Qinglian Town Laboratory.

Su Xiaobai is still working on Tailwind Move at this time.

In the lab, Butterfree is performing Tailwind Move to let Su Xiaobai record the data.

"There is no way, the current Tailwind Move learning method can only be the power of Salac Berry."

"This may be related to Gale Wings Characteristic Trait that must be activated by Salac Berry The same, after all, the learning method of Tailwind Move is based on Gale Wings Characteristic Trait."

Looking at the experimental data recorded in the notebook, Su Xiaobai slightly sighed, although this is also the study of Tailwind Move The method is obviously imperfect. After all, Salac Berry is really too rare. Even if he publishes the complete Tailwind Move learning method, no Pokemon can learn Tailwind Move.

The reason why Butterfree can feel so fast to learn Tailwind Move is that the Gust TM of system and the sand scales exchanged by system are indispensable.

"Brother Su, why don't I understand your paper?"

In the laboratory, Lin Le, who is a research assistant, is also viewing the paper.

He is very interested in a paper like Tailwind Move that might get sky Ribbon.

It's just the complicated data in the paper, and Lin Le looked a little hazy.

"There is only the theoretical data of Tailwind Move in this paper."

"The data is really amazing. It is possible to obtain the learning method of Tailwind Move through pure data derivation. "

Su Xiaobai faintly smiled and said, this is the magic of mathematics, other things may be deceiving, but mathematics can't.

Through the combination of different numbers and formulas, he feels that he can explore the infinite mystery of energy at once.

Lin Le could not help but scratch his head, and said sincerely: "Brother Su, you are indeed called a genius scholar."

"I think, you He will definitely become the most outstanding scholar."

The speaker is unintentional and the listener intends. Su Xiaobai was silent after hearing this.

Hey, I obviously want to be a trainer, why have I gone further and further along the road of Pokemon Researcher inexplicably? !

Lin Le finished with emotion, half-jokingly said: "Brother Su, can this paper directly win the sky Ribbon!"

"It’s hard to say, because of the Tailwind Move The learning method is not complete.” Su Xiaobai frowned. After all, to evaluate the score of a paper, in addition to the value of the paper itself, his contribution to the Pokemon world is also a big measure of it. If he can master the simple learning method of Tailwind Move, it is still It's easy to say, but relying on Salac Berry will greatly limit the value of the paper itself. As long as you can get a nomination, it is already a very honorable thing.

"This is not complete enough. Pokemon Researcher is really difficult to be a candidate." Lin Le opened his mouth, slightly sighed.

After that, he changed his words: "Since you showed the Tailwind Move, Brother Su, many people have already submitted applications to study Tailwind Move. However, according to your request from Brother Su, I I gave them one after another and rejected them."

"It is not the time yet. Only when the problem of resources required for training Tailwind Move is solved can we truly complete the study of Tailwind Move."

Wei Wei shook the head, Su Xiaobai got up and left the research room, and walked towards the orchard, intending to see the planting of Salac Berry trees.

If you can't solve the problem of the resources needed for Tailwind Move learning, then you can only start from Salac Berry itself.

As long as the Salac Berry tree is successfully planted, but coupled with the Tailwind Move learning method in his hands, he is still very sure of obtaining the sky Ribbon.

When the time comes, Sky Ribbon may have 100,000 resource points in the account with these papers he published, which is a very big gain.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the air: "Su Xiaobai, are you there?"

Su Xiaobai looked up suspiciously and saw Sky in the orchard. A Pidgeot quickly dived down from the air.

As Pidgeot fell, a gust of wind blew the entire orchard, the Berry Tree was blown torsion, and the Leafage rustled.

"Yes, Lin Meng Gym Leader, why are you here?"

Su Xiaobai retracted his hand in front of him, while looking depressed at Lin Meng Gym Leader who fell from the sky.

Plus the last time, every time this Lin Meng Gym Leader came to the Laboratory, he seemed to come from heaven.

Lin Meng is wearing a flying suit and his body is wrapped tightly. After seeing Su Xiaobai, he can’t wait to say: "Scholar Su, have you completed the Tailwind Move study?"

" Well, it is indeed finished."

"But if you want to really learn Tailwind Move, you still need Salac Berry."

Su Xiaobai shrugged, making the Lin Meng in front of him Gym Leader is a little stunned again.

After that, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, took out some information from the backpack and handed it to Su Xiaobai.

“these all are the information about Salac Berry that I have obtained by relying on the identity of Flying Attribute Gym Leader, may have Help for you.”

“In addition, I came to Rui City this time , Is to invite you to participate in the Sky Festival, the time is 1 month later, when the spring breeze is dawning."

Received the Salac Berry resource and an invitation letter handed over by Lin Meng Gym Leader, Su Xiaobai slightly Nodded, this Lin Meng Gym Leader is really interesting.

It's just a pity that the system store cannot be exposed, otherwise he really wants to exchange a Salac Berry for this Lin Meng Gym Leader.

After sending the information and the invitation letter, Lin Meng Gym Leader also got up and said goodbye. The sharp-eyed Su Xiaobai directly saw Lin Meng Gym Leader’s backpack. There seemed to be many invitation letters. It seems that Lin Meng Gym Leader came to the Laboratory today, besides asking about Tailwind Move news, he also acts as a messenger.

After Lin Meng Gym Leader left, Su Xiaobai took the information directly to the Salac Berry planting area in the mountainside of the orchard.

Just as he approached, he heard a sound of birdsong. At this time, the Salac Berry planting area was protected by a group of birds, Pokemon.

When I came to the Salac Berry planting area, I immediately saw a two-person tall Salac Berry tree. Compared to the previous seedlings, the Berry Tree has grown very fast.

Of course, Su Xiaobai also knows that the normal growth of the Salac Berry tree is only the beginning, and the most important thing next is to make the Salac Berry tree bear fruit.

Just like the previous Bai Zhi Berry tree has been unable to produce results, the Salac Berry tree has to overcome a lot of difficulties.

"Thanks for your hard work, Bai Zhi."

Looking at Bai Zhi, Su Xiaobai faintly smiled and said while directing Fletchling to perform Tailwind Move while recording data.

The past few days, after Su Xiaobai successfully put forward the "Wind Force" theory, Bai Zhi also seems to have some new ideas, and experiments are underway at this time.

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