Hear Shi Xifeng's explanation.

The audience felt a little relieved.

But they became confused again

:"Um?! Looking at this beginning, the Death Star should be the source of an impact on the earth!"

:"If the charged particles from the Death Star cannot penetrate the earth's electromagnetic barrier, how can they affect humans?!"


:"So what's going on?! What exactly will this Death Star bring to the earth?!"

Island province.

Vacation villa.

The three giants of science fiction have different views from Shi Xifeng.

Lane said:

"Judging from the energy intensity of the Death Star's bright light, it is very likely that some charged particles penetrated the earth's electromagnetic barrier"

"Even if no charged particles penetrate the barrier, there must be other uncharged particles penetrating the barrier!"

Green also nodded:

"Anyway, some particles must have spread to the earth!"

"After all, the radiation energy of the Death Star's bright light is too strong!"

In the next week, the night sky around the world was filled with red light bands.

A week later, the aurora disappeared completely.

But the last and most magnificent movement of this cosmic symphony played by supernovae Appeared - a glowing nebula appeared at the location where the Death Star appeared a few days ago!

This large nebula is radiating and shaped like a rose.

People call it - the Rose Nebula!

The Rose Nebula is in the sky It emits a solemn and mysterious blue light.

When this light shines on the earth, it turns into silver like moonlight.

From then on, the Rose Nebula will shine on human history!

Until the species that ruled the earth after the dinosaurs is destroyed or lives forever!

The audience was stunned marvel

:"Rose Nebula?! I really don’t know how beautiful this scene will be!"

:"Qin Feng's romance is of a cosmic level!"

:"For example, in The Three-Body Problem, Yun Tianming gave Cheng Xin a star, and later a small universe.......And the place where the two of them had their only date......"

:"Now another rose-shaped nebula"

:"It’s all cosmic romance!"

:"And that last sentence, does it mean that the Rose Nebula will always exist there?! It won't be like the explosion of the Death Star. It will only exist for a short time."

:"By the way, the Death Star explosion happened a long time ago. Helium flashes began in 1767 AD."

The emergence of the Death Star is undoubtedly a major event for the human world.

And from an astronomical point of view, this supernova explosion is just around the corner.......No, it should be said to be close to the eyelashes!

But even so, the world's obsession with it lasted only about half a month.

Although the scientific community has just begun to study it, ordinary people are already immersed in their ordinary lives again.

People's interest in supernovae is limited to how big the Rosette Nebula has grown and how its shape has changed.

However, this kind of attention is also of a leisure nature. Very few people know about the impact of the Death Star on humans on Earth! A month after the supernova explosion. Summer vacation is almost over. Two days before the start of school, the principal of that elementary school asked Zheng Chen to assemble the children in her class again. And this order comes from the Dragon Kingdom Education Committee! There were forty-five children, two of whom were studying in other places, so they were not gathered back to their alma mater. The remaining forty-three children returned to their alma mater. Zheng Chen and the children waited in the classroom for half an hour, not knowing what to do. Until a large car and a small car stopped in front of the teaching building. Three people got out of the car, and the middle-aged man in charge was named Zhang Lin! The principal introduced that they were from the"Long Kingdom Extraordinary Committee"

"——A newly established organization!

The audience were all shocked

:"The Death Star's impact on Earth is finally here!"

:"extraordinary committee......The name sounds very special as soon as it sounds, and it is still newly established." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

:"What impact did the Death Star have on mankind?"

:"Is it possible that these children can have super powers?!"

:"It’s not cleared, but the Death Star must have had an impact on humans on Earth! Little is known about the impact of the Death Star on humans on Earth......It can be seen from this sentence."

Zhang Lin said to Zheng Chen that they were very pressed for time now and had to take the children into the car. Zheng Chen also followed.

Then he asked the children and Zheng Chen to get into the big car.

The big car took 40 people with them. The three children left the city and drove all the way to Xishan. They drove on a secluded mountain road in the jungle for a while and drove into a compound.

At this time, there was a large parked in the compound that was exactly the same as the one they were riding in. A big car!

Groups of children just got off the car. They were all about the same age as the children in Zheng Chen's class.


Zheng Chen met an acquaintance, a male teacher from Shanghai.[]

After communicating with him,

Zheng Chen learned that there were about a thousand students in this courtyard.

There are twenty-four classes in total, from five cities.

These twenty-four classes all have one thing in common - they are all [Starlight Class]!

(Starlight Class: This is a large-scale teaching experiment started by the Education Commission four years ago. A group of primary school classes were selected in major cities across the country to focus on cultivating students' comprehensive abilities.)

These more than 20 classes are all Gathered urgently.

Even this male teacher and his class were arranged to come on a special plane!

Seeing this, the audience realized something was wrong

:"Um?! What's happening here?!"

:"If children acquire potential superpowers under the influence of the Death Star's strong light, they should not only select students from the Starlight Class, but screen them on a large scale."

:"How come they are all students from the Starlight Class?!"

:"Students who were previously focused on developing comprehensive abilities......It's more like these students are needed to do something more important."

:"hiss! I'm already starting to feel a fog——"

:"What is the purpose of gathering these children?"

:"What impact did the Death Star have on Earth?"

Early the next morning, the children got into the car and came to a valley.

After getting off the bus, thousands of students gathered in an open space next to the highway.

A person in charge stood on a big rock and spoke to them :

"Children, you have come here from all over the country, and now I tell you the purpose of your visit——"

"We are going to make a big game!"

The person in charge had a serious face and didn't look like he was playing games at all.

Only the children were excited.

The audience became more curious.

Playing games?!

So many people from all over the country gathered in an emergency just to play games?!


This is definitely not an ordinary game!.

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