trouble, both well aware of this point, he’s a great refuge in the water, before the big brothers are on their own can not false color, is it the sun rise in the west today Up?

But big brothers a good show, as the Old Fox’s silly that he certainly would not refuse, so you’re not ugly big brother to do?

Aisenweier both hands, handing me the goblet, Aisenweier first words let him on pins and needles, “I heard you in Type-Moon world and Sakura Matou recognize the reincarnation of Christ ? “

bong eyebrows low-cis, san said with a smile,” but that happens to be Miya camp instructors, who ate meals cooked just Highness, how can you say know about it? “< / p>

“can you tell me about that reincarnation job? I’m interested in is how Sakura Matou become the reincarnation of Christ.”

Aisenweier hear the words, smoke gun did not make any not happy, after all, he has been also thinking, why Sakura Matou will open up an unprecedented world timeline in that cycle task, then the world become Christ, but limited to the level of the problem, it may not be his Best solution, now have a seven bands chiefs doubts, he certainly happy to matter. After

finished his experiences with plain language can be as objective as possible, pipes and sipped wine, want to hear Aisenweier views.

Aisenweier stood up, “I understand, you can go out.”

bong: [? · _ ·], You do not want to help Gangster Am I puzzled?

But smoker and did not dare to go against the wishes of Aisenweier, he got up and cautiously withdrew from the room.

Silver Dragon frown came over, “What do you find?”

Aisenweier mouth slightly cocked, “that he took three newcomers have a problem, and the biggest question of who should be the night, but the vision is not enough pipes, it has been stuck in the fog. “

” there are new problems? is it possible that newcomers can also become the third magic ? “Silver Dragon stunned Road, the gap between the two is too great, even though she sometimes can turn, but turn.

“Not new, but can be detached.” Aisenweier sighed, did not expect that he actually met a detached person has grown up.

can become a task in the first magic the third world, the other in Samsara World after obtained from the Lord God where resources can be imagined, now grown to what extent, even Aisenweier it is difficult to estimate, but at least is ‘in charge of the fate of the universal machine vow’ this level.

“We need to contact each other through the pipes do?” Silver Dragon inquired.

Aisenweier thought a moment, “Obviously they do not want to know his identity pipes, which is a good thing, a bad thing.”

Silver Dragon instantly understood love Sen Weier mean, bad, since the other side do not want to know his identity and pipes, so natural and the others do not want to contact him through the pipes, and the other good thing is the care pipes, at least want to maintain and tobacco The relationship with the false mentor of the gun.

“He seems very insecure ah.” Silver Dragon could not help but said with a smile, she had heard things were detached, which for various reasons, autonomous departure from the story line of their own destiny People once observed the Lord God, may also become Samsara Artist, As for the specific case, only detached themselves know.

“Does the sense of security you mean by the giant dragon carefully guarding its treasure?” Eisenwell suddenly described Cedric’s behavior.

Silver Dragon thought looked up, “so to say yes, but the ‘giant dragon’ treasure really is interesting? He really wanted to know exactly what kind of world is from detached, will be so weak attention to this emotional connection? “

” I do not know he is the world from which detached, but we’d better not touch this ‘giant dragon’ treasure, you the pipes look closely, along with the extraordinary dawn approaches, the pipes must not let an accident in our hands, I do not want to be affected fish. “Aisenweier some bad luck when he said, his only thought behind the pipes It’s just a third magic envoy, but this time the matter of God’s evil really made him take it seriously. The other party is not just a third magic envoy, but a third magic envoy who can play with himself. Make. After

It seems the Gods that he was indeed a powerful True God deluded eyes, too arrogant of.

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