Pokemon Research Union Flying Attribute Division.

Yang Yu Committee Member dressed meticulously, sitting at the desk reviewing the papers.

At this time, there is already a thick pile of papers stacked on his desk. This is a habit of him, and he likes to print out the papers for review.

"Huh, the last three papers."

"Sure enough, procrastination is not a good thing. After the papers are piled up, it will be too laborious to review."


Yang Yu Committee Member rubbed the eyes that were swollen due to long hours of work, and again took a paper and placed it on the table.

Suddenly, Yang Yu Committee Member shook his hand, staring at the paper in front of him with Tongling eyes.

"Research on Tailwind Move"

Although it is just a few simple words, it makes Yang Yu Committee Member directly refer to the mind.

dong dong dong.

At this time, Yang Yu Committee Member can clearly hear his own heartbeat, it is so rush.

After a long time, his heartbeat slowly calmed down, shaking hands and turning over the paper in front of him.

The first thing that caught his eye was the data and formulas. The complexity was like the stars on the sky, but there were mysterious laws in the complexity.

"These energy data and energy models..."

"The learning method of Tailwind Move was actually derived?"

Yang Yu Committee Member Wrinkle He raised his eyebrows, and then quickly picked up the pen to calculate. As the pen rose and fell, his expression continued to become dignified.

While counting, his pen tip suddenly paused and looked towards an energy formula in front of him with doubts.

"The result of this formula represents the energy required to learn Tailwind Move..."

"But the energy required for this is too large. I want to get such a huge amount in an instant. Even Flying Attribute gems can hardly provide the energy!"

"Does this deduced learning method only exist in theory?"

Yang Yu The Committee Member pondered and came to a conclusion that made him a little surprised, but from the results, these energy conversion formulas were completely established!

Now, although he intends to experiment with the method in the paper, the energy in the learning method has silenced him a bit.

After thinking twice, he put the Tailwind Move paper aside first, then picked up the next paper and read it.

"Fetchling's Gale Wings Characteristic Trait"

Looking at the words Characteristic Trait in the paper, Yang Yu Committee Member quickly flipped through it.

Since Su Xiaobai put forward the concept of Characteristic Trait, many scholars immediately invested in the research of Characteristic Trait.

Now, by looking at the name of the Characteristic Trait, you can see that this should be related to the energy of the Flying Attribute.

Slightly relaxed, Yang Yu Committee Member opened the paper and read it.

But at the next moment, one of his hearts was raised again, and then he violently returned his gaze to the previous Tailwind Move paper.

This so-called Gale Wings Characteristic Trait, although the data and energy model are completely different, it uses the same theoretical system as Tailwind Move.

Vaguely, he suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar, and he couldn't help but focus on the last unreviewed paper.

"About the Application of Wind Force"

Looking at the title of this paper, Sun Ke Committee Member was moved.

As the paper was opened, he suddenly felt a very familiar feeling, vaguely feeling where he had seen it.

"The previous Miao City Bug Type Laboratory co-published a paper."

"The title of the paper seems to be "On the Application of Bug Force", these two papers seem to be somewhat Similar?"

Took a deep breath, Yang Yu Committee Member read the information of the paper "On the Application of Bug Force".

The "About the Application of Bug Force" thesis started from the common points of Swarm Characteristic Trait and Struggle Bug Move, and summarized the "Bug Force".

The paper "On the Application of Wind Force" before it also obtained "Wind Force" through a similar method.

Through comparison, he surprisingly found that the two papers use the same theoretical system, and even the method and process of deduction are exactly the same!

"Didn't expect, Tailwind Move's learning method is actually derived like this."

"However, the data energy of Gale Wings Characteristic Trait is obviously much stronger than that of Swarm. This also makes the energy required to learn Tailwind Move equally huge."

"It seems that this Tailwind Move only has a theoretical learning method, and it seems that it is not that simple to succeed."


Yang Yu Committee Member calmed down a bit, and began to think about how to give the review results of these three papers.

Although he thinks that Tailwind Move's learning method has some problems, there is indeed a theoretical possibility of success.

Together with the discovery of Gale Wings Characteristic Trait and the "Wind Force" summary of the use of Flying Attribute energy, these three articles In Literature there is of great significance.

He checked the "Struggle Bug Move" and "About the Application of Bug Force" papers, and wrote down his review results.


"Yang Yu, did you see the newspaper this morning?"

"Tailwind Move, someone has mastered the study of Tailwind Move That's it!"

The excitement of Sun Ke Committee Member will be heard at the Flying Attribute paper review Committee Member, and today the Committee Member will be on duty with Yang Yu Committee Member.

After a while, the door to the Committee Member meeting was opened. Yang Yu Committee Member was a little dissatisfied: "Sun Ke Committee Member, this is the committee member audit meeting, can you be quiet?"


"Oh, I'm so excited, Tailwind Move, someone has successfully mastered the learning method of Tailwind Move!" Sun Ke Committee Member said unabated.

"What do you think of the Tailwind Move learning method?"

"I just completed the review of this paper before."

"However, I feel that This learning method seems to be only theoretically possible."

Yang Yu Committee Member thought about opening the mouth and said. He has also tried many times before and found that it is indeed very difficult to increase the energy intensity to That kind of standard.

It's like using a lot of Flying Energy Gems. Although it can increase the concentration of Flying Attribute energy, the intensity is still much worse.

Perhaps, only the flying energy gemstone of that top grade can approach the flying attribute energy of that intensity.

Sun Ke Committee Member was a little puzzled. At the same time, he saw three papers on the table. Eyes shined and said, "Is this the review paper completed today?"

Said, Sun Ke Committee Member also walked quickly, anyway, the paper review has been given, and he can check it sooner or later.

"so that's how it is, this Tailwind Move learning method is the same as the Swarm learning method is a deduction!"

Sun Ke Committee Member's expression is solemn, until he will After reading the content of this paper, he took a deep breath, feeling a little bit in his heart.

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